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February 28, 2011

Happy 19th. anniversary to Denpasar, Bali

Scarecrows grace Denpasar anniversary

 Wasti Atmodjo, The Jakarta Post, Denpasar | Sat, 02/26/2011
Sixteen colorful scarecrows placed on bamboo windmills to frighten away birds and protect the rice fields of Uma Layu in South Denpasar were made by farmers taking part in a festival Friday to mark Denpasar’s 19th anniversary as a municipality.

Scarecrows have been a staple feature in Bali’s agricultural society for centuries. However, with the advent of the tourism industry, only a few people, least of all from younger generations, preserve the knowledge of crafting scarecrows.

Denpasar Agriculture Agency head Gde Ambara Putra said the festival was aimed in particular at preserving the island’s local cultural wisdom.

In the past, farmers created scarecrows together while waiting for the harvest.

“Making the scarecrows was a cultural pastime for farmers. It was a perfect combination of communal activities, arts and tradition, which should not disappear in our society,” he said.

The festival attracted dozens of farmers from 16 subak (traditional agricultural system) in Denpasar.

Wayan Jelantik, the head of the Pekaseh Subak, said scarecrows helped farmers keep birds away from ripe paddies.

“We rarely see any scarecrows in the city of Denpasar as more rice fields are converted to make way for residential estates, hotels, shopping malls and other buildings,” he said.

Each competing subak presented its most creative and innovative scarecrow. Most of the scarecrows were constructed using environmentally friendly items such as bamboo, bamboo fibers, coconut husks, recycled paper, used cloth, socks and stockings, bamboo hats and other materials.

Some groups created traditional scarecrows dressed as humans. Others experimented with figures adorned in hip hop attire and accessories.

Before creating a scarecrow, the makers perform a special ritual. “We present a simple offering of various spices such as chili, onions, salt and ginger,” Jelantik said.

The ritual is a request for blessings and protection for harvests.

Festival organizers judged the artistic and creative efforts of the participants’ scarecrows, the form and the presentation of the offerings.

“It is important for contestants to understand the philosophy of making the scarecrows, which are seen as farmers’ helpers. Making the scarecrow also enhances the sense of community among villagers,” one of the judges said.

Ambara Putra said he encouraged young people to take part in the festival next year. Most of the contestants this year are middle-aged and older farmers.  
Denpasar Anniversary Appreciation Night: Festive, Attended by Thousands of People in  Denpasar.

Event Khusus

Pemerintah Kota Denpasar menggelar Pemilihan Teruna Teruni 2011, Pesertanya remaja putra �" putri yang berdomisili di wilayah Kota Denpasar berusia antara 17 �" 25 tahun berpenampilan menarik, mempunyai kemampuan dalam hal seni dan budaya bali dan harus mampu berbahasa Bali secara baik dan benar. Persyaratan ini diperlukan karena nantinya mereka bertugas sebagai duta Pariwisata Kota Denpasar, mempromosikan potensi, obyek dan daya tarik wisata Kota Denpasar.

Informasi selengkapnya hubungi :
Dinas Pariwisata Kota Denpasar
Jalan Surapati No.7 Denpasar
Telp.(0361) 231422,234569, Fax (0361) 223602

Lomba Kano dan Rafting
Lomba Kano dan Rafting ini diselenggarakan untuk memperkenalkan program City tour dan mengajak masyarakat untuk peduli dan juga ikut serta menjaga kebersihan sungai badung. Lomba diikuti oleh peserta dari umum, klub kano dan rafting, sekaa teruna dari beberapa banjar di kota Denpasar. Lomba dislenggarakan di Dam Buagan Jalan Pulau Batanta Denpasar.

Informasi selengkapnya hubungi :
Dinas Pariwisata Kota Denpasar
Jalan Surapati No.7 Denpasar
Telp.(0361) 231422,234569, Fax (0361) 223602

27 Pebruari 2011
27 Pebruari 2011 Merupakan peringatan ulang tahun yang ke- 19 Kota Denpasar, berbagai acara akan digelar khususnya untuk masyarakat umum demikian juga wisatawan baik asing maupun domestik.

Informasi selengkapnya hubungi :
Kantor Walikota Denpasar
Jalan Gajah Mada No. 1 Denpasar
Telp. (0361) 234831

Setiap hari Sabtu dan Minggu di Lapangan Puputan
Setiap Purnama

GRAND FINAL of 2011 Denpasar Envoy Boys and Girls
Denpasar municipality Government presents The Grand Final Election Of Teruna Teruni Denpasar 2011. All candidates should be youngsters of Denpasar who have Good personality, aged between 17 – 25 ,should have a special skill in Balinese arts and cultures and should be capable of speaking Balinese language correctly. All of the requirements needed to explain and provide information on tourism object and attraction in Denpasar.

Further information :
Dinas Pariwisata Kota Denpasar
Jalan Surapati No.7 Denpasar
Telp.(0361) 231422,234569, Fax (0361) 223602

Canoeing and rafting competition aims to encourage the city tour program and inviting public participation to maintain the cleanliness of Badung rivers. This annual event will be participated by public, canoe and rafting club, customary village youth organization in Denpasar. The venue for the competition is in Dam Buagan Jl. Pulau Batanta.

Further information :
Dinas Pariwisata Kota Denpasar
Jalan Surapati No.7 Denpasar
Telp.(0361) 231422,234569, Fax (0361) 223602

Feb, 27th 2011
Feb the 27th.  2011 is the 19th anniversary of Denpasar City and there will be various lively and attractive activities presented  for the public and tourist in Denpasar.

Futher information :
Kantor Walikota Denpasar
Jalan Gajah Mada No. 1 Denpasar
Telp. (0361) 234831

Every Saturday and Sunday at the Puputan Square

Once a month on the full-moon night, in front of Jagatnatha Temple

 Happy New year 2011

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