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February 04, 2014

farewell party for Brett Farmer Consul-General in Bali

Mr Brett Farmer's  tenure as a Consul-General in Bali, Indonesia will come to an end in February 2014



Mr Farmer is a career officer of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade with a strong background in consular services. Prior to his appointment as Consul-General in Bali, he served as Counsellor (Administration) and Consul-General at the Australian High Commission, New Delhi. Mr Farmer has previously served overseas in Hanoi, Abu Dhabi, Dhaka, Colombo, Manila, Bangkok, Dar es Salaam and Jakarta.

Brett-farmer-named-australian-consul. In Bali in 2010

Mr. Farmer , we thank you for your wonderful service and dedication during your tenure in Bali and wish him all the best for your future career 

Pastika gave away a Balinese dagger to Brett as a token of memory 

Made Mangku Pastika in his capacity as Governor of Bali bid farewell to Consul General of Australia to Bali, Brett Farmer, which will have ended his tenure in Bali this month. As a souvenir and a typical Balinese keepsake, Pastika gave away a Balinese kris (an Indonesian dagger with a wavy blade).to Brett Farmer. “I do hope that this dagger can be a talisman that will provide safety for Brett  as in Bali ,Kris is considered a sacred object that has got  magical powers that would affect the owners. " I do hope that this dagger can provide safety for Brett in carrying his future duties as he moves forward with his life" as he said while attending a farewell ceremony held at his residence on Jalam Merta Sari , Sanur on Saturday ( 1/2 )
Pastika expects  Brett will return to Bali in a different occasion  as many foreign nationals who have served in Bali . " After a little while  ,they eventually return to Bali , either as a tourist or business , because of their love for Bali " he added.
In his brief remarks,  Mr. Farmer conveyed his appreciation and gratitude to those who had helped and provided support during his three-year service in Bali, be it government. Tourism actors, representatives of foreign countries that exist in Bali and the Balinese. During his tenure in Bali, he is well accepted and made a very good impression. Besides having a breathtaking nature, Bali is also well known for its culturally rich society. Brett expects to be able to return to Bali again someday. Also in attendance on that occasion, other foreign consuls who are stationed in Bali.

SULUHBALI.CO, Denpasar – Made Mangku Pastika selaku Gubernur Bali mengucapkan selamat jalan kepada Konsul Jenderal Australia untuk Bali, Brett Farmer, yang mulai bulan ini sudah mengakhiri masa tugasnya di Bali. Sebagai bekal dan kenang-kenangan ciri khas Bali, Gubernur Pastika menghadiahi Brett dengan sebilah keris Bali. Pastika berharap agar keris ini bisa menjadi jimat yang akan memberikan keselamatan bagi Breet, karena di Bali Keris dianggap benda keramat yang memiliki kekuatan magis yang akan berpengaruh terhadap pemiliknya. “Saya berharap keris ini bisa memberikan keselamatan bagi Brett dalam menjalani tugas-tugas dan menapaki kehidupan selajutnya”, demikian ujarnya saat menghadiri acara perpisahan yang diselenggarakan Brett di kediamannya di Jalam Merta Sari, Sanur, Sabtu (1/2) Pastika mengharapkan Brett suatu saat kembali lagi ke Bali dengan cara yang berbeda seperti banyak warga negara asing yang pernah  bertugas di Bali. “Setelah pergi beberapa waktu, akhirnya kembali lagi ke Bali, baik sebagai turis maupun bisnis, karena kecintaannya terhadap Bali,” ujarnya.
Farmer dalam sambutan singkatnya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu dan memberikan dukungan selama tiga tahun masa tugasnya di Bali,  baik itu pemerintah. Pelaku pariwisata, perwakilan negara-negara asing yang ada di Bali serta masyarakat Bali. Selama masa tugasnya di Bali, ia memiliki kesan yang sangat  bagus. Selain alamnya yang sangat indah, Bali juga memiliki masyarakat yang sangat berbudaya. Ia mengharap akan bisa bali lagi ke Bali suatu hari. Hadir juga pada kesempatan itu, para Konsul negara asing yang ada di Bali. (SB-hum)

Edited by Jamesrudy 

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