Bali Promotion Center

Bali Promotion Center
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November 15, 2010

Investor asal Klantan Malaysia mengincar Pulau Nusa Penida


Nusa Penida is an island southeast of Bali island, Indonesia. Administratively, the island is a subdistrict of Klungkung regency. There are two small islands nearby: Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan. The Badung Strait separates the island and Bali. The interior of Nusa Penida is hilly with a maximum altitude of 524 metres. It is drier than the nearby island of Bali. Unlike the neighbouring small island of Nusa Lembongan there is very little tourist infrastructure here

Diving sites

Nusa Penida covers a wide area of diving locations. They are Penida Bay, Batu Lumbung (Manta Point), Batu Meling, Batu Abah, Toyapakeh and Malibu Point. The flow through the Lombok Strait is, overall, south-tending, although the strength and direction of the tidal streams are influenced by the monsoon seasons.
During the southeast monsoons, the tidal flow tends south; during the northeast monsoons, the tidal flow tends north. In the area of the strait north of Nusa Penida, the pattern is relatively simple, with a flow, at peaktide, of about three-and-one-half knots. Tidal streams in Badung Strait are semi-diurnal, but the character of the stream is very complicated because its direction runs obliquely to the general south to north direction of Lombok Strait, and the channel has a curved shape.
See the Nusa Penida Dive Sites


Toyapakeh has a stretch of reefs, and in the southern part of the bay there is a similar area of rugged bommies, rich with color and fish. Big schools of fish, sea turtles, and occasionally Mola mola (sunfish) are highlight of Toyapakeh diving. Toyapakeh is special for its pillars of coral.

Malibu Point

Malibu Point is a diving site with gray reefs, reef white tips, silver-tips and numerous sharks. While Penida Bay is another anchorage, and the rocky islands have an interesting forms; something like an old resting elephant. The bay is vulnerable to swell, creating-up-and-down-currents. Then, Manta Point is a limestone rock off Pandan cafe. The swell is relatively strong.

Nusa Penida/Lembongan

Nusa Penida/Lembongan is a diving site with vast spread of coral reefs and good visibility. Big fish are frequently observed at the area. Manta rays or sunfishes appear in certain seasons.
The site is also known because of the very strong currents requiring advanced diving skills.

Crystal Bay

Crystal Bay is calmer than outer shore. There are schools of Anthias. A school of batfish comes around periodically. A bat cave is located nearby.

 Sekilas  tentang Nusa Penida bali
Nusa Penida adalah sebuah pulau (=nusa) yang terletak di sebelah tenggara Bali yang dipisahkan oleh Selat Badung. Di dekat pulau ini terdapat juga pulau-pulau kecil lainnya yaitu Nusa Ceningan dan Nusa Lembongan. Perairan pulau Nusa Penida terkenal dengan kawasan selamnya diantaranya terdapat di Penida Bay, Manta Point, Batu Meling, Batu Lumbung, Batu Abah, Toyapakeh dan Malibu Point.
Nusa Penida dapat dijangkau dari Sanur dengan tarif penyeberangan sebesar Rp. 23.000 per orang, dari Kusamba dengan tarif sebesar Rp. 15.000 per orang. Sedangkan jika melalui pelabuhan Padang Bai sebesar Rp. 18.500 per orang dengan perahu.
Nusa Penida merupakan daerah kering dengan tekstur tanah berkapur. Sebagian besar penduduknya bekerja sebagai petani, nelayan dan buruh, dan lainnya sebagai pedagang.
Perkembangan sektor pariwisata masih didominasi di Nusa Lembongan, sementara di Nusa Penida masih belum berkembang sama sekali, hanya terlihat aktivitas snorkeling dan diving., Nusa Penida, Investor asal Klantan Malaysia mengincar Pulau Nusa Penida untuk melakukan investasi. Investor asal Negeri Jiran tersebut tertarik membangun resort di kawasan pulau yang merupakan wilayah adminitrasi Kabupaten Klungkung Bali.

Camat Nusa penida I Made Sudiarkajaya pada keterangannya di Nusa Penida, Minggu (4/10) menyatakan investor asal Malaysia tersebut berencana membangun resort seluas 50-100 heaktar dari 20.224 hektar luas pulau Nusa Penida. Padahal investasi yang diharapkan adalah investasi di bidang peternakan.

“Memang mereka sudah membuat master plan, gambarannya rencananya membuat resort seluas 50-100 hektar, kan tidak mungkin kalau dilihat dari daya dukung dan daya tampung, padahal harapan kami investasi peternakan, jelas I Made Sudiarkajaya.

I Made Sudiarkajaya menyebutkan selain investor asal Malaysia, juga terdapat investor dari Hongkong dan Inggris yang tertarik untuk investasi di pulau yang berpenduduk sekitar 50.000 orang tersebut.

 Lembaga Konservasi internacional The Nature of Conservation merekomendasikan kepada Pemerintah Kabupaten Klungkung Bali untuk melakukan moratorium sementara pembangunan fasilitas pariwisata di kawasan Pulau Nusa Penida.

Rekomendasi ini disampaikan menyusul berkembangnya fasilitas pariwisata berupa villa yang belum memiliki ijin di kawasan Pulau seluas sekitar 20.000 hektar tersebut.

Manager Program TNC Wilayah Nusa Penida Marthen Willy pada keterangannya di Nusa Penida, Minggu (4/10) menyatakan moratorium bertujuan bukan untuk melarang pembangunan fasilitas pariwisata tetapi menunda pembangunan sementara sambil menunggu penyusunan rencana detail tata ruang di pulau berpenduduk 50.000 orang tersebut. Dimana pembangunan fasilitas pariwisata kedepan sesuai dengan konsep daya dukung dan daya tampung sebuah pulau kecil

Resort  area yang besar akan membutuhkan air yang banyak dan dan listrik yang banyak dan ini akan menyerap listrik dan air yang diperuntukkan bagi masyarakat, begitu juga perlu lahan yang luas sehingga cendrunng akan menimbulkan konflik, Jelas Marthen Willy.

Manager Program Conservation TNC Wilayah Nusa Penida Marthen Willy berharap pemerintah Kabupaten Klungkung Bali juga melakukan pengkajian terhadap investasi yang masuk agar sesuai dengan daya dukung dan daya tampung wilayah.

Berdasarkan catatan Kantor Kecamatan Nusa penida hingga
saat ini di kawasan Pulau Nusa Penida terdapat 5 Villa yang telah beroperasi, 4 diantaranya belum memiliki ijin.

(11/20/2010) As reported by [What's up, Dock?], the RoRo ferry service operating between the Bali ports of Kusamba and Nusa Penida was interrupted when the ship, Nusa Jaya Abadi,

As a result, the large number of passengers travelling between Bali and the nearby island of Nusa Penida have been forced to use local boats which are often dangerously overloaded.

Fortunately, the promised replacement vessel redeployed from Ternate has now arrived in Bali and commenced service on Friday, November 19, 2010.

Bali Post reports that the replacement vessel is being allowed to run two round trips each day when, in fact, repeated requests form the Nusa Jaya Abadi to increase its daily frequency from one to two were always rejected, claiming two trips would constitute too much competition for local boat operators in Padang Bai.

The replacement vessel departs Bali at 6:00 am and 11:00 am every day. The ships has a reduced capacity in comparison with the Nusa Jaya Abadi. The replacement ship is capable of carrying only 12 vehicles and 60 passengers. Due to these capacity issues, port authorities are giving first priority to trucks carrying basic goods and supplies from Bali to Nusa Penida.

The Nusa Jaya Abadi will remain in dock in Surabaya until December 3, 2010, when it is scheduled to return to service between Kusama and Nusa Penida departed for Surabaya to undergo an annual docking on November 13, 2010.. 
Sources : Bali Post 

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