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March 25, 2011

Vivalavi in Bali, 3V Rening Bay Resort Furniture Design Competition 2011

3V Rening Bay Resort Furniture Design Competition 2011
16 March 2011, Bali – Located in Negara, Bali, 3V Rening Bay is a new concept of beach front Resorts, better defined as a family luxury destination with a heart and a soul. Combining the edge of modernity with the core of traditional and authentic Bali, 3V Rening Bay offers a unique experience based on comfort, fun, and pleasure but also on respecting and enhancing the natural environment as well as connecting and sharing with the local community. The institution of socially responsibility is essential to introduce not only to maintain the natural beauty of Negara but also into 3V Bay’s interior.

And it all starts at the early stage of conception and design of the project itself. Under the supervision of the project’s architecture and design team, Vivalavi Holding Group, aligned with the mission and the way they works, this Furniture Design Competition as the 3V Rening Bay’s corporate social responsibility initiation. The furniture design competition opens for the Indonesian design students to exercise their learning and project their talent into real life experience.
It is in the heritage of Indonesia that working with the nature that gives the challenge of the resort
design. I would like the Indonesian students to show their creative talents and 3V Rening Bay is keen
to offer an opportunity for the students to participate in this furniture design competition to work with sustainability materials but at the same time giving functional and innovative design. One of our main purposes is to promote creativity and innovation. We want our Resort to show how modernity, creativity and design can be used to protect and leverage the natural beauty of the environment. AS a company, we want to offer opportunities to young people to get a start in business based on their talent, skills and hard work. We want to give them a chance. As a developer involved in hospitality and real estate projects we feel it is our responsibility to be a pioneer and active player of sustainable development in Bali. This is the key for our future. And I think this competition is a good example of a simple, but yet very powerful symbol of our commitment” explains Franck Girardot, Chairman & CEO of Vivalavi Holding Group.
The submitted designs will be selected by the Project Design Team and the 3 finalists in each category will then be judged by a team of Jury. The juries will review the student’s projects based on creativity, ergonomic, design, eco concern, costing and function and determine the winner. Last submission for the competition will be June 30th , 2011 open only for Indonesian full time or part time students.
The winning design in each category will be produced as a prototype and promoted through a series of exhibitions in Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya and Bali. It will be produced to be used as furniture in the Resorts. In addition, the winning designer will receive IDR 2 millions in cash, while the remaining finalists will receive IDR 1 millions in cash per project. All the designs are intellectual property of the students and they have exclusive statutory right to exercise control over copying of the work.
About 3V Rening Bay
3V Rening Bay is located in the North Western part of Bali. 10km from Negara, 20km from Gilimanuk. Rening Bay property is set along the beach, providing guests with an outstanding view on the sea and the volcanoes of Java. The Facilities of 3 V Rening Bay are 8 villas and 12 Apartments opening end of year 2011. And the other 13 villas and 48 apartments would be opened in middle 2013.
About Vivalavi Holding Group
Vivalavi Holding Group is based in Hong-Kong and has operations in France and in Indonesia, employing more than 80 people as of Jan 1st 2011. With a simple mission to unleash the power of people’s money to help them live according to their own choices and realize their life project, Vivalavi Holding group develop their business in France specialized in financial services, starts from financial coaching, small business advising and counseling, wealth management until investment advising.
In Indonesia they are specialized in real estate and hospitality. By creating, developing, and operating resorts and properties, they are offering the opportunity to fully experiencing the power of Tridimensional Lifestyle consists of Family & Community, Health & fitness, Learning & Growing.
The founders defined themselves as entrepreneurs with a soul who works in fun, smart, and safe way. ‘Our job is to create businesses that serve the people in a sustainable way and make a contribution to improve people’s lives. This is who we are. This is what we do.’ Explained Franck Girardot.

  1. This competition is open for Indonesian citizens who are full time or part time design students, can be personally or group of 3 persons.
  2. Free entry for competition
  3. The participants must design a set of furniture. The optional are :
  1. Dining Room furniture set
consists of : 1 Dining table size (LxWxH) = 2500 x 1000 x 750 mm
8 Dining Chair size (LxWxH) = 600 x 550 x 450 mm
  1. Bedroom furniture set
consists of : 1 Base Bed size (LxWxH) = 2200 x 2100 x 350 mm
  1. Headboard size (LxWxH) = 2200 x 400 x 850 mm
Note: the headboard can be integrated side table
  1. TV Cabinet size (LxWxH) = 1500 x 600 x 850 mm
  1. Outdoor furniture set
consists of : Sunbed with pulled out side table
Sunbed size (LxWxH) = 2000 x 600 x 250 mm
Side Tablesize (LxWxH) = 50 x 50 x 35 mm
  1. Umbrella Diameter 1500 mm
  1. All the materials should be Eco Conscious.
  2. For the registration, please go to and follow the instructions. All the participants will receive a link contains details of rules.
  3. Last submission for the designs will be June 30th 2011.
  4. All the designs are intellectual property of the students and they have exclusive statutory right to exercise control over copying of the work.
3V Rening Bay Resort Furniture Design Competition 2011

16 March 2011, Bali –Berlokasi di Negara, Bali, 3V Rening Bay memberikan terobosan konsep baru yang berbeda dari resor-resor lainnya yang berada persis di bibir pantai, 3V Rening Bay lebih sesuai disebut sebagai tempat dimana setiap anggota keluarga anda akan me’libur’kan hati dan jiwa mereka. Dengan memadukan konsep-konsep modern dengan tradisi dan nilai budaya Bali, 3V Rening Bay menawarkan rangkaian pengalaman yang unik, lewat kegiatan yang asyik, menyenangkan, dan menghibur namun tetap menghormati dan menghargai lingkungan sekitarnya.
Kesungguhan dalam mewujudkan misi ini sudah dimulai dari tahap paling awal pembangunan Resor. Vivalavi Holding Group menggagas Kompetisi bagi para siswa sekolah Desain Interior di seluruh Indonesia untuk membuat Desain Furniture bagi 3V Rening Bay, dikonsep dan dipandu langsung oleh Tim Arsitek & Desainer 3V Rening Bay Resor. Suatu bentuk tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan yang selaras bagi dunia pendidikan di Indonesia, dimana para siswa sekolah desain interior itu dapat menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan bakatnya dalam dunia nyata.
Salah satu tujuan utama kami dalam berbisnis adalah untuk mempromosikan kreativitas dan inovasi. Kami ingin, resor kami menunjukkan bahwa modernitas, kreativitas, dan desain dapat digunakan untuk melindungi dan memanfaatkan keindahan alam lingkungan. Sebagai perusahaan, kami ingin menawarkan peluang kepada orang-orang muda untuk dapat bekera dan memulai usaha berdasarkan bakat, keterampilan ,dan kerja keras. Kami ingin memberi mereka kesempatan. Sebagai pengembang yang terlibat dalam proyek proyek perhotelan dan real estate, kami merasa itu adalah tanggung jawab kita untuk menjadi pionir dan terus berpean atif dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan di Bali. Ini adalah kunci untuk masa depan kita. Saya pikir, kompetisi ini adalah contoh yang baik, sederhana memang, tetapi mewakili konsep kami dalam berbisnis.” Jelas Franck Girardot, Chairman & CEO Vivalavi Holding Group.
Seluruh desain karya yang dikirimkan, akan dipilih langsung oleh Tim Arsitek dan Desain 3V Rening Bay, dari 3 kategori yang ada, akan dipiilh langsung masing-masing 3 finalis yang akan diajukan kepada Tim Juri. Tim Juri ini beranggotakan para professional di beberapa bidang, yang akan memberikan penilaian berdasarkan kreativitas, ergonomis, ramah lingkungan, biaya, dan fungsi produk furniture yang didesain. Mereka yang akan menentukan pemenang dari masing-masing kategori. Pengiriman desain karya harus dilakukan paling lambat tanggal 31 Juni 2011 dan dibuka hanya untuk siswa Indonesia.
 Selain menerima uang tunai sebesar 3 Juta rupiah bagi pemenang utama di setiap kategori, dan 1 juta rupiah bagi para finalis tiap kategori, 3V Rening Bay akan memproduksi prototype karya para pemenang dan mempromosikannya melalui pameran di Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, dan Bali. Untuk memberikan kesempatan bagi mereka untuk menunjukkan hasil karyanya dan bertemu dengan calon-calon customer yang mampu mengapresiasi karya mereka. Ditambah, karya para pemenang akan diproduksi dan digunakan sebagai furniture di dalam Resort, namun, hak atas kekayaan intelektual (HAKI) atas seluruh desain yang menjadi pemenang, maupun yang mengikuti perlombaan ini, tetap menjadi milik para siswa sepenuhnya.
Tentang 3V Rening Bay
3V Rening bay berlokasi di daerah Bali Barat. Dengan jarak tempuh 10 Km dari Negara, dan 20 km dari Gilimanuk, Rening Bay dibangun sepanjang pantai yang ada, sehingga dapat dipastikan para tamu yang nantinya menginap disana, akan melihat pemandangan laut yang benar-benar indah dan melihat pegunungan di pulau Jawa. Rencananya, 3V Rening Bay akan mulai beroperasi dengan 8 Villas dan 12 Apartemen akhir tahun ini. Di Tahun 2013, 3V Rening Bay akan menambahkan 13 Villa serta 12 Apartemen.
Tentang Vivalavi Holding Group
Vivalavi Holding Group berbasis di Hong Kong dan menjalankan bisnisnya di Perancis dan di Indonesia. Dengan mempekerjakan lebih dari 80 orang di tahun 2011, Vivalavi membawa misi yang sederhana, membuat setiap individu mengerti dan mampu memanfaatkan financial yang dimiliki sesuai dengan pilihan mereka dan mampu mewujudkannya. Memulai bisnis di Perancis dengan mengkhususkan diri pada Jasa Pengelolaan Keuangan, mulai dari pelatihan keuangan, konsultan bisnis, konsultan pengelolaan sampai dengan konsultan investasi.
Di Indonesia, mereka memfokuskan diri pada bidang real estate dan hospitality. Melalui membangun, mengembangkan, dan menjalankan Resor dan property, Vivalavi holding group memberikan pengalaman akan gaya hidup Tridimensional yang terdiri dari tiga aspek : Keluarga & Komunitas, Kesehatan & Kebugaran, serta Belajar & Bertumbuh.
 Duo pendiri Vivalavi holding group, Erick Girardot & Franck Girardot, lebih suka dipanggil entrepreneur yang bekerja dengan hati melalui aktivitas yang asyik, cerdas, dan aman.
 tugas kami adalah menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan yang dapat terus berkelanjutan membangun dan memberikan kontribusi pagi peningkatan kualitas hidup seseorang. Ini kami, dan inilah yang kami lakukan” tandas Franck.
Peraturan Kompetisi
  1. Kompetisi ini terbuka bagi seluruh siswa Indonesia di sekolah desain interior seantero Indonesia baik perorangan maupun sebagai group (maksimum 3 orang tiap grup)
  2. Pendaftaran tidak dikenakan biaya.
  3. Memilih salah satu dari 3 pilihan set furniture berikut :

  1. Set Furniture Ruang Makan.
Terdiri dari : 1  meja makan    uk. (LxWxH) =  2500 x 1000 x 750 mm
8 kursi makan    uk. (LxWxH)  =  600 x 550 x 450 mm

  1. Set Furniture Kamar Tidur,
Terdiri dari : 1    Tempat Tidur                              uk. (LxWxH) =  2200 x 2100 x 350 mm
1    Head Tempat Tidur                   uk. (LxWxH)  =  2200 x 400 x 850 mm
  Catt : Head Tempat tidur didesain menjadi satu dengan meja samping
  1. Meja TV                                      uk.  (LxWxH) = 1500 x 600 x 850 mm
  1. Set Furniture Outdoor ,
Terdiri dari  :  1 Sunbed with pulled out side table
Sunbed                uk. (LxWxH) =  2000 x 600 x 250 mm
Side Table           uk. (LxWxH) = 50 x 50 x 35 mm
1 Umbrella Diameter 1500 mm
  1. Seluruh material yang dipergunakan harus ECO FRIENDLY.
  1. ntuk pendaftaran kunjungi dan mengisi formulir pendaftaran. Pendaftar akan menerima email balasan yang memberikan informasi detail mengenai kompetisi ini.
  2. Seluruh karya yang dilombakan harus diterima paling lambat tanggal 30 Juni 2011.
  1. Hak atas kekayaan intelektual (HAKI) atas desain peserta, finalis, maupun pemenang tetap menjadi milik peserta. 3V Rening Bay Resort hanya menggunakan desain untuk diproduksi dan digunakan bagi furniture Rening Bay Resort saja.
  1. Para pemenang mendapatkan kesempatan untuk ikut serta didalam setiap pameran yang diadakan di Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, dan Bali.
The Vivalavi Holding Group
The Vivalavi Holding Group is a Hong Kong-registered company that oversees the development of several business units including Vivalavi Villas & Spa, Vivalavi Resorts, Vivalavi MindBody, Vivalavi Finance, Vivalavi Design, and Vivalavi TIMM (Technology, Information, and Multimedia). At the moment there is one subsidiary in Paris and a second one in Bali, Indonesia. In total these two entities employ approximately 100 people and expansion is constant. Vivalavi is made up of a wonderfully diverse group of men and women of different nationalities, with varying backgrounds and experience, but all sharing the desire to grow and expand. While the Vivalavi Villas and Spa is the Group’s first venture and foothold on Bali, the ground is now being prepared for the construction of 31 beachfront villas near Rening Bay in West Bali designed as a revolutionary eco resort. Owners Franck and Eric Girardot founded the company with an original idea that has evolved and crystallized into what it is today. Vivalavi is both a lifestyle and a discipline. It stands for the resolve to live life to its fullest. Taking chances, creating opportunities and maintaining focus are the key elements in the identity of Vivalavi.



Vivalavi stands for a continuous quest for good taste in key interests such as design, travel destinations, leisure activities and dining. It stands for a determination to remain open to new opportunities and challenges and to maintain a creative lifestyle that relishes coming in contact with other cultures. Vivalavi does not pretend to be exclusive. On the contrary, we are proud to be inclusive. Vivalavi is an attitude that unabashedly allows the pursuance of the best that life can offer but never compromises on the obligation to share our good fortune with others. Vivalavi is dedicated to a healthy and organic lifestyle. From the all-organic ingredients in the kitchen to environmentally-responsible waste disposal, we do our best to practice low-impact hotel operations.
All our products, services and operations conform to the highest international standards regarding land use, energy efficiency and all other factors that have a direct or indirect impact on the physical and social environment.
At Vivalavi, when it comes to dreams, we like to say that we keep our feet on the ground but our head in the stars…

$30 Million 3V Rening Bay Resort Being Built in Bali's Jembrana Regency.

(3/22/2011) Hong Kong-based VIVALAVI Holding Group have announced they will build an integrated resort in the Jembrana regency of Bali at a cost of US$30 million.

The resort will be operated under the brand 3V Rening Bay.

The chairman and CEO of VIVALAVI Holdings Group, Franck Girardot, told that the groundbreaking for the project took place on March 1, 2011.

The first phase of the project will utilize 3 hectares dedicated to 8 villas and 12 apartments with a capacity of 50 rooms. For the first phase a total of US$10 million will be spent and 100 employees will be on the payroll by the end of the year.

Phase two of the resort will occupy 8.5 hectares to host 146 rooms at an additional investment of US$20 million. These units are being sold to owner-investors at a promised annual return on investment of 8%.

© Bali Discovery Tours. Articles may be quoted and reproduced if attributed to All images and graphics are copyright protected.

3V Rening Bay Resort

Acquérir une villa de luxe à Bali, c’est vous offrir une part de rêve.
L’ile des Dieux, l’évasion, les vacances, la mer, les cocotiers… Autant de symboles qui stimulent le désir, la passion…
Pour beaucoup, ce rêve restera inaccessible, mais pour vous, aujourd’hui, l’occasion se présente de le réaliser. Vous vous en êtes donné les moyens, vous l’avez mérité, alors laissez vous tenter et allez au bout de votre rêve.
Et en vous faisant ce cadeau, sachez que vous êtes aussi, et peut être même avant tout, en train de réaliser un excellent investissement.
Réussir, profiter et partager. C'est tout un art de vivre. C'est toute la philosophie du Groupe Vivalavi.
En concevant pour vous le Resort 3V Rening Bay, le Groupe Vivalavi a mobilisé l’expertise et la passion d’une équipe d’excellence, la force d’une vision claire et la dynamique d’un concept innovant.
Bienvenue dans le Resort 3V Rening Bay.
Bienvenue dans une nouvelle dimension de l’immobilier et du tourisme haut de gamme.
Bienvenue chez vous...

 3V Kerobokan -Résidence de vacances 

The Vivalavi Villas in Kerobokan on the island of Bali offer an ultimate ‘private guesthouse’ experience. They are a temporary all-purpose home-away-from-home both for a short stopover and for a longer stay. On the boundary between city and countryside its location is not far from the shops, the restaurants of Seminyak and the sunset beach, yet it is a perfect base for adventures into the heartland of Bali.
Une havre de paix pour les familles, au coeur de la ville.
6 Villas, Café, Fitness, Club House, Kid's Club, Grand jardin avec piscine. A deux pas de la plage, des restaurants et des lieux les plus branchés de Bali. Au coeur d'un quartier résidentiel habité par des familles indonésiennes et occidentales. Un "camp de base" idéal pour vos vacances en famille ou entre amis a Bali.

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