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Bali Promotion Center
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June 12, 2014

SBY was awarded professorship

 The University of Defense's Rector Vice Admiral Desi Albert Mamahit stated at the Defense Ministry's Office in Jakarta, on Wednesday, that President Yudhoyono will be the first professor on the national defense subject in Indonesia.

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has published a number of books and articles on the subject of national defense.
The university acknowledged Yudhoyono’s efforts in sharing his knowledge on the issue by holding public lectures in several universities in Indonesia and overseas.
“Considering his active role in giving lectures in many forums and universities, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has been considered successful in converting hidden knowledge into explicit knowledge,” Unhan said in a statement issued on Wednesday.
Yudhoyono delivered  his lecture titled “Peace and Security in the Evolving World: Challenges in Creating Indonesia’s Grand Strategy”, during a ceremony at the Unhan campus in Sentul, Bogor, on Thursday. 

According to Desi, conferring the academic title on President Yudhoyono was in accordance with Minister of Education and Culture's Rule Number 40/2012 on Bestowing Honoris Causa Professor in Universities.

An official ceremony to bestow the professor title on President Yudhoyono will be held at the University of Defense in Indonesia Peace and Security Center (IPSC), Sentul, Bogor, West Java, on Thursday (June 12).

During the ceremonial event, President Yudhoyono is scheduled to deliver an acceptance speech titled "The Changing Global Peace and Defense: Challenges for Indonesian Grand Strategy Making."

"As a president, Mr. Yudhoyono also spends his time teaching and delivering public lectures in various forums and universities. He has succeeded in converting his tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge," Desi noted.

Desi explained that tacit knowledge is an intangible science that comes from dedication and performance, using which, President Yudhoyono has developed Indonesian democracy into a more mature form.

"His efforts to develop a more mature democracy has had a positive impact on the national defense strategy development, including the budgeting, defense industry policies and Indonesia's role as the world's peacekeeping force," he emphasized.

Desi added that the University of Defense had considered President Yudhoyono as an ideal candidate to receive the professor title as he has expertise on national defense sciences, either from military or non-military education, both domestically and abroad.

"President Yudhoyono also has an academic background, which is needed to be a professor, such as Master of Arts in Management from the Webster University, Missouri, U.S.," he noted.

In 2004, President Yudhoyono received a doctorate in agricultural economy from the Bogor Agriculture Institute (IPB) with a doctoral thesis titled "The Agricultural and Rural Development as an Effort of Poverty and Unemployment Alleviations: an Analysis of Economy and Fiscal Policies."
Yudhoyono also actively writes academic journals and books, such as "Coping with the Crisis & Securing the Reform" (1999), "Revitalization of the Indonesian Economy: Business, Politics and Good Governance" (2002), "The Garden of Life: an Anthology" (2004), "Transforming Indonesia: Selected International Speeches" (2005), "Peace Deal with Aceh is Just a Beginning" (2005), and "The Making of a Hero" (2005).

Besides this, President Yudhoyono has also delivered public lectures in various universities, such as "Perspective on the MDGs and the Way Forward to 2015" at the Columbia University, New York, U.S. in September 2005, "Progress and Prosperity" at the Islamic University of Imam Muhammad Bin Sa'ud in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in April 2006, and "Governance, Reforms and Democratic Transformation in Indonesia" at the Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, in November 2006.
Also, in October 2008, Yudhoyono delivered a public lecture titled "Indonesia, China and East Asia: Building Bridges During Turbulent Times" at the Beijing University in China and "Towards Harmony Among Civilizations" at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, U.S. in September 2009. 

Remarks Upon Accepting The Global Statesman Award


23 MAY 2014


Prof. Klaus Schwab,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Well, my first of order of business is to thank you Professor Klaus Schwab for your personal friendship, and for your active and continued engagement with Indonesia.

I have had the pleasure of taking part in four World Economic Forum meetings - in Davos, Jakarta, Bangkok and now Manila - and I tremendously enjoyed each and everyone of them. Under your leadership Professor Schwaab, the World Economic Forum has clearly made an admirable difference in pursuing its stated objective to "improve the state of the world".

I am honored by this Global Statesmanship Award, and I humbly accept it on behalf of the good people of Indonesia, who continue to inspire and energize me every single day.

In a way, I am also a little nervous because this Award somehow adds more pressure to me. I hope you don''''t expect me to deliver world peace by the end of the week - but I''''ll see what I can do.

I am well aware that history will ultimately judge my Presidency well after I leave office in October this year, and I hope it will be kind to me.

But I do stand before you now with a sense of pride for what Indonesia has become today.

In a turbulent world marked by political turbulence, economic uncertainty, strategic tensions, Indonesia does have a good story to tell, one that can perhaps inspire others.

Indeed, we have come to a very unique place in our history. Many pundits designate us as an emerging economy based on our achievements as a trillion dollar economy, and a member of the G-20.

We have achieved that critical point of no return in our democratic development. We have proved - to ourselves and to the world - that we do not have to choose between democracy and development, and that we can indeed have both political freedom and high economic growth at the same time.

We have achieved the often elusive connection between democracy and stability. We have broken the myth - the fear - that democracy will unravel national unity and instead demonstrated that democracy has made us more united. We have become an example that democracy, Islam, modernity can go hand-in-hand.

Remarkably, we achieved all these things in a relatively short time - about 4 to 5 years since reformasi began in 1998. Yes, sometimes these things get to be taken for granted, but I think that this is a historic feat that we can indeed be proud of. And the fact that our domestic house is in order allows us to play a more active regional and global role.

I know there are skeptics who say that today''''s circumstances have become so complex that there is not much that leaders can do. That leaders do not matter, and that they do not make any dfference.

Well, I say just the opposite : leadership is entirely important to progress. And when I say leadership, I am not referring to one person. I am referring to the long line-up of outstanding men and women who have the courage and creativity to make a difference for their community.

As we can see in many examples across the world, leadership can be the 3 percent difference in economic growth. Leadership can be the difference between new peace and continuing conflict, or between development and decay.

The world community therefore wlll need more - not less - leadership. And the scale of global challenges that confront us will defy conventional response.

The world desperately need a spirit of pioneerism : a determination to challenge old assumptions, constantly push boundaries, and break into new frontiers. This is the spirit by which Indonesia helped break the deadlock in UN climate negotiations with the 26 % - 41 % formula in 2009. The same spirit by which we finally resolved the 30-year conflict in Aceh. The same reason we convened Global Inter-Media Dialogue during the height of the cartoon crisis in 2006. And the same spirit Indonesia pushed for progressive norms at the heart of the ASEAN Charter.

We will need plenty of pioneering spirit to resolve challenges of our time -- green growth, rebalancing the world economy, poverty and inequity, promoting unity among Abrahamic faiths, and others.

And in a world saturated with nationalism, I believe the leaders of today must also learn to evolve a new globalism. In this new globalism, we will find that there are a lot more points of intersection between local, national and global interests - much more than we were used to before. Local leaders should realize that they can significantly enhance their prosperity by drawing on global resources -- markets, capital, technology and others -- but they also have responsibility to take part in efforts to protect the global commons.

We have been accustomed to a worldview of "us" and "them" for too long. In this new globalism, it is time we do away with this rigid "us and them" approach, and evolve the new We. All of us are in this together. This is the only sensible approach to survive and succeed in an inter-dependent world.

My final point. The 21st century will bring about changes at blinding speed. It is often said that more things will change in the next 10 years than in the past 100 years. Excting indeed, but we must beware of the risk of de-humanization. In this amazing century, it is important for us to reinforce our human dimension in all the things we do. We must build and use machines that enhance humanity. We must pursue development that projects the dignity of man. We must promote education that nourishes the human soul. We must promote politics that promotes human freedom.

This, I believe, is the essence of 21st century leadership.

I thank you. ***
  President SBY Remarks Upon Accepting The Global Statesman Award

Ada Lima Isu Dunia yang Berimplikasi Bagi Indonesia

Sentul, Jabar: Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono menyebut ada 5 isu strategis pada tingkat dunia yang memiliki implikasi nyata, bahkan serius, bagi upaya bangsa Indonesia untuk mewujudkan cita-cita, kepentingan, dan tujuan nasional. Salah satu isu tersebut adalah redefinisi tentang persepsi ancaman terhadap kepentingan nasional.

"Dewasa ini ancaman terhadap kepentingan nasional bisa berupa ancaman militer, ekonomi, ideologi dan nilai-nilai dasar yang kita anut, serta politik dan kedaulatan," kata Presiden SBY pada pidato pengukuhannya sebagai Profesor di Universitas Pertahanan (Unhan), Sentul, Jawa Barat, Kamis (12/6) sore.

Bencana alam, perubahan iklim, dan wabah penyakit juga bisa menjadi ancaman. Strategi dan cara yang dilakukan juga harus sesuai dengan ancaman-ancaman tersebut.

Untuk bidang ekonomi, Presiden mencontohkan krisis ekonomi dunia tahun 2008-2009. Pemerintah bekerja sangat keras, baik secara domestik maupun internasional, untuk meminimalkan dampak dari krisis besar itu.

Isu kedua yaitu implikasi dari perubahan dan pergeseran geopolitik yang baru. Satu di antaranya adalah apa yang terjadi di kawasan Asia Timur dan Laut Tiongkok Selatan. Saat ini, konflik teritorial antara Tiongkok dan Jepang di Asia Timur berada dalam fase yang membahayakan. Situasi seperti ini tentu memaksa Indonesia, sebagai negara terbesar di Asia Tenggara, untuk menentukan sikap yang tepat.

"Diplomasi kita juga sangat aktif, termasuk pelibatan saya sendiri sebagai pemimpin Indonesia, untuk melakukan dialog dan bahkan mediasi dengan negara-negara yang tengah berhadap-hadapan, baik secara politik maupun militer," SBY menjelaskan.

Dalam banyak hal, lanjut SBY, peran yang Indonesia lakukan membuahkan hasil yang positif. "Kita beruntung, karena memiliki jalan dan peluang yang baik untuk berbicara langsung dengan Tiongkok, Jepang, Amerika Serikat dan apalagi negara-negara ASEAN, jika hal begitu diperlukan," SBY menambahkan.

Isu lainnya adalah benarkah kini dunia kembali kepada tatanan perang dingin baru, dan apa implikasinya bagi Indonesia? Menurut SBY, terlalu dini dan tidak boleh gegabah untuk mengatakan bahwa kini dunia kembali memasuki Perang Dingin. Dengan bubarnya Uni Soviet dan Pakta Warsawa, pihak Barat telah memperlakukan Rusia sebagai mitra dalam berbagai kerja sama. Di antaranya dalam G-8 dan G-20. Di kawasan Asia Pasifik sendiri telah berdiri forum APEC dan East Asia Summit yang disamping 10 negara ASEAN, dan 6 negara di kawasan Asia, juga diajak dan diwadahi keberadaan AS dan Rusia dalam forum penting tersebut.

Di forum Dewan Keamanan PBB diketahui bahwa amat sering posisi negara pemegang hak veto terbelah antara Rusia dan Tiongkok di satu sisi, dan AS, Inggris, dan Perancis berada di sisi yang lain. Perubahan keadaan seperti ini, meskipun belum diketahui apakah benar-benar telah kembali ke situasi Perang Dingin, tentu ada implikasinya bagi Indonesia.

"Atas dasar politik bebas-aktif serta "All Directions Foreign Policy" yang kita anut selama ini, semua negara besar tersebut adalah sahabat dan mitra Indonesia. Bahkan dalam kurun waktu sepuluh tahun terakhir ini, negara-negara itu telah menjadi mitra strategis atau mitra komprehensif kita," kata SBY.

Hubungan ekonomi, politik, budaya dan pertahanan Indonesia dengan negara-negara besar baik. Oleh karena itu, meskipun tidak harus berpikir untuk membangun gerakan non-blok yang baru, tetapi memang diperlukan kebijakan luar negeri kita yang tepat.

"Tanpa harus terseret-seret ke kubu manapun, Indonesia harus tetap bisa memainkan peran yang konstruktif," SBY menandaskan. (yun)

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