Bali Promotion Center

Bali Promotion Center
Bali Promotion Center Media Promosi Online

November 20, 2010

Conferences and seminars during January up to December 2010 in Bali

November 2010
22 Geothermal Energy Asia Pacific Conference Bali
 24 JOINT CONFERENCE ON ICT for Development and Sustainabilitya Bali
29 Transfer of Technology in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry Yogyakarta

December 2010
01 BALI Global Healing Conference & Film Festival Ubud, Bali
08 2nd Indonesia Mining 2010 Bali

 Transparency International: Scenes From A Global Anti-Corruption Summit - The Global UNCAC Coalition in Action
January 28 - February 1st.2010

the 11th Special Session of the Governing Council UNEP,Bali

Andrew Grant Keynote: "Building the Corporate Village". ( ) Sample Keynote from Merrill Lynch Asian conference Bali. Andrew Grant Andrew Grant ( ) looks at the challenges of building a sustainable company culture by comparing it with past and present village community based examples. This keynote is often combined in Bali with the participants actually building a Balinese village and learning first hand from the locals about the importance of community

Hundreds of delegates are gathered in Bali, Indonesia for yet another meeting to address mankind biggest challenge, the environment. The meeting in Bali has brought together ministers and experts to discuss biodiversity and the green economy.

International Women's Conference, hosted by the Art of Living, is coming up in March 2010, Bali.

In April 2010, Tony Robbins holds his flagship event in exotic Bali (first time ever held) - a wonderful location that will never be closer to home.Tony points out that there is no more powerful way to integrate what you learn into your future daily life than if you undergo the transformation with someone who is significant in your life now.

Official video of the FIABCI 61 World Congress Bali, Indonesia.
The Dubais meeting in November 2009 appointed Indonesia to host the FIABCI 61st World Congress, which will be held in the country's famous island of Bali on May 24 28, 2010.

Presiden SBY Membuka Pesta Kesenian Bali Ke -32

Vom Meister Zylinders auf Bali grüßen alle Teilnehmer und Solara die deutschsprachigen Ankergruppen in aller Welt ... das Video enthaelt auch die Anleitung fuer das Mudra zum 9. Tor.
Die Aktivierung des 9. Tores findet statt am Montag, 25. Okober 2010

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