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October 26, 2014

The Working Cabinet under Jokowi JK Administration

The Working Cabinet under Jokowi JK Administration

Retno Marsudi, the current ambassador to the Netherlands, will take over as foreign minister. She is the Indoensia's first female foreign minister.

 Indonesia's Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno L.P Marsudi #KabinetKerja

Indonesia's new president Joko Widodo unveiled his Cabinet on Sunday October 26, 2014
Here's the complete  list of the Cabinet Line up" Working Cabinet "under Jokowi JK Administration 

The Cabinet Ministers  will be sworn in on Monday.October 27th. 2014

1. State secretary Pratikno, 52 (rector of the University of Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta)

2. National Development Planning Minister Andrinof Chaniago, 51 (public policy academic from the University of Indonesia, an adviser to Mr Joko Widodo).

3. Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Indroyono Susilo, 59 (director for fisheries and aquaculture at the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation)

4. Transport Minister Ignasius Jonan, 51 (CEO of state-owned railway company Kereta Api Indonesia, a former investment banker).

5. Maritime and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti, 49 (owner of charter aircraft company Susi Air)

6. Tourism Minister Arief Yahya, 53 (CEO of state-owned telco PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia)

7. Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Sudirman Said, 51 (CEO of state-owned defence manufacturer PT Pindad, former deputy director at state-owned oil company Pertamina)

8. Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Tedjo Edhy Purdijatno, 62 (former Navy chief)

9. Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo, 56 (secretary-general of the PDI-P)

10. Foreign Affairs Minister Retno LP Marsudi, 52 (ambassador to the Netherlands and former director-general for America and Europe)

11. Defence Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu, 64 (former army chief)

12. Law and Human Rights Minister Yasonna Laoly, 61 (PDI-P MP and former university law dean)

13. Communications and Information Minister Rudiantara, 55, commissioner of Indosat

14. State Apparatus and Bureaucracy Reform Minister Yuddy Chrisnandi, 46 (Hanura politician)

15. Coordinating Minister for the Economy Sofyan Djalil, 61 (former State-owned Enterprise Minister)

16. Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro, 48 (deputy finance minister, former dean)

17. State-owned Enterprise Minister Rini M.Soemarno, 56 (former trade and industry minister, former CEO of auto giant Astra International)

18. Cooperative and Small and Medium Enterprises Minister AAGN Puspayoga, 49 (former lecturer and former deputy governor of Bali)

19. Industry Minister Saleh Husin, 51 (Hanura politician, commissioner)

20. Trade Minister Rahmat Gobel, 52 (owner of Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia, which makes electronic appliances)

21. Agriculture Minister Amran Sulaiman, 46 (CEO of sugar plantation Tiran Group)

22. Manpower Minister Hanif Dhakiri, 53 (former special aide to Manpower Minister, former National Awakening Party MP).

23. Public Works and People's Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono, 59 (former Director General of Spatial Layout at the public works ministry)

24. Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya (former senior civil servant)

25. Agrarian and Spatial Planning Minister Ferry Mursyidan Baldan (National Democratic Party official)

26. Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani, 41 (former leader of the PDI-P's parliamentary group and daughter of former President Megawati Soekarnoputri).

27. Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifudin (United Development Party member)

28. Health Minister Nila F Moeloek (senior ophthalmologist, Indonesia’s special envoy for millennium development goals)

29. Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa (National Awakening Party MP and former Women Affairs Minister)

30. Woman Affairs Minister Yohana Yembise (an acadmic, the first female Papuan to be installed as a professor)

31. Culture and Primary and Secondary Education Minister Anies Baswedan (rector of Paramadina University in Jakarta)

32. Research, Technology and Higher Education Minister M Nasir (rector of Diponegoro University in Semarang)

33. Youth and Sports Minister Imam Nahrawi (National Awakening Party leader)

34. Lesser Developed Regions and Transmigration Minister Marwan Jafar (National Awakening Party leader)

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