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November 30, 2010

car free day at kuta Bali

Sunday, 28 November 2010
Kuta launches weekly car-free period
Desy Nurhayati, The Jakarta Post, Denpasar | Mon, 11/29/2010 11:41 AM | Bali

Jl. Legian was visibly different on Saturday night as tourists and locals roamed freely during the first ever car-free period along the street, which usually has bumper to bumper traffic.

Visitors were seen walking and gathering at the crowded night spot as the area was free of traffic and pollution from cars and motorcycles.

Jl. Legian, and Kuta in general, is known for its notorious traffic. The gridlock is worst on Saturday night when youths from Denpasar and Badung, as well as tourists, flock to the world-famous strip to taste its colorful nightlife.

From 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., the street was closed to motorized vehicles from Patik Jelantik junction, all the way down to the Bemo Corner junction.

Motorists were instructed to take an alternative route or park at the parking area in Patih Jelantik.

Among those joining the crowd were a group of 50 people from the Samas cycling club from Denpasar and Badung.

They gathered at their meeting point, the Ground Zero monument, to start an unusual night trip by bicycle around the area.

“We’re here to enjoy the different ambience in the street. This is phenomenal,” Samas Denpasar chairman Endra Datta said.

“Who would have thought that the most crowded street in Bali would be closed to vehicles,” he added.

Cyclists hailed the program as “extraordinary” and said they expected it to be a regular occurrence every Saturday night.

“We fully support this program. This area should be free of vehicles and should be dedicated to pedestrians and cyclists,” Samas Badung chairman I Made Darwi added.

He said it would be better if the vehicle-free area was expanded to other crowded streets in Kuta, referring to Kuta’s 1997 no-parking zone policy, which prohibited motorists from parking cars in several designated roads in Kuta.

The policy failed because it lacked public support. “We expect the public, tourists and residents in this area to support this new policy. This could be the start of a new, greener Kuta.”

Locals and foreign tourists also expressed pleasure with the vehiclefree zone.

“This is good. We can walk safely without cars and motorcycles around us,” Dutch tourist Ad Verhoeven, who walked around the Ground Zero monument with friends, said.

Some tourists said they were surprised, adding that they didn’t know why the road was closed.

Kristin Halvorsen from Norway said a police offi cer stopped her scooter at the junction of Jl. Legian.

“I thought there was a bomb threat or something. I was on my way from Seminyak to Poppies,” she said, laughing.

“It is good that they have this kind of activity, especially if it is for an environmental purpose makes tourists feel more comfortable and safe,” she said.

Kuta Police officers and pecalang (traditional Bali guards) were seen monitoring the street.

Kuta Police chief Adj. Comr. I Gede Ganefo said the activity was aimed at easing traffic gridlock in the tourist hub.

“We will conduct a car-free period every Saturday night in this area and we will continue to evaluate it to avoid any problems,” he said.

Jalan Legian, pada hari Sabtu malam tanggal 27 November 2010 tampak lain. Jalan yang biasanya sesak dan padat oleh lalu lintas kendaraan yang lewat maupun yang nge-tem, malam minggu lalu dipadati orang lalu-lalang. Hanya sesekali tampak sepeda gayung melintas.

Malam itu, atas prakarsa Kapolsek Kuta, AKP Gede Ganefo, dan bekerjasama dengan desa adat setempat, memberlakukan Car Free Day di sepanjang ruas Jalan Legian. Panjang jalan yang diberlakukan CFD adalah satu kilometer, membentang dari pertigaan Jalan Patih Jelantik, belok kiri ke Jalan Legian, melewati Ground Zero dan berakhir di pertigaan Jalan Pantai. Aktivitas ini di dukung oleh semua gerai, toko, tempat hiburan, hotel dan fasilitas lain di sepanjang jalan tersebut. Tampak malam itu beberapa petugas pecalang desa adat dan aparat kepolisian mengamati suasana.

Informasi yang saya peroleh dari Kapolsek Kuta bahwa telah disiapkan lahan parkir bagi mereka yang ingin berkunjung ke tempat hiburan di seputar Jalan Legian. Areal parkir tersebut antara lain: di wilayah Utara bertempat di Pasar Pagi Legian, Simpang Empat Legian, Lapangan Trisakti, areal depan Pura Dalem (Jl. Patih Jelantik), dan di Timur SD 3 Legian. Lokasi parkir ini dijaga dan diawacar free day at kuta Bali si oleh aparat desa adat setempat.

Pemberlakukan CFD di Jalan Legian termasuk unik. Hal ini disebabkan jadwal CFD yang berlangsung mulai malam hari yakni Sabtu jam 22.00 WITA sampai dengan hari Minggu jam 05.00 WITA. Padahal di kota-kota lain di Bali bahkan di Indonesia, diselenggarakan sejak pagi hingga siang hari.

Ada perkecualian dalam pelaksanaan CFD Legian yakni bagi kendaraan yang mengantar tamu check in maupun check out dari hotel di kawasan tersebut. Juga bagi hal-hal yang bersifat emergency, disiapkan ambulance dan mobil patroli kepolisian sektor Kuta yang siaga di Ground Zero.

Selain Jalan Legian, kawasan lainnya di seputar Kuta tetap bisa dilalui kendaraan.

November 29, 2010

Bali Today

» Berita Ekonomi/Pariwisata
30 Nopember 2010 | Bali Pos
Ekonomi Bali 2010 Sektor Pertanian Gagal Tumbuh
Pertumbuhan ekonomi Bali triwulan III 2010 mengalami peningkatan. Peningkatan itu didorong sektor perdagangan dan pariwisata. Sementara sektor pertanian yang merupakan sektor primer pertumbuhan ekonomi Bali terkesan lamban dan mengalami penurunan. Bahkan memasuki triwulan III tahun ini, sektor investasi dan pertanian Bali makin tercecer. Sektor ini gagal tumbuh meyakinkan sepanjang tahun ini. Sumbangan dari sektor tersebut terus tergerus hingga menjadi 19,37 persen.

SECARA komulatif, sektor perdangangan, hotel dan restoran (PHR) menjadi sektor unggulan dalam mendongkrak pertumbuhan ekonomi Bali 2010. Dengan nominal Rp 6,691 miliar pada triwulan III, ketiga sektor ini mampu berkontribusi 32,36 persen atau tumbuh 5,51 persen dibandingkan periode yang sama 2009. Sedangkan sektor pertanian mempunyai andil terhadap ekonomi Bali 19,37 persen dengan nominal Rp 4,005 miliar.

Hal itu serasi dengan karakteristik perekonomian Bali yang didominasi industri pariwisata. ''Dengan tingkat efisiensi teknikal relatif tinggi, sektor tersebut dapat menjadi fokus alokasi sumber daya ekonomi,'' ucap Pemimpin Bank Indonesia Denpasar, Jeffrey Kairupan di Denpasar, Senin (29/11) kemarin.

Dikatakan, ada tiga sektor lainnya yang memiliki efisiensi teknikal yang relatif rendah yakni sektor bangunan, sektor angkutan dan komunikasi serta sektor industri pengolahan. ''Meski gangguan keamanan maupun terorisme memberikan dampak kontraksi ekonomi yang relatif singkat, namun pencegahan terhadap kasus-kasus serupa tetap harus dilakukan untuk mempertahakan kinerja pertumbuhan ekonomi Bali,'' ungkapnya.

Jeffrey menyatakan periode kontraksi yang relatif panjang terjadi saat shock pada fundamental ekonomi, seperti saat terjadi krisis ekonomi tahun 1997-1998 serta saat terjadinya krisis keuangan global yang dimulai 2008.

Menurutnya, perlu dilakukan kebijakan yang dapat mewujudkan fungsi produksi Bali yang bersifat increasing return to scale. Beberapa langkah yang ditempuh seperti pemberian insentif dana pada sektor produksi Bali, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kapasitas produksi. ''Injeksi teknologi baru yang dapat meningkatkan produktivitas faktor produksi juga diperlukan untuk memperbaiki kinerja produksi Bali,'' sebutnya.

Jeffry optimistis, pertumbuhan ekonomi Bali 2010 mencapai enam persen. Ini berdasarkan pertumbuhan ekonomi hingga triwulan III 2010 yang mencapai 5,63 persen dan telah mendekati target akhir tahun sebesar 5,66 persen. ''Kami perkirakan ekonomi Bali 2010 akan meningkat signifikan melebihi target yakni mencapai 6 persen,'' sebutnya.

Karo Ekbank Provinsi Bali, Drs. Wayan Tegeg, M.T., juga mengatakan, pertumbuhan ekonomi Bali triwulan III 2010 mengalami peningakatan. Kebijakan pemerintah dalam memajukan perekonomian daerah melalui PAD, pariwisata budaya, kegiatan agama merupakan langkah bagus.

Sementara sektor pertanian yang merupakan sektor primer pertumbuhan ekonomi Bali, diakui Tegeg terkesan lamban dan mengalami penurunan. Hal itu disebabkan oleh musim yang tidak menentu, sehingga sangat berpengaruh pada sirkulasi hasil pertanian.

Pejabat Madya Senior BI Denpasar, Rusdi Harsono, dalam kesempatan tersebut juga mengakui, hingga memasuki triwulan III tahun ini sektor investasi dan pertanian Bali makin tercecer. Sektor ini gagal tumbuh meyakinkan sepanjang tahun ini. Sumbangan dari sektor tersebut terus tergerus hingga menjadi 19,37 persen.

Terkait kondisi perbankan secara umum sepanjang tahun ini, diakui Rusdi, mengalami peningkatan baik dari sisi kredit maupun penghimpunan dana pihak ketiga. Kredit konsumsi dan modal kerja masih mendominasi. Sementara kredit investasi dan pertanian masih sangat kecil. Kredit investasi hanya 17,37 persen dari total kredit yang disalurkan perbankan. Sedangkan kredit perbankan untuk pertanian lebih kecil lagi yakni hanya 2,43 persen dari total kredit. ''Total kredit yang disalurkan hingga triwulan III mencapai Rp 22,574 triliun,'' tuturnya. (par)

» Berita Ajeg Bali
30 Nopember 2010 | BP
Kata-Kata Emas Bhagawadgita
7. Pada penutupan setiap kalpa (umur dunia), oh Arjuna, semua makhluk kembali ke Sifat (Prakriti) Ku. Dan pada permulaan kalpa yang berikutnya, Ku kirim mereka kembali keluar.
8. Melalui PrakritiKu, Ku ciptakan berulang-ulang semua makhluk yang (amat besar jumlahnya ini), yang tak berdaya, karena berada di bawah kendali Sang Alam (Prakriti).
Semua makhluk datang dari Sang Maya, dari Sang Prakriti, pada saat diproyeksikan (evolusi) dan kembali ke Sang Prakriti lagi pada saat akhir setiap kalpa, dan keluar atau tercipta lagi selanjutnya pada penciptaan baru berikutnya, dan kembali lagi dan begitulah seterusnya. Semua ini adalah pekerjaan Sang MayaNya Sang Kreshna, Sang Brahman dalam bentuk asliNya. Semua terikat pada hukum alam yang diciptakanNya tetapi la sendiri tak pernah terikat pada semua itu.
9. Semua tindakan ini, oh Arjuna, tidak mengikatKu, karena Aku bersemayam jauh dari mereka (perbuatan ciptaan-ciptaan ini dan karma-karma mereka), tak terikat pada perbuatan-perbuatan ini.
10. Begitulah, diperintahkan olehKu, maka alam menciptakan semuanya, yang bergerak maupun yang tak bergerak, dan begitulah, oh Arjuna, dunia ini pun berputar.

» Surat Pembaca
29 Nopember 2010 | BP
Suasana Bali 70-an di Sulawesi
Suasana Bali tahun 70-an yang aman, indah, damai, rukun, saling menyapa, saling menolong dan peduli sesama ternyata ada di Sulawesi. Perjalanan dua jam dari Kota Palu, ibu kota Sulawesi Tengah melewati pegunungan kebun kopi untuk sampai di Kota Parigi. Dari Parigi, Mekar Sari, Tolai sampai Sausu, yaitu jalan Trans Sulawesi, jutaan warga Bali peserta transmigrasi yang berangkat pada rentang waktu 1968 sampai 1976 telah menuai keberhasilan. Di sepanjang jalan kita menyaksikan rumah-rumah warga Bali lengkap dengan merajan, pura paibon, pura desa dan berbagai tempat pemujaan yang kemegahannya tidak kalah dengan yang ada di Bali.

Jika duduk di pinggir jalan, setiap orang lewat menawari kita untuk diantar, padahal dia bukan ojek. Di saat Galungan, penjor berderet sepanjang jalan, sejauh mata memandang. Rumah-rumah dibiarkan terbuka tanpa tembok permanen. Setelah bekerja di ladang, di sore hari, warga berkumpul di halaman rumah seorang warga untuk mengobrol tentang kampung halaman di Bali, tentang saudara-saudara yang masih di Bali, membantu membersihkan buah kakao atau sekadar bertegur sapa. Menjelang malam, tuan rumah mempersilakan semua tamunya untuk makan malam, lengkap dengan ikan terinya, sambal dan acar mentimun. ''Kalau cuma makanan kami selalu ada, walau dengan lauk seadanya,'' kata mereka selalu.

Beda dengan kita di Bali yang setiap hari menekuk kening, umumnya saudara-saudara kita di rantau gemar menebar senyum, ramah dan suka menolong. Mereka rata-rata sangat bahagia dan bersyukur memutuskan bertransmigrasi. Penyebab kematian juga tunggal, yaitu karena sakit atau usia tua. Beda dengan kita di Bali yang memiliki berbagai penyebab mati; kecelakaan, perkelahian antarkampung, perkelahian antarwarga, narkoba, HIV/AIDS, rabies, DB dan beribu penyebab lainnya. Di tanah rantau, semuanya masih murni. Air belum tercemar, laut masih bersih dan makanan belum terkontaminasi racun.
Ketut Widana

Br. Muncan, Kapal,

Mengwi, Badung

November 28, 2010

Bali Ditarget Jadi Pusat Pengembangan Budaya Dunia

Bali Ditarget Jadi Pusat Pengembangan Budaya Dunia, Denpasar, Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono punya target untuk menjadikan Bali sebagai pusat pengembangan budaya dunia.

Target ini sebagai bagian dari rencana presiden untuk
mewujudkan World Cultural Forum atau Forum Kebudayaan Dunia. Dimana pertemuan rutin dari Forum Kebudayaan Dunia akan diselenggarakan diBali.

Target ini Disampaikan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono saat Pidato pembukaan Pesta Kesenian Bali ke-32 di Taman Budaya Art Centre Denpasar Bali.

Menurut Yudhoyono, Bali telah mampu menjadi jembatan antara budaya lokal dan global. Selain itu interaksi budaya terjadi di Bali sehingga melahirkan sikap kesadaran multi kultural.

“Dari Bali mari kita persembahkan kepada dunia, sebuah warna-warni budaya yang indah. Warna warni yang menjembatani harmoni di antara kebudayaan dan umat manusia yangberbeda-beda,” tegas Presiden

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono menyampaikan Bali selama ini telah mampu menjaga kebudayaan yang menjadi identitas bangsa. Kemampuan Bali menjaga kebudayaan telah
menjadikan Bali sebagai daerah tujuan wisata dunia. (mlt)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia is to host a World Culture Forum in Bali in 2012 to realize its dream of becoming the world`s cultural center, Culture and Tourism Minister Jero Wacik said. "Our plan to host the World Cultural Forum 2012 in Bali is related to our dream to make Indonesia the world`s cultural center," the minister said.Indonesia deserves the honor to be the world`s cultural center on account of the high degree of its cultural diversity, he said. In fact, Indonesia was the most culturally diverse nation in the Asia Pacific region, he added. "It is very hard and takes time to achieve our dream to become a center of technology. But becoming the world`s cultural center is a more achievable goal because of our high cultural diversity," he said. Indonesia was one of the cradles of local wisdoms that became the roots of the cultures of other nations and if this fact was discussed and studied more deeply, the results could become a contribution to the solution of global problems, Jero said.

The plan to host the World Culture Forum 2012 was one of the country`s efforts to become the world`s cultural center. The dream actually began in 2008 when a team led by the late Ali Alatas was formed to pioneer its realization, he said.

However, the World Cultural Forum was postponed due to the global crisis.
"Now we are to host the World Culture Forum in Indonesia and the best venue for it is Bali," he said.

Jero said if Davos in Switzerland had hosted the World Economic Forum (WEF), Indonesia was now planning to host the World Culture Forum which was just as important as the WEF, he said.

Meanwhile, Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Rector Prof. Dr. Sudjarwadi said it was time for Asia to be the world`s cultural center.

He recalled that Europe had become the world`s cultural center in the 19th century, and America in 20th century. Now, in the 21st century, it was Asia`s turn to be the world`s cultural center, he said.

UGM was ready to support the World Cultural Forum 2012 in Bali and in this context would host a culture-related international event, Wisdom 2000, in Yogyakarta on November 8-11.

He hoped Wisdom 2000 would be Indonesia`s initial step toward hosting the World Culture Forum 2012.

November 27, 2010

Rambini Berlayar dari California ke Bali

Rob Rambini Proudly Welcomed in Bali after Sailing Solo from California

Posted on 4 Apr 2011 at 02:19
After sailing solo for over 10,000 miles across the Pacific Ocean, Rob ”Rama” Rambini  finally arrived at the Balima Pier,Tanjung Benoa Port, Bali at 01.30 am. Western Indonesia Time on Saturday, April 2nd 2011. The Italian born Indonesian citizen began this long voyage from Oakland, California, United States of America on May 8th 2010. The journey, which took 10 months and 27 days, landed Rob in the pages of the Indonesian Museum of Records (MURI) as the first Indonesian ever to sail solo from California to Bali.  The MURI certificate of recognition no. 4810/R.MURI/IV/2011 was handed by MURI representative attended by DR. Sapta Nirwandar,  Director General for Tourism Marketing of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia at the Serambi Mariana, Tanjung Benoa Port, Bali.
Upon arrival, the tired and shabby looking sailor was immediately hugged by his mother, KRAY Tri Sutijikamal. “I want to say thank you to the government and everyone involved in this. I want to meet my mom, whom I have not seen for quite a while. It’s been 30 years since my last visit to Indonesia. I almost fell asleep on my way to Bali, everything feels new here”, said Rob as reported by He also stated that in his younger years he often traveled to many parts of the world in search of new experiences. “My intention to come to Indonesia is because I have been longing to see my mother; that is my motivation”, he added.
The 53 year-old veteran sailor set sail in a 30 feet (10 meters) Jensen Marine Cal 30 sailboat named Kona. Rob self funded the voyage that cost him no less than 250 million rupiahs. Detikcom reported that Rob carried 7 sails, with two broken sails and 2 other patched sails. “This is a small boat for a long voyage”, he said. Rob sailed out from California to Hawaii, then down to the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, later to Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea before finally reaching Bali. 
He almost forfeited his voyage when a 12 meters high wave hit him just three days off the coast of San Francisco. “My sail was torn, making it difficult to sail. There are only two options; head back or continue sailing into the nearest island in Hawaii. Fighting desperation, I decided to go on with the journey”, said Rob as reported by
Sapta Nirwandar stated that Rob Rambini’s quest gave a positive value for Indonesia's tourism promotion. Rob has shown to the world that Indonesia as an archipelagic nation is potential to be developed as a world class sailing and marine tourism destination.
“We ought to be justly proud of Rob Rambini, who has managed to sail across the Pacific Ocean all on his own. This can be used as a motivation and to encourage the spirit of the youth. Rob Rambini’s accomplishment is also solid proof that we are still great seafarers today, as were our ancestors” added Sapta.

 Rambini Berlayar dari California ke Bali

Rambini Berlayar dari California ke Bali
Rob Rambini (
Denpasar (ANTARA News) - Rob Rambini, putra salah seorang pianis terkenal Trisutji Kamal, berlayar seorang diri menggunakan kapal tipe Jensen Marine Cal 30 dari California, Amerika Serikat, menuju Pulau Bali.

Rob dalam siaran persnya yang diterima ANTARA di Denpasar, Sabtu berharap, dirinya menjadi orang pertama Indonesia yang bisa menempuh pelayaran seorang diri dari California ke Bali.

Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Roma, Italia dan hidup puluhan tahun di AS itu mengatakan, pelayaran dimulai 8 Mei 2010 lalu dari Oakland, California.

"Dari Oakland saya menuju Honolulu, Hawaii. Kemudian mengarah ke selatan, melalui rute Kepulauan Solomon, Vanuata dan Laut Coral, sehingga akhirnya merapat di Port Moresby, Papua New Guniea," katanya.

Dia menjelaskan, setelah merapat di Port Moresby, dirinya beristirahat sejenak, kemudian melanjutkan perjalanan kembali pada 12 November, dan diperkirakan akan sampai tidak lama lagi di Bali.

"Saya berharap pelayaran ini bisa dijadikan sebagai momen meningkatkan pariwisata pelayaran di Indonesia. Selain itu, tentu jika berhasil maka ini merupakan kebanggaan tersendiri bagi saya, maupun seluruh rakyat Indonesia," ujarnya.

Selain berharap, Rob juga mengaku jika pelayaran dengan kapal yang diberi nama "Kona" kali ini merupakan sebuah perjalanan yang terhebat dalam hidupnya selama ini.

Ia juga mengungkapkan, pengalaman buruk yang dialaminya dalam perjalanan dari San Fransisco menuju Hawaii.

"Dalam perjalanan itu, kapal saya diterjang badai dengan kecepatan 92 km/jam selama dua hari berturut-turut," ujarnya.

Akibat peristiwa itu, ucapnya, kapalnya mengalami kerusakan parah pada beberapa bagian sehingga membuat perjalanan menuju Hawaii menempuh waktu selama dua bulan.

Selain mengalami kerusakan kapal akibat terjangan badai, katanya, dia juga mengalami kekurangan bahan makanan saat menuju Port Moresby dari Hawaii, namun untungnya berhasil merapat di wilayah tersebut.

Tgl 12 November yang lalu dalam FB statusnya Rob Rama Rambini menyampaikan :

1800nm to go!!! Can't wait for my nasi bungkus :) Appreciate all your support! I'd like to Thank You everyone who made stay here more enjoyable: My Mom, Lawrence Acanafura of PNG Rugby Union, Jeremy Syme of PNG Dept of Health, KBRI Port Moresby - Mr. Jonery Alimi and Mr. Didi and The Corp Security Services.

we wish you a Safe and happy sailing , we are proud of you. We look forward to your arrival in Bali. Rambini.

Our prayers go out to you , immanuel , cheers


Ten months ago:

Is it possible to sail across the ocean from US to Bali with only a sailboat? 51 years old Rob 'Rama' Rambini will answer that question. He's going to sail across the Pacific ocean alone with his Jensen Marine Cal 30 sailboat named SV Kona. Heading towards Bali from San Francisco, he believes that the journey will be finished in about eight months.

Rama is Indonesian photographer who works in San Francisco, California. He actually wanted to leave at the end of 2009, but he had to cancel his departure because of the bad weather. Still, he's sure that he will be able to start the journey before winter is over. In Indonesia, he hopes to reunite with his mother, Trisutji Kamal, who lives in Jakarta. He hasn't seen her since he left for the United States.
 Rama plans to travel from San Francisco to Tahiti, then to the Cook Islands, then Fiji to Bali. He hopes to stay for one or two weeks in the Cook Islands, then about two months in Fiji to rest the boat before completing the journey.

Some preparation has been done by Rama while waiting for the right weather and material conditions. He does aerobic exercise to keep his body in a good condition.

He also practices to focus his mind. It's a good practice to keep the positive mental attitude and to stay calm on every situation, because sailing in the open ocean is dangerous, sometimes even life-threatening. He believes that although SV Kona is not very large, it is strong enough to sail the ocean.

Rama plans to report the trip on his Facebook and a blog called "California to Bali Solo Voyage."

November 26, 2010

BP Kemenbudpar Sodorkan Konsep MoU Kereta Api WisataDenpasar (Bali Post) -

27 Nopember 2010
BP Kemenbudpar Sodorkan Konsep MoU Kereta Api WisataDenpasar (Bali Post) -

Dirjen Pengembangan Destinasi Wisata Kementerian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata RI, Firmasyah Rahim mewakili Menbudpar Jro Wacik menyodorkan konsep nota kesepahaman bersama (MoU) kerja sama antara Kemenbudpar, Kementerian Perhubungan RI, PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) dan Pemprov Bali untuk melakukan segala hal yang diperlukan untuk mengimplementasikan moda transportasi kereta api.

Dalam konsep MoU tersebut diuraikan dasar pemikiran, dasar pertimbangan, serta siapa melakukan apa, bila mana dan di mana, termasuk standar operasional dan prosedur (SOP). Pemda Bali misalnya, dirancang untuk melakukan sosialisasi, penataan ruang serta pembebasan lahan, PT KAI melakukan studi kelayakan, menyusun business plan, master plan, pembangunan dan mengoperasikan kereta. Sedangkan Kemenbudpar mengembangkan destinasi wisata yang dilalui kereta api seperti penataan pasar dan objek wisata lainnya. MoU ini diharapkan bisa ditandatangani pada minggu pertama Desember 2010 di Jakarta.

''Implementasi pemikiran lama itu sudah saatnya kita lakukan. Satu catatan yang perlu saya garis bawahi, moda kereta api ini bukan untuk transportasi umum, tetapi khusus untuk transportasi wisata,'' kata Firmasyah dengan Gubernur Bali Made Mangku Pastika di Kantor Gubernur Bali, baru-baru ini.

Dalam perbincangan tersebut juga terkuak, sejak lama pemerintah memikirkan betapa tidak nyamannya perjalanan wisata di Bali, jika lalu lintas di Pulau Dewata ini begitu padat. Banyak hal bisa terjadi. Mulai dari kemacetan, kecelakaan lalu lintas yang memakan korban turis asing, hingga peningkatan risiko stres masyarakat. Mengantisipasi hal tersebut, berbagai upaya telah dilakukan, di antaranya melakukan studi kelayakan dan survei angkutan umum.

Sayangnya, dari sejumlah studi kelayakan dan survei yang telah dilakukan belum ada yang menunjukkan hasil sebagaimana diharapkan, sehingga muncul pemikiran untuk mengintegrasikan studi kelayakan, perencanaan bisnis, perencanaan aksi, pembangunan hingga pengoperasian sarana transportasi agar studi kelayakan dan survei tidak terbuang tanpa ada tindak lanjut.

Gubernur Made Mangku Pastika mengatakan, pada prinsipnya sependapat dengan Dirjen Firmasyah. Karenanya, Gubernur setuju bila penandatanganan MoU dapat dilakukan secepatnya, karena kegiatan studi kelayakan baru dapat dilaksanakan setelah penandatangan MoU. Studi kelayakan itu sendiri diperkirakan memerlukan waktu antara 1 - 2 tahun.

Gubernur berharap, jika moda transportasi ini dikhususkan untuk pariwisata, maka moda ini harus dirancang semenarik dan seindah mungkin tanpa mengganggu nilai estetika orang Bali.

Ide untuk mengoperasikan moda transportasi kereta api lambat (kereta lelet), pernah muncul dan menjadi wacana hangat di Bali pada awal 2009. Muncul pendapat pro dan kontra dari kalangan masyarakat dan pemikir Bali pada saat itu. Namun, ide itu belum usai.

Kini, Kemenbudpar RI memiliki kepentingan besar membantu Bali menangani masalah lalu lintas, karena Bali merupakan ikon utama pariwisata Indonesia. Pada 2006-2007, instansi ini sudah melakukan survei panjang jalan rel kereta api lelet dan diperoleh data sementara sepanjang 565 km. Setelah itu, Kemenbudpar melakukan komunikasi dengan PT KAI hingga diperoleh data bahwa dana yang dibutuhkan sekitar Rp 6 triliun dan ongkos yang layak bagi setiap turis yang menggunakan jasa moda ini adalah 30 dolar AS sekali keliling Bali yang memakan waktu antara enam hingga delapan jam. (par)

Getting Bali on Track
Jakarta Proposes a Round Bali Slow Train System to Reduce Traffic Congestion.

Bali News: Getting Bali on Track
(11/26/2010) The Director General for Destination Development from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Firmansyah Rahim, is lobbying both the Bali and the national governments to built a rail system that will circumnavigate the island.

The proposal, delivered by Firmansyah to Bali's governor Made Pastika on November 25, 2010, is viewed as a means of overcoming the traffic congestion in Bali resulting from the burgeoning tourist trade and creating a more equitable distribution of visitors to all corners of the island. The tourism official told the press, "this suggestion represents a solution offering tourists a chance to take a train around Bali."

The proposed train would be of a special low-speed design.

The proposal, expected to receive the endorsement of Bali's governor, could quickly enter the design and feasibility phase. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism have put a preliminary cost estimate of Rp 6 trillion (US$652 million) and a proposed ticket price of US$30 for those selecting to ride the train.

© Bali Discovery Tours. Articles may be quoted and reproduced if attributed to All images and graphics are copyright protected.

Panduan Berwisata Hemat ke Bali

Berwisata ke Bali merupakan dambaan bagi setiap orang yang sedang merencanakan kegiatan liburan. Bukan hanya keindahan pulaunya, lebih dari itu kegiatan berwisata ke Bali bisa juga diasumsikan sebagai pendongkrak prestise seseorang dimata orang lain disekelilingnya. Mungkin ada benarnya juga, mengingat opini masyarakat luas yang masih menganggap bali sebagai daerah tujuan wisata yang cukup mahal. Sebagai orang Bali yang kebetulan menekuni bidang pariwisata, tentu saja opini tersebut bukannya membuat kami bangga. Malahan menjadi bumerang bagi kami pelaku pariwisata di bali, karena opini tersebut bisa berdampak pada menurunnya minat berwisata ke Bali, terutama bagi calon wisatawan yang punya anggaran liburan yang pas-pasan. Nah, disini kami ingin meluruskan opini yang sedikit bengkok tersebut, dan sangat berharap agar artikel yang berjudul “Panduan Berwisata Hemat ke Bali” ini dapat bermanfaat bagi anda dikemudian hari. baik kita mulai saja.

Hal pertama yang yang patut diperhitungkan sebelum anda berwisata kemanapun tujuan anda adalah menentukan tanggal kegiatan. Umumnya seperti saya dan juga anda, kegiatan berwisata maupun sekedar jalan-jalan bersama keluarga/kerabat, kita lakukan pada saat musim liburan. Jika kita berpedoman pada kebiasaan diatas, tentu saja kita akan bertemu dengan problema klasik yang selalu muncul, yaitu membludaknya kuantitas kunjungan ketempat wisata pada periode tertentu. Maka dapat dibayangkan masalah apa yang akan kita jumpai selanjutnya, seperti sulitnya memesan layanan jasa transportasi menuju daerah tujuan liburan khususnya jasa transportasi udara, kemudian adanya kendala dalam pemesanan sarana akomodasi karena semua traveler selain anda juga membutuhkan tempat untuk menginap. Belum lagi fanomena rutin yang ada di Bali dimana hotel-hotel menerapkan kebijakan tentang adanya tambahan biaya musiman pada periode tertentu (musim ramai / high season), yang biasanya jatuh pada awal Juli sampai pertengahan September, seminggu sebelum dan sesudah Lebaran, serta pertengahan Desember sampai dengan awal Januari. Belum lagi hotel-hotel di Bali (umumnya bintang 2 keatas) mengharuskan para tamunya untuk mengikuti dinner wajib pada saat momen-momen tertentu seperti Lebaran Eve Dinner, X-mas Eve Dinner, atau New Year Gala Dinner, yang mana harganya cukup dapat menguras isi kantong anda. Pastinya hal ini bukanlah berita baik untuk anda yang ingin berhemat selama liburan. Lalu, bagaimana cara menyikapi permasalahan diatas? Tentu saja anda sebaiknya memilih waktu yang tepat untuk liburan, terutama pada periode diluar musim liburan diatas. Apakah ada periode seperti itu? Tentu saja ada, kita ambil sebuah contoh. Jika terdapat hari libur nasional yang jatuh pada hari Kamis / Jumat, biasanya sebagian besar perusahaan baik nasional maupun swasta akan memperpanjang hari libur tersebut sampai dengan hari minggu. Nah, inilah kesempatan anda untuk berlibur. Kami kira 3 sampai 4 hari adalah waktu yang cukup untuk berlibur. Dengan demikian tentu saja anda bisa lebih berhemat dalam menghabiskan anggaran liburan, terutama dari segi biaya akomodasi.

Selanjutnya adalah pemilihan tempat akomodasi selama liburan. Di Bali banyak sekali terdapat pilihan hotel murah yang dapat disesuaikan dengan budget akomodasi anda. Bila anda gemar memakai internet, tidak ada salahnya jika anda mencari tahu informasi hotel murah di Bali di dalam mesin pencari seperti Google atau Yahoo yang tersedia di internet.Cukup dengan mengetikkan kata “akomodasi murah di Bali”, hotel murah di Kuta”, dan lain-lain, anda sudah akan mendapatkan informasi itu semua. Dalam mengetikkan kata / kalimat yang ingin anda cari, sebaiknya ketiklah dengan lebih mendetail, contohnya : jika anda ingin mendapatkan informasi tentang hotel-hotel murah di Kuta, kalimat “hotel murah di kuta” akan lebih baik daripada “hotel kuta murah” atau “hotel murah kuta”. kata sambung seperti “di, ke, pada” dan sebagainya dapat berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ketepatan informasi dari hasil pencarian pada mesin pencari. setelah menemukan sebuah situs yang cocok dan sesuai dengan keinginan anda, selanjutnya anda tinggal melakukan reservasi melalui email, telpon atau fax yang tersedia pada situs tersebut.

Nah, 2 solusi sudah anda dapatkan. Sekarang tinggal memikirkan bagaimana anda menghabiskan waktu liburan anda di Bali, atau dengan kata lain kegiatan apa saja yang akan anda lakukan selama liburan di Bali. Sebenarnya di Bali banyak sekali hal dapat anda lakukan. Berbagai kegiatan wisata mulai dari tour sampai dengan bermaca-macam wisata petualangan atau kegiatan opsional dapat anda temukan di Bali. Jika anda belum sempat mengunjungi tempat-tempat wisata di bali, ada baiknya anda meluangkan waktu untuk sekedar jalan-jalan ke tempat-tempat tersebut. bagi anda yang ingin melakukannya sendiri, anda bisa memanfaatkan jasa penyewaan mobil (rent car) yang banyak terdapat di kawasan wisata di Bali seperti Kuta, Sanur, ubud, ataupun Nusa Dua. Sayangnya anda harus punya sedikit pengalaman tentang rute obyek-obyek wisata di Bali agar tidak mudah tersesat. Selain itu anda juga harus menyiapkan uang extra untuk biaya BBM, karcis parkir, tiket masuk obyek wisata, ataupun biaya makan siang maupun makan malam yang anda sendiri belum tahu jumlah pastinya. Jika anda tidak ingin direpotkan dengan hal itu semua, anda bisa meminta bantuan penyedia jasa tour yang ada di Bali, bahkan sudah banyak dari mereka yang memanfaatkan media internet untuk memasarkan jasa tour yang mereka sediakan. Sekedar informasi untuk anda, layanan jenis ini dapat dibagi menjadi 3 antara lain : layanan tour only (charter) yang sudah termasuk sewa mobil + BBm dan jasa pemakaian driver. Adakalanya jenis tour ini juga termasuk layanan pemandu wisata. Jenis tour lainnya adalah Half Board Services yaitu layanan tour yang sudah termasuk mobil + BBM, driver, pemandu wisata, tiket masuk obyek wisata, dan biaya makan siang atau makan malam.
Jenis tour terakhir adalah tour Full Board Services. Tour jenis ini sudah termasuk mobil + BBM, driver, guide, semua tiket masuk obyek wisata maupun donasi, biaya makan siang dan makan malam, serta adakalanya tour ini juga memberikan layanan lain seperti optional activities dan lain sebagainya, dimana harga yang diberikan kepada wisatawan sudah termasuk biaya layanan tambahan tersebut. Untuk anda yang ingin berlibur secara instan, ada baiknya anda memilih jenis tour Half Board ataupun Full Board sehingga anda tidak perlu repot lagi mengurusi semua biaya selama mengunjungi obyek wisata, maupun biaya makan siang dan malam anda saat tour nanti. Hanya saja anda harus sedikit lebih teliti dalam menyimak semua benefit (keuntungan) dalam setiap tour Half Board / Full Board yang ditawarkan oleh penyedia jasa ini. Merupakan pilihan yang tepat jika sebuah tour operator (penyedia jasa tour) memberikan keterangan secara terinci mengenai benefit yang akan anda dapatkan terutama nama restaurant tempat dimana anda akan menikmati makan siang maupun makan malam. Mungkin hal ini dianggap sepele, namun dengan adanya informasi nama restaurant setidaknya anda akan merasa lebih yakin bahwa tour operator tidak akan mengajak anda untuk makan ditempat sembarangan.
Untuk aktivitas jalan-jalan ini kami lebih menyarankan anda untuk memilih jenis tour yang sudah termasuk berbagai kemudahan atau benefit didalamnya seperti jenis tour half board / full board, karena jika memilih jenis tour ini setidaknya anda bisa memprediksi besarnya budget (anggaran) yang akan anda keluarkan selama mengisi waktu di Bali. Dengan demikian, otomatis anda dapat membendung pengeluaran tak terduga yang mungkin timbul selama liburan.

Nah, ketiga komponen wisata diatas adalah kebutuhan pokok yang mungkin anda perlukan selama berwisata kemanapun tujuan anda. Sebenarnya masih banyak kebutuhan lainnya yang bersifat sebagai pelengkap saja. Namun hanya dengan menekan pengeluaran di ketiga komponen itu saja, kami yakin pengeluaran yang besar selama berwisata dapat anda hindari, dan keinginan anda untuk berwisata hemat ke Bali dapat terwujud dengan pasti.

Travel Tips in Bali

Travel Tips
access to bali
  • FLIGHT: Bali can be reached by air to Ngurah Rai International Airport, and the destination is Denpasar (airport code: DPS)
  • SEA: Bali can be reached by sea
    - From Java to Gilimanuk Port
    - From Lombok to Padang Bai Port or Benoa Harbour
As of Jan 26, 2010, foreign tourists visiting Indonesia can now extend their visa-on-arrival for another 30 days.
In the new ruling, the immigration office has decided to scrap the seven-day visa-on-arrival. The office will now only issue visas for a 30-day stay at the rate of US$ 25, extendable for another 30 days.

Visa to Visit Indonesia
The Department of Justice and Human Rights has officially determined that as of August 2005:
Indonesia Government had granted visa on arrival favor to 52 countries to be able to purchase the visa on arrival facility upon their arrival in Indonesia's designed “International Gateway” at 15 airports and 21 seaports.
They are:
- Argentina
- Hungary
- Oman
- Australia
- Iceland
- Austria
- India
- Poland
- Bahrain
- Iran
- Portugal
- Belgium
- Ireland
- Qatar
- Brazil
- Italy
- Saudi Arabia
- Bulgaria
- Japan
- Russia
- Cambodia
- Kuwait
- South Africa
- Canada
- Laos
- South Korea
- Cyprus
- Liechtenstein
- Spain
- Denmark
- Luxembourg
- Switzerland
- Egypt
- Maldives
- Sweden
- Estonia
- Malta
- Surinam
- Finland
- Mexico
- Taiwan
- France
- Monaco
- The Netherland
- Germany
- New Zealand
- United Arab Emirate
- Greece
- Norway
- United Kingdom
- United States of America
And started per 28 May 2007, Indonesia will be added its Visa on Arrival (VOA) favors to more 11 countries joined with previous 52 other favored countries according to the Directorate General of Immigration recent released paper.
The 11 countries are Algeria, the Czech Republic, Fiji, Latvia, Libya, Lithuania, Panama, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Tunisia.
Tourists from those selected countries will not oblige to apply abroad for a visa but can purchase a visa on arrival at 15 gates of Indonesia's international airports and seaports. The fee for this visa, payable upon landing, is US$10 for a 7 day visa and US$25 for a 30-day visa.
The official entry requirements for the issuance of a 30 or 7 days day visa-on arrival:
Passport must be from one of the countries listed above.
Passport must be valid for a minimum of 6 (six) months from the date of entry into Indonesia.
Payment of US$10 or US$25 must be paid at the gateway, depending on the length of visa required.
Onward or return tickets are compulsory.
Visitors must enter and exit through one of the 15 airports or 21 seaports officially approved as an “international gateway” by the Indonesian Immigration department.
11 countries and territories are eligible for a "Visa Free" facility. Those holding valid passports from the following countries will be granted a non-extendable 30-day Visa-Free Short Visit Permit upon arrival at an Indonesian international gateway without charge:
Brunei Darussalam
Hong Kong SAR
Macau SAR
Others nationals that not granted with either visa on arrival favor nor visa free favor from Indonesia government may apply for tourist visa at Indonesia embassy abroad.
  • Convert money at a reputable looking money changer shop and independently calculate before changing. Shop around as the rate may vary, check whether the commission is added or not.
  • Put on loads of high factor waterproof Sun Cream especially if you intend to spend a lot of time in the water
  • Drink a lot of bottled water and eat a lot of fresh fruits - do your body a favour
  • Be careful with your belonging at all times. Leave your important documents in your hotel safe and wander around with the copies.
  • Respect the slow pace of processions - don't honk
  • Haggle when buying, except on price-tagged goods
  • Buy "immodium" to relieve bouts of Bali belly
  • Reconfirm your outbound flight.
  • Show your respect by wearing sarong when entering temples.
  • Step on offerings in the street - walk around them
  • Attempt to swim outside designated areas on the beach
  • Take drugs. This carry the death penalty according to Indonesian laws
  • Touch people's heads. It's very offensive to Balinese Hindus
  • Enter temples during menstruation.
  • Forget to put salt on your food and drink water - you will probably sweat a lot
  • Use your left hand in sacking or handing over something to someone as it is
  • considered impolite. If there is no other option then express your apology. 
Source :

Official List of Indonesian and Bali Public Holidays

Salam kesuburan dari Lumbung Beras Pulau Bali - Museum Subak Sanggulan - Tabanan !

Seperti disampaikan bahwa pada Minggu, 28 Nopember 2010 ini, Museum Subak Sanggulan bersama muda-mudi Subak Bali, berkolaborasi dalam penyelenggaraan kegiatan Lomba Menggambar dan Mewarnai tingkat PAUD/TK/SD untuk umum. Apabila ada anak-anak saudara yang berminat, dimohon jangan sungkan untuk menghubungi Museum Subak Sanggulan telp./fax.: 0361-810315 atau

Kegiatan yang dirangkaikan dengan HUT Kota Tabanan ke 517 tahun (5 abad lebih) ini, dimaksudkan lebih mengenalkan kembali aset dasar Pulau Dewata Bali kita, tanah sawah irigasi dan alam yang indah. Lebih dari sekedar aset Budaya Tradisional namun sudah terbukti pemandangan persawahan menjadi salah satu daya tarik terbaik Pulau Dewata kita dalam menjaring wisatawan domestik/mancanegara. Eat Pray Love salah satunya dari ribuan film yang sudah direlease senantiasa menampilkan latar pemandangan sawah nan indah menjuntai sejuta asa dan harapan hidup yang damai. Oleh sebab itu, Museum Subak adalah satu-satunya aset Bali dalam mengharumkan Bangsa Negara Republik Indonesia melalui pusat pelatihan, pengembangan, pendidikan, sarana rekreasi dan inovasi bagi para pemuda pencetus Bangsa khususnya muda-mudi Teruna/Teruni Bali.

Patut dan Bijaklah kiranya apabila para stakeholders pariwisata, insan pers, sahabat pena/novelis, investor yang mengembangkan sayap-sayap kerajaan usahanya di Bali, dapat bersatu padu dalam menanamkan niat suci Ajeg Subak Bali ini kepada generasi pencetus Bangsa. Melalui Lomba Menggambar dan Mewarnai PAUD/TK/SD inilah dapat kiranya kawan-kawan ikut berupaya menjaga aset/modal Bali dan Bangsa Negara RI dalam memajukan perekonomian ke-depan melalui pemandangan persawahan lapang dan Budaya Subak Bali kita. Dengan demikian, Pariwisata Bali tidak tenggelam, Bali For The World yang dicetuskan agar tidak hanya menjadi slogan di kedatangan Bandara saja.

Salam Ajeg Budaya Subak Bali !

Sekretariat Panitia
UPTD Museum Subak Bali
Desa Sanggulan, Kec.Kediri, Tabanan
Telp./Fax.: 0361-810315
Ibu Mirahwati 081 338 545 823
Public Holidays
Official List of Indonesian and Bali Public Holidays

Public Holidays 2010
Date Day Celebration
1 January Friday New Year
14 February Sunday Chinese New Year (Imlek) 2561
26 February Friday Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad
16 March Tuesday Bali’s official day of Silence – Hindu New Year 1932
2 April Friday Good Friday
4 April Sunday Easter Sunday
12 May Wednesday Galungan Festival
13 May Thursday The Ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven
22 May Saturday Kuningan Festival
28 May Friday Waisak 2554
10 July Saturday Isra Mi'raj Prophet Mohammad SAW, Celebrating the Ascension of The Prophet Muhammad
17 August Tuesday Indonesian National Independence Day
9 September Thursday Shared Holiday by Government Decree
10-11 September Friday-Saturday Idul Fitri 1431 H
13 September Monday Shared Holiday by Government Decree
17 November Wednesday Idul Adha 1431 H
7 December Tuesday Islamic New Year 1432 H
8 December Wednesday Galungan Festival
18 December Saturday Kuningan Festival
24 December Friday Shared Holiday by Government Decree
25 December Saturday Christmas Day

Public Holidays 2011
Date Day Celebration
1 January Saturday New Year
3 February Thursday Chinese New Year (Imlek) 2562
15 February Tuesday Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad
5 March Saturday Bali’s official day of Silence – Hindu New Year 1933
22 April Friday Good Friday
24 April Sunday Easter Sunday
17 May Tuesday Waisak 2555
2 June Thursday The Ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven
29 June Wednesday Isra Mi'raj Prophet Mohammad SAW, Celebrating the Ascension of The Prophet Muhammad
17 August Wednesday Indonesian National Independence Day
29 August Monday Shared Holiday by Government Decree
30-31 August Tuesday-Wednesday Idul Fitri 1432 H
1-2 September Thursday-Friday Shared Holiday by Government Decree
6 November Sunday Idul Adha 1432 H
27 November Sunday Islamic New Year 1433 H
25 December Sunday Christmas Day
26 December Monday Shared Holiday by Government Decree

November 25, 2010

Nightlife and entertainment in Bali


Night life in Bali starts late, which means around midnight. Many visitors wonder where crowds of expats suddenly come from around 1:00 in the morning – even when all of Kuta has been very quiet during the whole evening, the IN-places often become crowded after midnight.
There's a simple explanation: during the early evenings many of Bali's night owls either still work, visit friends at home, or simply sleep. Most of them visit pubs, bars, or discos only in the early morning hours. Therefore, if you plan a night out don't start your dinner too early. Between 9:00 p.m. and midnight there are not many places we can recommend.
Visitors looking for company don't need to worry. Wherever you go in Sanur and the Kuta area, there are many other single travellers with the same problem around – day and night. In Bali's discos you'll meet also many "kupu kupu malams" ("night butterflies" or working girls) and young boys who compete with the females and service all sexes. All taxi drivers know the more popular karaoke bars and massage parlours in Kuta and Denpasar, and the various "Houses of ill Repute" in Sanur's narrow back lanes.
Source : and http:/www./


Some quite popular places in Sanur are the BORNEO PUB on Jalan Danau Tamblingan and the TROPHY PUB in front of the Sanur Beach Hotel. Both, however, close around 1:00 a.m.
The discos and pubs in Nusa Dua's 5-star hotels are often rather empty. They are mostly frequented by those visitors who stay in-house and are too tired to make the 30 minutes drive to Kuta.


Everybody looking for some action and fun in the evening goes to "Kuta" which nowadays means the area extending about 4 miles or 7 kilometers North from the original village of Kuta and includes now Legian, Seminyak and even Basangkasa. Here are most of the better entertainment places offering EVERYTHING single male or female visitors as well as couples might be looking for.
There are several places such as CASABLANCA etc. – down-market open-air pubs and very noisy discos full of stoned Aussies courting Javanese "Kupu Kupu Malams". PEANUTS Discotheque on Jalan Raya Legian at the Jalan Melasti corner (about the border between Kuta and Legian) has been re-opened very soon after it was gutted by a fire. The huge (air-conditioned) dance floor is often crowded, guests are a mix of locals and younger foreign visitors.
Closer to the center of Kuta you find the BOUNTY SHIP with a noisy, over-air-conditioned disco in the basement and the re-built PADDY'S not far from the original PADDY'S. Much more "IN" nowadays is the newer M-BAR-GO which features really good music and a better crowd than most other places. SKY GARDEN is also on the main road and an interesting place to go. The bar is on the top floor, the three storeys below feature all different lounge areas. The menu is huge but the food is often disappointing. When most places close around 2.00 or 3.00 in the morning, night owls of all kinds continue drinking at nearby MAMA'S until sunrise.
For a somewhat more civilized evening out, you can have dinner and a couple of drinks at the bar at either TJ's or KORI in Kuta, at the open street side bar at NERO Bali right opposite AROMAS Restaurant in Kuta, at the re-built MACCARONI CLUB in Kuta, at MADE'S WARUNG in Basangkasa (see BALI - Restaurants to Enjoy), or at the trendy HU'U Bar & Lounge near the Petitenget temple, LA LUCIOLA and THE LIVING ROOM.
One of the most "in" venues in Bali is KU DE TA right on the beach adjacent to the Oberoi hotel. This is the place to see and be seen, and from late afternoon there is a DJ providing rather noisy entertainment for Bali's beautiful people. This is a great place to watch Bali's famous sunsets, but expect to pay for a cocktail around US$10 and more.
Something more outrageous and only for open-minded people are the HULU CAFE shows in Garlic Lane between Jalan Padma and Jalan Melasti in Kuta/Legian, a place which called itself the "only real gay bar in all of Bali" with drag shows starting at 11:00 p.m. three times per week. The performances are actually kind of funny! Since the original HULU CAFE burnt down in 2008, the shows are now performed at 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at the BALI BEACH SHACK in the same lane
You'll find a large and quite popular HARD ROCK CAFE right at the beginning of Kuta's beach road with live music from 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. Expect to find many singles of all kinds here looking for company. If you think this is too noisy, too crowded, or the air-conditioning too cold for you, try the CENTER STAGE at the HARD ROCK RESORT located in the back of the CAFE. As the name implies, the band performs on a raised stage in the middle of the huge round lobby bar until 11:00 p.m. Both HARD ROCK outlets are expensive by Bali standards.
The JAYA PUB on the main road in Seminyak features also live music and attracts many Indonesian customers who don't mind the chilling air-conditioning and the sometimes horrible bands and singers. MANNEKEPIS, a pleasant Belgian pub/restaurant right opposite the QUEEN'S TANDOOR in Seminyak, features live Jazz on Thurdays, Fridays and Saturdays and serves good meals at reasonable prices.
Seminyak's best place to have a drink and some fun after 11 p.m. are nowadays probably OBSESSION World Music Bar and SANTA FEE Bar & Grill, Jalan Abimanyu (also known as Gado Gado Road or Jalan Dhyana Pura). Life music, reasonably priced cocktails and the friendly girls attract many visitors until the early hours. Other popular night spots nearby in the same street are SPY BAR, LIQUID, Q BAR and MIXWELL ("for the alternative lifestyle"), SPACE and THE GLOBE. New bars and "Chill-Out Lounges" are opening all the time, and most of them feature DJ's and/or live music on certain nights. Just walk down the road and check them out !
Later, from 2:00 a.m., it's party time at the SYNDICATE, BACIO and DOUBLE SIX, a large open-air disco with several bars, big dance floor, and many tables. All three are located next to each other on the beach in Seminyak and charge an entrance fee of 30,000 to 100,000 Rupiah (depending on the day) for which you get a voucher for a free drink. Here and in nearby DEJA VU and LA VITA LOCA you'll find most of Bali's night owls drinking and dancing the night away until 4:30 a.m. or so. (The legendary GADO GADO Disco has been re-converted into a restaurant.)
Also, watch out for notices and small posters in Kuta and Seminyak announcing special events such as Full Moon Parties, House Warming Parties, Body Painting Parties, etc, etc. If these "parties" are announced to the public (even if only by word-of-mouth), they are open for everybody. You'll have to pay for your drinks, therefore, don't be shy.

Have fun!

 Kuta Beach Nightlife

What to Do at Night in Kuta Beach

Kuta Beach Nightlife The nightlife scene in Kuta usually starts late – around 23:00 to midnight with bars and pubs offering different atmospheres and types of entertainment. Some clubs and bars showcase live bands, DJs, sexy dancers and ‘fashion shows’. Price wise, compared to the nightlife places in Seminyak, partying the night away in Kuta is way cheaper.

Hard Rock Cafe in Kuta Beach, Bali

Hard Rock Café Bali

Facing the famous Kuta Beach is the time-honoured catalyst of the resort, the Hard Rock Café. Set on two floors, with nightly live bands that regularly change every three months, this place is full of younger crowds, especially during the weekend. Every two months Hard Rock invites a well-known Indonesian singer or band to play live. Hard Rock Café serves up burgers, fries and colas in large portions.
Location: Kuta Beach Street
Price Range: pricey

Kama Sutra

Kama Sutra is a feast for the senses: scent, taste, sight and sound. This is a restaurant, club and a lounge with Indian and Mediterranean design in the outer areas where all the youngsters gather. Kama Sutra hosts live bands, DJs and features some of Bali’s best live performances by famous Indonesian figures.
Location: Kuta Beach Street
Price Range: affordable

The Wave

The Wave is a three-in-one club housing The Coffee Bar (an al-fresco café and beach bar), Sailfin (a fine-dining restaurant), The Club (a long bar and a discotheque) and a beachfront shopping arcade. The Wave sits majestically on the shores of Kuta Beach and offers mesmerizing and spectacular views of the Indian Ocean and the famous Kuta surf. Characterized by its striking architecture with International cuisine and drinks, and accentuated by great music, The Wave is a place not to be missed during your visit on the island.
Location: Kuta Beach Street
Price Range: pricey

Ocean Beach Club

The Ocean Beach Club is a beachfront venue where you can catch the sunset from the open wood deck or lounge pool side on one of the cosy day beds. With DJ's and a lively later atmosphere.
Location: Kuta Beach Street
Price Range: affordable

Ocean 27 Sundeck Lounge & Restaurant

Ocean 27 is a sundeck and restaurant offering a beach dining experience, luscious food, great sunset views, refreshing cocktails and a wide selection of wines and champagnes from all over the world, as well as imported beers. As the night approaches, be prepared to party into the wee hours with well-known local and foreign DJs dishing out tunes from chill out to house.
Location: Discovery Esplanade
Price Range: pricey

Sky Garden in Kuta Beach

Sky Garden in Kuta

Located in the heart of Kuta, ESC’s rooftop Sky Garden Lounge has been a popular destination for local, expat and tourist guests since its opening. This open-air lounge is known for its unique concoctions such as the '14 day' infused martinis. Set in comfy seating with an intimate 'garden' atmosphere, funky dancers are accompanied by International DJs spinning their stuff seven days a week. Recently, Sky Garden bought two floors of the adjacent My Room Club and re-designed it to be their new Sky Garden Lounge. Get their daily promos starting at 6pm and special Sunday offer – a girls’ night-out where all girls are offered free drinks!
Location: Legian Street
Price Range: affordable

M Bar Go in Kuta Beach Bali

M Bar Go

M Bar Go is one of the fancy hip hop clubs in Kuta, dedicated to a younger clientele. Every Friday and Saturday night the place is full. Watch out for their beach couture fashion show every Thursday and their hot salsa nights.
Location: Legian Street
Price Range: affordable


Musro Bali is the only live cabaret show venue in the area where all the dancers are professionally trained. Spanish choreographer Raphael Gomez provides the expert knowledge needed to produce such a high quality show. You can enjoy their various spectacular performances with extravagant costumes every night for only IDR 100,000 per person. Before the show begins, a live band plays on stage and DJs will perform to fill the air with their selection of R&B, Rock and Club Hits before the real show starts.
Location: Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel
Price Range: affordable

Vi Ai Pi

Vi Ai Pi is a newcomer to the nightlife scene in Kuta. It is styled on the Balinese form fused with modern European design, embracing the natural elements of green and open space. Their dinner menu carries Eastern and Western infusion flavours at their best. Look out for the events calendar, which will be peppered with well-known DJs and sexy dancers.
Location: Legian Street
Price Range: pricey

Planet Hollywood

Planet Hollywood first came to Bali in 2001 and it comprises five different rooms; an adventure room - designed with an Egyptian theme, the whirlpool bar - an island bar with a four-metre whirlpool dropping from the ceiling, a submarine, a hill area and the sky garden – where you can see a large maple tree and a diorama of New York’s skyline, giving the effect of dining in Central Park. Try their popular international specialties of fajitas, Hollywood burger and turkey club sandwich. A live band plays every Wednesday-Saturday starting at 20:00.
Location: Kuta
Price Range: affordable

Hulu Bar

Do you want to enjoy your dinner in a different way? Here, you can enjoy your meal whilst watching an Indonesian style cabaret drag show. The place is popular due to the fun entertainment, good service and friendly atmosphere. The shows are free and a wide selection of beverages is offered at a reasonable price. It draws mixed crowds: straight, gay, families, locals, expats and tourists all come to enjoy the show. Two shows commence at 10 pm and 11.15 pm from Thursday to Sunday.
Location: Bali Beach Shack Legian
Price Range: affordable

Gracie Kelly’s Irish Pub

Gracie Kelly’s was the first original Irish Pub in Bali and serves a la carte dinner daily from 11 am until late. Located in Bali Dynasty Hotel, their specialties are Irish Stew, Beef and Guinness Pie, Dublin Coddle, Hot Sticky Pudding and other traditional wholesome food served from Gracie’s kitchen. You’ll be impressed by their large selection of local and international beers and traditional Irish pub grub. Try their real ales from Storm Brewery, a local micro-brewery in Bali. Live entertainment from their resident Irish band starts at 8 pm to help you swing your night away.
Location: Kartika Plaza Street Kuta
Price Range: pricey

Legian Beach Attractions

What to See in Legian Beach

Legian Beach In Bali Located between the famous surfing Mecca, Kuta, and middle-upper class hangouts, Seminyak, Legian is a recreational place where one can shop, swim or go to a spa. Legian Beach is one of the famous beaches in Bali along with Double Six Beach which is actually just the northern part of Legian Beach.
Since it has fewer crowds and lower tides Legian is just the perfect place to get lazy. If you’re looking for a place to stay with a limited budget, Legian is the perfect option in spite of its strategic location and is perhaps less chaotic than its neighbour Kuta, yet still gives lends a party atmosphere because some of Bali hippest bars and lounges are located in this area.

Legian Beach

Legian Beach

The beach starts from Melasti to Werkudara Street, and since there is no public transport access there's a sidewalk stretch from Legian Beach Hotel to Jayakarta Hotel. Legian Beach gives you more of a resort feel and offers more beach activities than normal. You can go for a swim, take a surfing lesson, go canoeing in certain months, play beach volleyball or maybe just lie and soak up the sun.
If that's not enough, you can stroll along the beach sidewalk and maybe stop by for cocktails, shoot some pool, or get a massage. Legian Beach is a hip place to hang out at night; there's everything here from live music bars to beachside restaurants, from Mexican food to Mediterranean fare. There are a number of cottages, exclusive bungalows and luxury hotels embracing the shores of the beach and one can enjoy easy access to the beach from these accommodation choices. The beach is full of excitement and tropical party treats.

Double Six Beach

If you have fashionable tastes and have worked your body into great shape, this beach is the perfect place to show how cool you can stay in the summer heat. Grab your latest shades and iPod and stroll along from noon till sundown, 'cause this place is busy with stylish people who want to see and be seen.
Double Six Beach is on the north side of Legian Beach and it reaches from the Jayakarta Hotel to The Double Six Club. Why is the club so famous? Because occasionally it holds Ibizan-style beach parties with famous DJs and they last for days.

Nusa Dua Beach Nightlife

There is not much in the way of nightlife in Nusa Dua especially if you are expecting to see a crowd and a wild night out as if you were in Kuta or Legian. All you can find is some prestigious bar and lounge situated in the luxurious resorts and hotels where a dress code is sometimes applied like King Cole Bar at St.
Regis Bali Resort, O Loo Loos Fun Pub and Salsa Bar at Nikko Bali Hotel, Pesona Lounge at Grand Hyatt or Cascade and Sand Bar at The Laguna Resort. All features nightly live performance with amazing different ambience, great choice of champagnes, fine imported wines, martinis, exotic cocktails and other concoctions. But it mostly closed after 2.00 in the morning.

Nusa Dua Beach Shopping

Nusa Dua offers you the most comprehensive international shopping complex - The Bali Collection. It’s an outdoor mall that attempts to be the most up-market all-in-one shopper’s haven right in the midst of the luxurious resort compound where you don’t have to bother with risky bargaining.
Bali Collection presents a hotchpotch of the world’s trendy brand names displayed in SOGO as well famous local brands, art and craft shops and jewellery stores. Alternatively, facing the main entrance gate on Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai and the back entrance gate on Jalan Pantai Mengiat, you can venture out to some art shops managed by local people where your best haggling skills are necessary.

Nusa Dua Beach Activities

The Nusa Dua Resorts and Hotels area offers a wide range complementary fun activities and facilities designed for all family members. Unfortunately, only few facilities are opened for public. Try golf at Bali Golf and Country Club presents 18 holes whereas a spectacular view of Indian Ocean serves as a background or driving a 700cc motorized ski while exploring the beautiful blue sea lapping against the sand stretching three kilometres from Nusa Dua to the coastal side of Tanjung Benoa.
Experience an unforgettable ride from atop a camel’s back at Geger Sawangan Beach could be a fun thing to do with entire family or just play tennis at the court where the International athletes swing their racquet every once in a year at Tennis International Commonwealth Tournament at Grand Hyatt Hotel.

Nusa Dua Map

Our interactive map (and satellite views) displays all available hotels with photos, facilities and guest comments as well as attractions, landmarks and other items of interest with links to relevant information pages. The perfect way to find your way around and see where everything actually is. Read more...

Read more: Nusa Dua - Everything you need to know about Nusa Dua Beach

Sanur Beach Nightlife

What to Do at Night in Sanur Beach

Sanur offers less excitement by night than other popular destinations in Bali. The resort’s feel is incomparable with Kuta, Legian, and Seminyak with their sophisticated disc jockeying nightlife. Sanur is where you can lean back on a comfy lounger, chat with friends and colleagues, sip a glass of martini, and relax to live smooth jazz sounds.
If you feel like a little bit of Kuta-style action, Blue Eyes café is the only place you can get live music and deck spinning treats under one roof. On the whole, nightlife in Sanur is thematic: you can have jazz, Irish folk, bossa nova, electronica, or even mariachi.

Jazz Bar and Grille

This is the only Jazz pub serving Mexican originals such as nachos, paella, tacos, and other sombrero basics. This odd combination has apparently become the favourite haunt of both local and international customers. In addition to its Mexican fare, Jazz Bar and Grille also serves Soto Lamongan - chicken bouillon served with rice, American classics, lamb chops and other cosmopolitan dishes. This pub has become one of the premier hubs for Indonesian jazz players since 1999. Jamming sessions take place on Thursday to Saturday evenings from 10 o’clock; guests are welcome to take part and communicate with the world’s common language, music. Jazz Bar and Grille occasionally features non-jazz musicians to draw a wider clientele
Opening Hours: 11:00 - 02:00
Location: By Pass Ngurah Rai No. 15 – 16

Kafe Wayang

With a well-set interior and ample selection of Indonesian fare fused with other Asian and some European food styles, Kafe Wayang is one of Sanur’s best nighttime venues, opens daily from 8.00 to 23.00. The specials are even better: the spicy prawn patty served with coconut milk and tandoori lamb brochette are popular among regulars. Not to be missed is the vast assortment of bakery goods and pastries which are also available on their menu to complement your meal. During the weekend, Kafe Wayang hosts live entertainment on the stage starting from 9 o’clock onwards. Gather your friends to this chilled locale and while away the evening sipping a glass of local or imported wine at a very reasonable price.
Location: By Pass Ngurah Rai Sanur

Blue Eyes Café

This is the hippest entertainment scene in Sanur. With performances from local and national artists, Blue Eyes Café has swiftly become the hottest joint for youngsters and partygoers. Regular deck scratching performances are held nightly with interesting different themes. The culinary journey is second only to the cocktail sampling. If you feel like it on Saturday night, don’t hesitate to join Sanur’s latest electrified stage. The bar open in the afternoon till dawn.
Location: Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai No. 888

Sector Bar at Bali Beach Golf Course

Sector Bar is an upscale golf club restaurant and bar. Located amidst the verdant grounds of the course, the refreshments come in a delightful and classy way. Sector Bar is the place to make a social statement and impress your clients at the same time. Open daily till midnight with live jazz tunes, a lavish selection of gourmet and rare wines, a 2000 person capacity, business and meeting facilities, beautiful leafy surroundings, and a golf course, Sector Bar never misses a trick to satisfy its guests.
Location: Bali Beach Golf Course, Jl. Hang Tuah No. 58

Seminyak Beach Nightlife

What to Do at Night in Seminyak Beach

Seminyak Nightlife Sophisticated and chic nightlife spots in Seminyak complement the stylish fashion boutiques, astonishing galleries, luxury spas and classy dining spots of the day. Even though there aren’t as many nightlife spots in Seminyak as in Kuta, most of the Lounges and Clubs offer elegant interior design with their daybed facilities, poolside bars, lively performances, sexy dancers and extensive array of fine quality cocktails, martinis, wines, champagnes and vodkas. Well-known international DJs twirl the tables to fill the air until dawn.

Ku De Ta Bali

Ku De Ta Bali

Without a doubt Ku Dé Ta is the most famous oceanfront hangout in Bali. The top line champagnes, wines and cocktails and great high season parties every year ensure that the restaurant is frequented by VIP customers. For a dining selection the restaurant offers modern Australian and Asian cuisine on the menu. After dinner, swoop into their new upstairs VIP Lounge - definitely worth investigating.

Bahiana in Seminyak Beach, Bali


Bahiana is a French-owned salsa bar and is located in a two level building designed in warm colours and inspired by Cuban decoration. Don’t miss their weekly theme party and live salsa performances. Bahiana offers plenty of creative cocktails and rum to cheer up your night.

Sunset on Seminyak

Anantara Resort offers a great night escapade – lounge on plush daybeds while famous International DJs spin the decks on the rooftop dance floor every night. The resident DJs invent powerful or subtle tastes, depending on the mood, while you can sample the rich Asian tapestry of tapas, sushi and satay at the Satay Dining Bar.

Kudos Lounge & Bar

Kudos claims to be a Lounge & Bar aimed at boys who like girls, girls who like boys, boys who like boys and girls who like girls – this is a gay and straight Lounge and Bar set in indoor and outdoor areas and providing comfortable ‘lagoons’ on the VIP upper deck where specially mixed cocktails and champagne are served.

Q Bar

Q Bar is a Caucasian-owned gay bar, known among local and international customers as the hippest venue to hang out in. But be sure to arrive after 23:30 to get the perfect crowd for mingling in. For live entertainment, Q Bar features drag queen shows throughout the week.

Hypnotique Cocktail Bar & Lounge

Hypnotique is the newest bar to grace the town. This state of the art cocktail bar and lounge will cater to Seminyak’s swish mix of local and foreign travellers, treating you to high-end mixology by their resident DJs. This sleek lounge features one of the best sound systems in Indonesia. The music keeps a more urban and rare groove through the weekdays and then takes things up a notch on weekends with progressive, total funk, uplifting house, trance and plenty of nostalgic tunes mixed in. Service and value will no doubt be two of the best hooks for the repeat offenders here.

Hu’u Bar

Hu’u is named after a magical atoll just off Sumbawa, considered by some surfers as the location of the best wave in the world. Hu’u is a gorgeous cosmopolitan style bar set on a 20,000sqft area, and includes a 14-metre pool and an expensive wooden lounge deck to pamper the international clientele. Hu’u Bar offers more than seventy choices of cocktail (including non alcoholic ones), starting with their legendary lychee martini, and including caipirinha, caipirosca, mojito, cosmopolitan, massive attack and cookie monster and fresh fruit daiquiris. While you’re sipping your martinis, the Resident DJs will bring up rare grooves and jazz breaks from pre-dinner cocktails to late night clubbing.

Obsession Music Bar in Seminyak Beach, bali

Obsession World Music Bar

Obsession World Music Bar is another great place to have a drink and enjoy some late evening entertainment in Seminyak. This place has become one of the preferred places to hangout for expatriates and long-stay tourists.
With no cover charge, all night opening, great wine and cocktails, great music from the resident DJ, live shows (sexy salsa dance on every Wednesday and Friday), a live band (Rio Sidik, a world class trumpet player, his wife a violin player and his band Saharadja perform every Wednesday and Saturday to jazz up the night), and a delectable menu of Japanese, Mexican and Italian Pizzas, it’s no wonder this place is crowded almost every night of the week.This bar also provides a quiet and peaceful wine lounge on the upper floor for those who wish to have a more relaxed time of it.

Galaxy Bar & Nightclub at Galaxy Hotel

The Galaxy Hotel (formerly known as Bali Globe) is the home of The Galaxy Bar that has been operating since 1999. The place is ideally located less than a 10-minute drive from Seminyak’s main road. Here, you can enjoy your night in the friendly atmosphere of their stylish cocktail bar and lounge.
The bar will please sport lovers and the resident DJ will transform this place into a nightclub from 22:00 onwards. For a tr uly entertaining live show, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 11pm, The Galaxy Bar presents sexy fire dancers. Be sure to get the special ‘buy two get one free’ deal for local Bintang Beer on those nights.

Read more: Seminyak Beach Nightlife - What to Do at Night in Seminyak Beach

Jimbaran Beach Nightlife

What to Do at Night in Jimbaran Beach

Jimbaran and The Bukit Peninsula offer nights less frantic than in Kuta, Legian or Seminyak but some of the clubs in these areas are considered as luxurious clubs in Bali. Parties are not always held indoors but rave beach parties are held at every chance for celebrations such as Independence Day, New Years Eve, or just a deck-spinning parade.
The Bukit can get crowded during dry season with surfers and other sport enthusiasts, but some big-spending guests would rather have less crowded places to hang out in such as private clubs or lounges. There’s no need to be worried though - Jimbaran and The Bukit will make you an offer that you can never say 'no' to.

Temple Lounge and Bar

Don’t get confused with the Balinese type of temple as this temple is for joy worshipers only. This fusion African-Middle-Eastern designed lounge is situated on Di Mare Restaurant’s rooftop. You can enjoy limitless ocean views over a cocktail. The Kasbah Moroccan-style lounge and bar serves an A-grade selection of food from Western to Mediterranean.

Kakul Bar and Café

Kakul Bar and Café is the place to have a perfect evening. Breezy sea air with shady trees, a broad selection of dishes and cocktails accompanied by jazz tunes are surely something that you should never pass up. Kakul provides a cosy atmosphere that will ease your tiredness away and make you feel your day has just started.

KLAPA Lounge

Klapa lounge is the new, exclusive, kid on the block in southern Bali. Located in the grounds of the prestigious Pecatu Golf Resort, this two-level lounge with two level basements of more than 6,000sqm contains eight entertainment outlets, such as restaurants, a karaoke room, a lounge, club, spa, and pool. Their mission is to give the customer unlimited entertainment service. With those excessive features who wouldn’t be satisfied?

Nammos Beach Club

The only way to access this astounding Greek-style beach club is via Karma Kandara Resort. Namos Beach Club is beautifully constructed in Aegean style on a Tropical Island. With a bamboo-decked kitchen and grass roof pavilions, this beachfront private club can contain 100 guests. Nammos Beach Club provides five-star services, Mediterranean cuisine and a wide selection of cocktails.

Kubu Bar

This beach porch hut with an open bar is truly a perfect place to enjoy your evening in style. Kubu Bar has just the right combination of an excellent choice of cocktails and a heavenly setting. Located on a cliff edge on Ayana Resort’s private beach, Kubu Bar will ease your troubles away and make time stop.

Martini Club

Martini club at Ayana Resort is probably the only exclusive martini bar in Bali. It serves a complete selection of the world-famous drink from the original 'Martinez' to the most famous 'Shaken, not Stirred', popularised through Ian Fleming’s fictional character James Bond. A well set interior combining traditional and contemporary design with beautiful glass work from renowned artist Seiki Torige marks Ayana’s Martini Club as one of the few classic clubs on the island.

Read more: Jimbaran Beach Nightlife - What to Do at Night in Jimbaran Beach

Ubud Nightlife

What to Do at Night in Ubud

In contrast to the fancy bars, swanky lounges and exclusive clubs of Kuta, Legian and Seminyak, where International DJs spin the decks and every night offers the wilder kind of nightlife, Ubud serves up a more relaxing ambience and traditional atmosphere. This is the place to break away from that kind of crowd. However, a few cafes, limited seat bars and performance stages cater to the Ubud night owls.

Fly Cafe Ubud, Bali. Located at Jalan Raya Lungsiakan, Ubud. Phone: (62-361) 975.440
Tell them you hear it from Jamesrudybali, translator in Bali @ Bali Promotion Center.

Bali Dance Performance

Known as the cultural capital of Bali, Ubud is famous for its fine traditional Balinese dancing. Dances and performances such as Wayang Kulit (shadow puppet) are held nightly here from 19:00 onwards, with special events staged for every full and new moon presented by local villagers who have learnt this rich cultural heritage from a young age, passed down from generations before them.
The venues are spread around Ubud including Ubud Palace, Puri Dalem Ubud, Ubud Water Palace, Pura Agung Peliatan, Pura Desa Kutuh, Pura Padang Kerta, Bale Banjar Klod, Padang Tegal and Arma open stage. Tickets can be purchased at Ubud Tourist Information Bureau or directly from the venue 15 minutes before the dances and performances begin.

Jazz Café

This super cool club is perhaps the hottest nightspot in Ubud. Situated on Jalan Tebeyasa, offering live music and great Asian cuisine under an Alang-Alang roof, there is also a lovely outdoor garden area that has a raised bale with more low tables and cushions.
Kick back in their comfy seats and sip one of their legendary cocktails such as the hugely popular Mega Margarita, Fruity Mango Dixie, Smooth Blues Colada or other seductive cocktails with cool names like Java Jive, Swell Ella or Cool Louise. Classic cocktails, an extensive wine list and a cooler are also available at the bar. Try them all one by one while enjoying great musicians perform Jazz, Blues, Latin, Funk, Soul and World Music every evening except Monday.

Ozigo Bar

Ubud only has a few places for a night out and while Ozigo Bar might be one of the lesser options of nightlife venue for a downtown groove located on Jalan Sanggingan Campuhan, it offers a cosy place to hang out and party until late, and features a VIP room, dance floor and romantic outdoor terraces.
The bar attracts local and foreign DJs, while sexy dancers and nightly live music will heat up your night. Another great service from the bar is that they provide free pick up from your hotel in the Ubud area, so just call their number ((62) 81 23679736) and be ready to swing the night away.


Situated at the bottom of Monkey Forest Road in Central Ubud, this latest addition to Ubud’s nightlife has gained a good reputation for its Lychee Martini. The bar occasionally hosts live music performances and has quite an extensive list of both imported and local wines at very reasonable prices. Cocktails and beers are served in tall cold glasses which make them taste even better.

Beggard's Bush

Beggard’s Bush is a British pub located in front of the Antonio Blanco Museum in Campuhan, and is known as the headquarters of the Bali Hash and Bali Bird Walks. This British Bar has been on the Ubud nightlife scene for 20 years and was established by Victor Mason, the same man behind both the fun membership clubs. The pub provides a wide selection of wines, beer, cocktails and mocktails but it closes early for a hang out venue (22:00).

Sai-Sai Bar

This is a happening place for great food, cold beers, incredibly innovative cocktails and entertainment, right in the centre of downtown Ubud. The interior is complete with big screen TV, live pop and traditional music almost every evening and a barbeque spot in the back to entertain and transform your calming night to an enjoyable hip night out.

Laughing Buddha Bar

Laughing Buddha Bar is a surprisingly nice place to sit. With street-side tables commanding a view of Monkey Forest Road, it’s a perfect place to share some laughs and a cold beer while unwinding to the soothing live music on the stage (the band plays almost every evening from 21:00 to 23:00). Their friendly staff will accompany you through the night while offering a good selection of spirits and local and imported wines at reasonable prices.

Studio 22k

Located in Oka’s Kartini Bungalows compound on Jalan Raya Tebeyasa, only a few minutes’ drive further west from Ubud’s main road, this tiny elegant bar pours excellent cocktails, has a good selection of wines and plays excellent music every night. It’s a perfectly simple bar to refuel in after experiencing some physically demanding activities in the region or after a day strolling around Ubud’s shopping area.

Tanjung Benoa Nightlife

At Tanjung Benoa leisure facilities stop at nightfall. Kuta is the nearest option for nightlife. It’s only a 20-minute drive to get to all the excitement of Bali at night.
Shopping in and Near Tanjung Benoa

Tanjung Benoa Shopping

Shopping in Tanjung Benoa is limited to convenience store and hotel boutique level but just down the road in Nusa Dua you will find handicrafts and arts shops, jewelry outlets, a Paul Smith shop and even children's accessories outlets. Again, the area is largely overrun by swanky hotels so don't expect comparable shopping to larger towns. This is resort land.

Read more: Tanjung Benoa - Everything you need to know about Tanjung Benoa

 Candidasa Beach Nightlife
Do not expect to find any clubs or bars in Candidasa. This small village aims to be a peaceful getaway for travellers searching for a magnificent ocean view with hills and rice fields creating a graceful green backdrop. However, you can enjoy traditional Balinese dance performances every Tuesday and Friday evening at the Pandan Harum Dance stage. 
Shopping in Candidasa

Candidasa Beach Shopping

While visiting Candidasa, there is only one spot to head for, if shopping. There are several art shops lining the main street open daily from 09:00 to 21:00 and some may close earlier. You can find small souvenirs, handicrafts and art crafts made by locals from the neighboring village. No fixed price tags which mean you have to bargain for each item and pay in cash.