Each hour, 300 people around the world will contract HIV. AIDS kills more people than any other infectious disease.
Cumulative Number of HIV AIDS cases in Bali has surpassed 9.191
Indonesia's Provincial AIDS Control Commission says HIV and AIDS infections in Bali have increased year-on-year and even spread into rural areas of the island.
Bali Governor Mangku Pastka expressed his concern about the increasing number of HIV/AIDS cases in Bali , Reportedly there are currently 9,191 known cases of infection in Bali.
The increase has led to experts warning that heterosexuals and those aged in their 20s are the main at-risk group.
The AIDS Control Commission's Professor Mangku Karmaya says 75 per cent of the cases were among heterosexuals and 40 per cent of the total number infected, are aged between 20 and 29 years old.
Pastika Bali United against HIV:No Dolly sexworkers
Cumulative Number of HIV AIDS cases in Bali has surpassed 9.191
Indonesia's Provincial AIDS Control Commission says HIV and AIDS infections in Bali have increased year-on-year and even spread into rural areas of the island.
Bali Governor Mangku Pastka expressed his concern about the increasing number of HIV/AIDS cases in Bali , Reportedly there are currently 9,191 known cases of infection in Bali.
The increase has led to experts warning that heterosexuals and those aged in their 20s are the main at-risk group.
The AIDS Control Commission's Professor Mangku Karmaya says 75 per cent of the cases were among heterosexuals and 40 per cent of the total number infected, are aged between 20 and 29 years old.
Pastika Bali United against HIV:No Dolly sexworkers
Hal tersebut diungkapkan Gubernur Pastika pada acara malam renungan
AIDS nasional yang digelar di Pelataran Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Bali,
Minggu (20/7/2014).
Lebih jauh Pastika mengungkap, selain disumbang oleh tambahan kasus
baru, meningkatnya jumlah penderita juga disebabkan mulai optimalnya
proses penggalian 'gunung es' yang dilakukan instansi terkait dengan
dibantu penggiat HIV/AIDS.
Melihat data tersebut, Gubernur Pastika mengutarakan keprihatinan
atas perkembangan kasus HIV/AIDS. "Telah banyak korban berjatuhan.
Mereka mati sia-sia," ujarnya.
Menurut Pastika, banyaknya korban meninggal dipicu ketidaktahuan yang
bersangkutan bahwa mereka terinfeksi HIV. Untuk itu, dia mendorong
langkah lebih proaktif dalam penanggulangan serta pencegahan HIV/AIDS di
kalangan masyarakat.
Pemprov Bali, tambah Pastika, telah melakukan langkah variatif dalam
pencegahan penyakit ini. Bekerjasama dengan MUDP, Pemprov Bali berupaya
meminimalisir stigma negatif maupun diskriminasi masyarakat terhadap
ODHA (Orang Dengan HIV/AIDS).
Berikut adalah Laporan Kasus HIV-AIDS di Indonesia sampai dengan Maret 2014, yang diterima dari Ditjen PP & PL, berdasarkan surat Direktur Jenderal P2PL, Prof. dr. Tjandra Y Aditama, SpP(K), DTM&H tertanggal 28 Mei 2014:
Cumulative number of HIV & AIDS cases based on Province
No. | Province | HIV | AIDS |
1 | Papua | 14943 | 10116 |
2 | Jawa Timur | 16752 | 8725 |
3 | DKI Jakarta | 30023 | 7477 |
4 | Jawa Barat | 11084 | 4131 |
5 | Bali | 8543 | 4075 |
6 | Jawa Tengah | 7584 | 3339 |
7 | Papua Barat | 2448 | 1721 |
8 | Sulawesi Selatan | 3961 | 1703 |
9 | Kalimantan Barat | 4290 | 1699 |
10 | Sumatera Utara | 8316 | 1468 |
11 | Banten | 3353 | 1042 |
12 | Riau | 1852 | 1016 |
13 | Sumatera Barat | 1007 | 952 |
14 | DI Yogyakarta | 2324 | 916 |
15 | Sulawesi Utara | 2082 | 798 |
16 | Nusatenggara Timur | 1590 | 496 |
17 | Maluku | 1275 | 488 |
18 | Nusatenggara Barat | 742 | 456 |
19 | Jambi | 687 | 437 |
20 | Lampung | 953 | 423 |
21 | Kepulauan Riau | 4086 | 382 |
22 | Kalimantan Selatan | 366 | 334 |
23 | Kalimantan Timur | 2246 | 332 |
24 | Sumatera Selatan | 1541 | 322 |
25 | Bangka Belitung | 462 | 307 |
26 | Sulawesi Tenggara | 263 | 212 |
27 | Sulawesi Tengah | 340 | 190 |
28 | NAD | 144 | 178 |
29 | Maluku Utara | 223 | 165 |
30 | Bengkulu | 262 | 160 |
31 | Kalimantan Tengah | 214 | 97 |
32 | Gorontalo | 52 | 68 |
33 | Sulawesi Barat | 34 | 6 |
Jumlah | 134042 | 54231 |
Prevalence of AIDS cases per 100,000 Residents based on Province
No. | Province | Prevalence |
1 | Papua | 357.03 |
2 | Papua Barat | 226.32 |
3 | Bali | 104.74 |
4 | DKI Jakarta | 77.82 |
5 | Kalimantan Barat | 38.65 |
6 | Sulawesi Utara | 35.14 |
7 | Maluku | 31.82 |
8 | DI Yogyakarta | 26.49 |
9 | Bangka Belitung | 25.10 |
10 | Jawa Timur | 23.28 |
11 | Kepulauan Riau | 22.75 |
12 | Sulawesi Selatan | 21.20 |
13 | Sumatera Barat | 19.64 |
14 | Riau | 18.34 |
15 | Maluku Utara | 15.89 |
16 | Jambi | 14.13 |
17 | Sumatera Utara | 11.31 |
18 | Nusatenggara Timur | 10.59 |
19 | Jawa Tengah | 10.31 |
20 | Nusatenggara Barat | 10.13 |
21 | Banten | 9.80 |
22 | Jawa Barat | 9.59 |
23 | Sulawesi Tenggara | 9.50 |
24 | Kalimantan Timur | 9.34 |
25 | Bengkulu | 9.33 |
26 | Kalimantan Selatan | 9.21 |
27 | Sulawesi Tengah | 7.21 |
28 | Gorontalo | 6.54 |
29 | Lampung | 5.56 |
30 | Kalimantan Tengah | 4.38 |
31 | Sumatera Selatan | 4.32 |
32 | NAD | 3.96 |
33 | Sulawesi Barat | 0.52 |
Nasional | 22.82 |
Sebanyak 3.699 kasus "Human Immunodeficiency Virus" dan "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome" (HIV/AIDS) teridentifikasi selama periode Januari-Juni 2014 di Bali, dan terbanyak di Kota Denpasar.
"Denpasar yang paling tinggi angka kasus yang teridentifikasi
HIV/AIDS dibandingkan delapan Kabupaten/kota lainnya," kata Kepala Dinas
Kesehatan Bali dr Ketut Suarjaya di Denpasar, Selasa (1/7).
Dari jumlah tersebut, lanjut dia, rata-rata kumulatif kasus tersebut
mencapai 40 persen dengan perincian 1.876 orang penderita HIV dan AIDS
As many as 3,699 cases of HIV/AIDS were identified in Bali during the
period of January-June 2014, with the majority of cases found in the
island’s capital city of Denpasar.
Quoted in Kompas.com, the head of the provincial health service, Dr.
Ketut Suarjaya said in Denpasar on Tuesday, July 1, 2014, “Depasar has
the greatest number of cases of HIV/AIDS when compared to the remaining
eight regencies and metropolitan areas of Bali.”
In Denpasar, the capital of Bali , the number of males afflicted with HIV is 1,246 and females (577) out of 1.823 people," he said.
In Denpasar, the capital of Bali , the number of males afflicted with HIV is 1,246 and females (577) out of 1.823 people," he said.
The figures break down further to 1,876 cases of HIV and 1,823 cases of AIDS.
Ketut Suarjaya menjelaskan berdasarkan jenis kelamin tercatat jumlah
penderita HIV pada laki-laki sebanyak 1.065 orang dan perempuan (811) di
Kota Denpasar.
"Sedangkan untuk jumlah penderita AIDS di Denpasar berjenis kelamin laki-laki sebanyak 1.246 dan perempuan (577) dari total 1.823 orang," ujarnya.
Diperingkat kedua jumlah kasus HIV/AIDS mencapai 17 persen terdapat
di Kabupaten Buleleng dengan total 1.623 orang dengan rincian yang
teridentifikasi mengidap HIV berjenis kelamin laki-laki sebanyak 594
orang dan perempuan (399).
"Untuk penderita AIDS di Kabupaten Buleleng dengan jenis kelamin laki-laki 420 orang dan perempuan (210)," ujar Ketut.
Kemudian diperingkat ketiga jumlah kasus HIV/AIDS mencapai 14,6
persen terdapat di Kabupaten Badung dengan total 1.343 orang dengan
rincian yang teridentifikasi mengidap HIV berjenis kelamin laki-laki
sebanyak 416 orang dan perempuan (243).
Demikian dengan penderita AIDS berjenis kelamin laki-laki di Kabupaten Buleleng tersebut mencapai 492 orang dan perempuan (192).
Selain itu, penderita yang teridentifikasi HIV/AIDS di Kabupaten
Gianyar mencapai 7,4 persen dengan total 683 kasus, Tabanan (6 persen;
556), Jembrana (5,5 persen; 505), Karangasem (3 persen; 292), Klungkung
(2,4 persen; 219) dan Bangli (1,8 persen; 170).
According to Ketut Suarjaya , the figures break down further to 1,876 cases of HIV and 1,823 cases of AIDS.
Depasar has the greatest number of cases of HIV/AIDS when compared to the remaining seven regencies of Bali.”
In Denpasar, the capital of Bali , the number of males afflicted with HIV is 1,246 and females (577) out of 1.823 people," he said.
The second highest number of HIV/AIDS cases are found in Buleleng in North Bali where1,632 cases of HIV/AIDS are reported.
Depasar has the greatest number of cases of HIV/AIDS when compared to the remaining seven regencies of Bali.”
In Denpasar, the capital of Bali , the number of males afflicted with HIV is 1,246 and females (577) out of 1.823 people," he said.
The second highest number of HIV/AIDS cases are found in Buleleng in North Bali where1,632 cases of HIV/AIDS are reported.
Coming in third in terms of HIV/AIDS cases in Bali is the regency of Bandung with 1,343 cases.
Ubud and its surrounding regency of Gianyar reports 683 cases of
HIV/AIDS. Tabanan 556 cases, Jembrana 505 cases, Karangasem 292 cases,
Klungkung 219 cases and Bangli 170 cases.
Several discussions have concluded that the sluggishness of HIV/AIDS prevention in Bali was due to campaigns that were too focused on prostitutes. Many view a strategy of demand-reduction as a more effective solution, as those paying for sex held a greater power for spreading the disease.
Condom use among Bali-based prostitutes stands at just 40 percent.
Education is key to HIV prevention, not closing brothels
Medical experts and NGOs have announced that increasing awareness about the danger of HIV/AIDS among those working in red-light districts as sex workers is the best solution for preventing the spread of disease.
They were responding to the last month’s closure of the Dolly red-light district in Surabaya, East Java — the biggest such district in Indonesia and arguably the whole of Southeast Asia — by the local administration.
The Bali Health Agency has also aired plans to provide counseling and testing to expectant mothers.
Following the closure, Wirawan said that his commission’s office in East Java would collaborate with UNAIDS — the joint UN program on HIV and AIDS — to study where the sex workers leaving Dolly may go.
They will also study the number of sex workers who change jobs after the closure. “From the research, we will understand what to do here should they [displaced sex workers] end to Bali,” he said.
Medical practitioner Gusti Ngurah Pramesemara said the closure of Dolly would bring more negative impacts to society, especially related to health. “The efforts to educate [the people] and prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) will now be more difficult,” he said.
He explained that Bali had proven this to be the case when local authorities shut down brothels on the island only to see them resurface elsewhere, inhibiting HIV/AIDS prevention efforts. Pramesemara said the prostitution industry was complex and required special care.
NGO activists on the island said they faced difficulties in executing HIV/AIDS outreach efforts after the Tabanan administration shut down the red-light district at the Pesiapan bus terminal. The prostitutes who used to work there left and relocated to several remote villages.
Several discussions have concluded that the sluggishness of HIV/AIDS prevention in Bali was due to campaigns that were too focused on prostitutes. Many view a strategy of demand-reduction as a more effective solution, as those paying for sex held a greater power for spreading the disease.
Condom use among Bali-based prostitutes stands at just 40 percent.
Education is key to HIV prevention, not closing brothels
Medical experts and NGOs have announced that increasing awareness about the danger of HIV/AIDS among those working in red-light districts as sex workers is the best solution for preventing the spread of disease.
They were responding to the last month’s closure of the Dolly red-light district in Surabaya, East Java — the biggest such district in Indonesia and arguably the whole of Southeast Asia — by the local administration.
The Bali Health Agency has also aired plans to provide counseling and testing to expectant mothers.
Following the closure, Wirawan said that his commission’s office in East Java would collaborate with UNAIDS — the joint UN program on HIV and AIDS — to study where the sex workers leaving Dolly may go.
They will also study the number of sex workers who change jobs after the closure. “From the research, we will understand what to do here should they [displaced sex workers] end to Bali,” he said.
Medical practitioner Gusti Ngurah Pramesemara said the closure of Dolly would bring more negative impacts to society, especially related to health. “The efforts to educate [the people] and prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) will now be more difficult,” he said.
He explained that Bali had proven this to be the case when local authorities shut down brothels on the island only to see them resurface elsewhere, inhibiting HIV/AIDS prevention efforts. Pramesemara said the prostitution industry was complex and required special care.
NGO activists on the island said they faced difficulties in executing HIV/AIDS outreach efforts after the Tabanan administration shut down the red-light district at the Pesiapan bus terminal. The prostitutes who used to work there left and relocated to several remote villages.
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