Rob Rambini Proudly Welcomed in Bali after Sailing Solo from California
After sailing solo for over 10,000 miles across the Pacific Ocean, Rob ”Rama” Rambini finally arrived at the Balima Pier,Tanjung Benoa Port, Bali at 01.30 am. Western Indonesia Time on Saturday, April 2nd 2011. The Italian born Indonesian citizen began this long voyage from Oakland, California, United States of America on May 8th 2010. The journey, which took 10 months and 27 days, landed Rob in the pages of the Indonesian Museum of Records (MURI) as the first Indonesian ever to sail solo from California to Bali. The MURI certificate of recognition no. 4810/R.MURI/IV/2011 was handed by MURI representative attended by DR. Sapta Nirwandar, Director General for Tourism Marketing of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia at the Serambi Mariana, Tanjung Benoa Port, Bali.
Upon arrival, the tired and shabby looking sailor was immediately hugged by his mother, KRAY Tri Sutijikamal. “I want to say thank you to the government and everyone involved in this. I want to meet my mom, whom I have not seen for quite a while. It’s been 30 years since my last visit to Indonesia. I almost fell asleep on my way to Bali, everything feels new here”, said Rob as reported by He also stated that in his younger years he often traveled to many parts of the world in search of new experiences. “My intention to come to Indonesia is because I have been longing to see my mother; that is my motivation”, he added.
The 53 year-old veteran sailor set sail in a 30 feet (10 meters) Jensen Marine Cal 30 sailboat named Kona. Rob self funded the voyage that cost him no less than 250 million rupiahs. Detikcom reported that Rob carried 7 sails, with two broken sails and 2 other patched sails. “This is a small boat for a long voyage”, he said. Rob sailed out from California to Hawaii, then down to the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, later to Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea before finally reaching Bali.
He almost forfeited his voyage when a 12 meters high wave hit him just three days off the coast of San Francisco. “My sail was torn, making it difficult to sail. There are only two options; head back or continue sailing into the nearest island in Hawaii. Fighting desperation, I decided to go on with the journey”, said Rob as reported by
Sapta Nirwandar stated that Rob Rambini’s quest gave a positive value for Indonesia's tourism promotion. Rob has shown to the world that Indonesia as an archipelagic nation is potential to be developed as a world class sailing and marine tourism destination.
“We ought to be justly proud of Rob Rambini, who has managed to sail across the Pacific Ocean all on his own. This can be used as a motivation and to encourage the spirit of the youth. Rob Rambini’s accomplishment is also solid proof that we are still great seafarers today, as were our ancestors” added Sapta.
Rambini Berlayar dari California ke Bali
Rob Rambini (
Rob dalam siaran persnya yang diterima ANTARA di Denpasar, Sabtu berharap, dirinya menjadi orang pertama Indonesia yang bisa menempuh pelayaran seorang diri dari California ke Bali.
Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Roma, Italia dan hidup puluhan tahun di AS itu mengatakan, pelayaran dimulai 8 Mei 2010 lalu dari Oakland, California.
"Dari Oakland saya menuju Honolulu, Hawaii. Kemudian mengarah ke selatan, melalui rute Kepulauan Solomon, Vanuata dan Laut Coral, sehingga akhirnya merapat di Port Moresby, Papua New Guniea," katanya.
Dia menjelaskan, setelah merapat di Port Moresby, dirinya beristirahat sejenak, kemudian melanjutkan perjalanan kembali pada 12 November, dan diperkirakan akan sampai tidak lama lagi di Bali.
"Saya berharap pelayaran ini bisa dijadikan sebagai momen meningkatkan pariwisata pelayaran di Indonesia. Selain itu, tentu jika berhasil maka ini merupakan kebanggaan tersendiri bagi saya, maupun seluruh rakyat Indonesia," ujarnya.
Selain berharap, Rob juga mengaku jika pelayaran dengan kapal yang diberi nama "Kona" kali ini merupakan sebuah perjalanan yang terhebat dalam hidupnya selama ini.
Ia juga mengungkapkan, pengalaman buruk yang dialaminya dalam perjalanan dari San Fransisco menuju Hawaii.
"Dalam perjalanan itu, kapal saya diterjang badai dengan kecepatan 92 km/jam selama dua hari berturut-turut," ujarnya.
Akibat peristiwa itu, ucapnya, kapalnya mengalami kerusakan parah pada beberapa bagian sehingga membuat perjalanan menuju Hawaii menempuh waktu selama dua bulan.
Selain mengalami kerusakan kapal akibat terjangan badai, katanya, dia juga mengalami kekurangan bahan makanan saat menuju Port Moresby dari Hawaii, namun untungnya berhasil merapat di wilayah tersebut.
Tgl 12 November yang lalu dalam FB statusnya Rob Rama Rambini menyampaikan :
1800nm to go!!! Can't wait for my nasi bungkus :) Appreciate all your support! I'd like to Thank You everyone who made stay here more enjoyable: My Mom, Lawrence Acanafura of PNG Rugby Union, Jeremy Syme of PNG Dept of Health, KBRI Port Moresby - Mr. Jonery Alimi and Mr. Didi and The Corp Security Services.
we wish you a Safe and happy sailing , we are proud of you. We look forward to your arrival in Bali. Rambini.
Our prayers go out to you , immanuel , cheers
Ten months ago:
Is it possible to sail across the ocean from US to Bali with only a sailboat? 51 years old Rob 'Rama' Rambini will answer that question. He's going to sail across the Pacific ocean alone with his Jensen Marine Cal 30 sailboat named SV Kona. Heading towards Bali from San Francisco, he believes that the journey will be finished in about eight months.
Rama is Indonesian photographer who works in San Francisco, California. He actually wanted to leave at the end of 2009, but he had to cancel his departure because of the bad weather. Still, he's sure that he will be able to start the journey before winter is over. In Indonesia, he hopes to reunite with his mother, Trisutji Kamal, who lives in Jakarta. He hasn't seen her since he left for the United States.
Rama plans to travel from San Francisco to Tahiti, then to the Cook Islands, then Fiji to Bali. He hopes to stay for one or two weeks in the Cook Islands, then about two months in Fiji to rest the boat before completing the journey.
Some preparation has been done by Rama while waiting for the right weather and material conditions. He does aerobic exercise to keep his body in a good condition.
He also practices to focus his mind. It's a good practice to keep the positive mental attitude and to stay calm on every situation, because sailing in the open ocean is dangerous, sometimes even life-threatening. He believes that although SV Kona is not very large, it is strong enough to sail the ocean.
Rama plans to report the trip on his Facebook and a blog called "California to Bali Solo Voyage."
Read more at (ANT/A024)
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