Bali Promotion Center

Bali Promotion Center
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April 02, 2011

The 1st. Bali World Culture Forum 2011 in Sanur, Bali

The 1st Bali World Culture Forum

 Sanur will host the first World Culture Forum (WCF) 2011 in June, in a bid to explore the unequal distribution of cultural power and the increasing “clash of cultures” around the world.
The forum is being organised by the Bali government. It is seeking “new neutral instruments of intercultural collective bargaining” and a new perspective on cultural identity.
The programme is still being finalised but is expected to include speakers from Indonesia, South Africa, Thailand, India, Denmark, Australia and the US.
The forum will include art exhibitions, dance and music programmes, plus yoga and Balinese cultural presentations.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is scheduled to open the forum.
Bertepatan dengan pelaksanaan Pesta Kesenian Bali ke-33  tahun 2011 ini Bali juga akan mencanangkan Bali World Culture Forum dari tanggal 11 s.d 15 Juni 2011.  Bagi masyarakat Bali penyelenggaraan event yang berskala dunia bukanlah hal baru. Dalam Bali World Culture Forum ini thema yang diangkat adalah "Trikaya Parisudha" (Reinventing One Inclusive World In New Spirit Of Cultural Creativity). Mudah-mudahan thema yang merupakan essensi dari spirit hidup masyarakat Hindu di Bali mampu mengangkat  identitas masyarakat Bali ketingkat dunia.  Dalam upaya membangun karakter bangsa nilai-nilai  dasar yang terkandung pada "Trikaya Parisudha" bersifat universal dan eraktualisasi dalam  kebudayaan suatu masyarakat dunia. Oleh karena itu melalui thema ini bangsa Indonesia akan semakin menunjukkan identitas budayanya.
altDalam menghadapi pergerakan dinamika budaya dunia, Bali  yang memiliki keunikan budaya harus menjadikan perubahan yang terjadi sebagai suatu peluang kendatipun menghadapi  suatu tantangan. Keunikan budaya Bali, yaitu pada ranah das sallen bahwa kebudayaan Bali berintikan nilai harmoni, secara sistematik dikuatkan oleh konfigurasi fungsi-fungsi nilai spiritual, etika, estetika, logika, solidaritas, dan praktika. Secara dinamika, kebudayaan dan masyarakat Bali menunjukan karakteristik yang bersifat terbuka, toleran, transpormasi, dan adaptatif nilai atau norma-norma ini perlu dikemukakan dalam tataran budaya dunia.   Pada ranah, das sein karakter masyarakat Bali dihadapkan pada realita tarikan nilai material semakin kuat , dan bila tidak dilakukan nilai-nilai penyadaran diri dapat berpengaruh pada aspek harmonisasi dalam tatanan ruang, waktu, informasi, demografi, aktivitas ekonomi dan politik praktis,  eksplorasi, dan komersialisasi. Dalam kondisi seperti ini tantangan terhadap pembangunan identitas suatu bangsa akan semakin teruji.
altDalam event budaya dunia (WCF) ini akan diperkenalkan keharifan lokal budaya Bali   baik melalui seminar ataupun di dialogkan, sehingga nantinya nilai-nilai kearifan lokal Bali yang disampaikan  menjadi bagian dari budaya dunia. Pelaksanaan WCF ini juga akan  dicanangkan oleh pemerintah pusat di tahun 2012 nanti , dan Bali akan diberikan kesempatan sebagai penyelenggara World Culture Forum.  Bali World Culture Forum akan menampilkan narasumber atau pembicara dari   tokoh-tokoh budaya, hakasasi, politik, spiritual, seni, dan akademisi dari beberapa belahan benua. Dengan harapan sampai saatnya nanti Bali mampu sebagai pusat kajian budaya  dunia. 

Bali is to host the World Culture Forum in 2012 to realize its dream of becoming the world`s cultural center, Culture and Tourism Minister Jero Wacik said.

"Our plan to host the World Cultural Forum 2012 in Bali is related to our dream to make Indonesia the world`s cultural center," the minister said here Monday.

Indonesia deserves the honor to be the world`s cultural center on account of the high degree of its cultural diversity, he said. In fact, Indonesia was the most culturally diverse nation in the Asia Pacific region, he added.

"It is very hard and takes time to achieve our dream to become a center of technology. But becoming the world`s cultural center is a more achievable goal because of our high cultural diversity," he said.

Indonesia was one of the cradles of local wisdoms that became the roots of the cultures of other nations and if this fact was discussed and studied more deeply, the results could become a contribution to the solution of global problems, Jero said.

The plan to host the World Culture Forum 2012 was one of the country`s efforts to become the world`s cultural center. The dream actually began in 2008 when a team led by the late Ali Alatas was formed to pioneer its realization, he said.

However, the World Cultural Forum was postponed due to the global crisis.
"Now we are to host the World Culture Forum in Indonesia and the best venue for it is Bali," he said.

Jero said if Davos in Switzerland had hosted the World Economic Forum (WEF), Indonesia was now planning to host the World Culture Forum which was just as important as the WEF, he said.

Meanwhile, Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Rector Prof. Dr. Sudjarwadi said it was time for Asia to be the world`s cultural center.

He recalled that Europe had become the world`s cultural center in the 19th century, and America in 20th century. Now, in the 21st century, it was Asia`s turn to be the world`s cultural center, he said.

UGM was ready to support the World Cultural Forum 2012 in Bali and in this context would host a culture-related international event, Wisdom 2000, in Yogyakarta on November 8-11.

He hoped Wisdom 2000 would be Indonesia`s initial step toward hosting the World Culture Forum 2012.

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