Welcome to a rupiah world! While most multinational businesses in Indonesia still plan and budget in a foreign currency, your daily lives in Indonesia will be ruled by the rupiah!
And at long last, you are guaranteed to become a millionaire - during your stay in a rupiah world.
Counterfeit rupiah and US bills have been increasing in number during the last five years, forcing authorities to take tougher, more comprehensive measures, an official said.
source : http://www.bi.go.id/web/en/Sistem+Pembayaran/Instrumen+Pembayaran+Tunai/Gambar+Uang/
source : http://www.bi.go.id/web/en/Sistem+Pembayaran/Instrumen+Pembayaran+Tunai/Gambar+Uang/
While counterfeit money is found around the world, it has become a serious problem in Indonesia in recent years.
The most commonly counterfeited bills have been the Rp 50,000 and Rp 100,,000 bills. In 2010, there were raids and reports of the capture of various individuals involved in counterfeiting in Indonesia. Then, the government withdrew the old issues of particular banknotes from circulation. While it does reassure the populace that the police are trying to catch the criminals - it also makes you more worried about receiving counterfeit money yourself. And you should be, as there are still tens of thousands of counterfeit bills in circulation.
Ultra-violet lights are used in many banks and places of business to check the bills you present to them to see if they are counterfeit. If you are taking money from a bank and want to ensure that the bills are not counterfeit, ask them to check your bills under the light before you accept them.
Don't think that just because you are withdrawing funds from a bank that the money is guaranteed safe. Too often for comfort, a bundle of 100 bills will have several counterfeit bills slipped into the bundle. Once you walk away from the bank counter, any discovered counterfeit bills become your loss.
With all the recent scares about counterfeit money, we thought it wise to include the signs to look for on the larger bills to ensure they are valid.
In a seminar in Denpasar on Tuesday called “Eradicating Bank-note Forgery”, National Intelligence Agency (BIN) deputy chief Agoes Putranto said the police had uncovered 210,336 sheets of forged rupiah and US dollar banknotes and bonds worth Rp 14.2 billion (US$1.65 million) in a five-year period.
“Weak law enforcement against banknote forgery has sparked more new cases. The sentences are too lenient,” Agoes said.
He added that similar cases happened in other countries due to economical and political reasons, citing the situation in Indonesia after its independence in 1945, when many banknotes were counterfeited. In the 1970s, authorities found counterfeit rupiah banknotes allegedly made abroad.
“Banknote forgery is not merely a crime; it may even be a subversive act that threatens the nation’s
security. Although its prevalence fluctuates, authorities should be more serious about eradicating these cases.”
Sr. Comr. Darmawan Sutawijaya, head of the National Police’s sub-directorate of banknote forgery management, added that the number of forgery cases reached 176 during 2010, involving 290 suspects, a sharp increase from the 75 cases involving 176 suspects in 2009.
In 2010, the evidence included 523,347 sheets of rupiah notes and 9,211 sheets of foreign currency. In 2009, 72,031 sheets of counterfeit rupiah notes and 972 sheets of foreign currency were seized.
Last year in Bali, the police revealed five cases of rupiah forgery involving 10 suspects and 122 banknote sheets. In the same year, there were two cases of US dollar forgery involving three suspects and $40 as evidence.
Darmawan said the suspects were part of a syndicate, with some of them printing the counterfeit notes and others working as distributors.
“Bali is considered a strategic location to distribute counterfeit money. Therefore, we urge all related stakeholders — including the public and tourists — to remain alert and careful. They should be able to distinguish fake banknotes.”
He added that the suspects targeted mainly small transactions and remote areas.
Jeffry Kairupan, head of Bank Indonesia’s Denpasar office, agreed that Bali was a hotspot for counterfeit banknote distribution, citing reports the central bank had compiled from commercial banks.
“In 2005, there were only around 800 sheets, but this year the number reached 1,800 sheets. It indeed a small increase, but whatever the value is, it disturbs our economy and could taint Bali’s image as a tourist destination.”
The central bank’s director for money distribution, Mokhammad Dakhlan, said that in 2005, there were an average of eight sheets of forged notes in every one million sheets, and in 2010, it was as high as 20 sheets.
“In Indonesia, it is relatively easy to detect forged money, since the production and the distribution still use ordinary methods that are not very sophisticated. But we should remain alert, although this case
has not led to a transnational crime,” he said.
“Weak law enforcement against banknote forgery has sparked more new cases. The sentences are too lenient,” Agoes said.
He added that similar cases happened in other countries due to economical and political reasons, citing the situation in Indonesia after its independence in 1945, when many banknotes were counterfeited. In the 1970s, authorities found counterfeit rupiah banknotes allegedly made abroad.
“Banknote forgery is not merely a crime; it may even be a subversive act that threatens the nation’s
security. Although its prevalence fluctuates, authorities should be more serious about eradicating these cases.”
Sr. Comr. Darmawan Sutawijaya, head of the National Police’s sub-directorate of banknote forgery management, added that the number of forgery cases reached 176 during 2010, involving 290 suspects, a sharp increase from the 75 cases involving 176 suspects in 2009.
In 2010, the evidence included 523,347 sheets of rupiah notes and 9,211 sheets of foreign currency. In 2009, 72,031 sheets of counterfeit rupiah notes and 972 sheets of foreign currency were seized.
Last year in Bali, the police revealed five cases of rupiah forgery involving 10 suspects and 122 banknote sheets. In the same year, there were two cases of US dollar forgery involving three suspects and $40 as evidence.
Darmawan said the suspects were part of a syndicate, with some of them printing the counterfeit notes and others working as distributors.
“Bali is considered a strategic location to distribute counterfeit money. Therefore, we urge all related stakeholders — including the public and tourists — to remain alert and careful. They should be able to distinguish fake banknotes.”
He added that the suspects targeted mainly small transactions and remote areas.
Jeffry Kairupan, head of Bank Indonesia’s Denpasar office, agreed that Bali was a hotspot for counterfeit banknote distribution, citing reports the central bank had compiled from commercial banks.
“In 2005, there were only around 800 sheets, but this year the number reached 1,800 sheets. It indeed a small increase, but whatever the value is, it disturbs our economy and could taint Bali’s image as a tourist destination.”
The central bank’s director for money distribution, Mokhammad Dakhlan, said that in 2005, there were an average of eight sheets of forged notes in every one million sheets, and in 2010, it was as high as 20 sheets.
“In Indonesia, it is relatively easy to detect forged money, since the production and the distribution still use ordinary methods that are not very sophisticated. But we should remain alert, although this case
has not led to a transnational crime,” he said.
We can detect counterfeit money by 3D concept – Dilihat (Observing), Diraba (Touching), Diterawang (Seeing Through). Bank notes of various nominal values were shown to the students. Students were also guided to compare counterfeit and original money.
The Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) banknotes denominations issued after year 2000
Front: Potrait of Sukarno (Soekarno; Kusno Sosrodihardjo, 1901-1970), the first President of Indonesia, in military
uniform and Dr. H. Mohammad Hatta (1902–1980), the first Vice President of Indonesia; Document of the Proclamation
of Independence; Modern house; Garuda Pancasila, the National Emblem of Indonesia; Logo of Bank Indonesia. Back: Indonesian Parliament building in Jakarta; Outline map of Indonesia. Watermark: Portrait of Wage Rudolf Soepratman (Supratman) - an Indonesian songwriter. Date of Issue: 29 December 2004. Signatures: Burhanuddin Abdullah (Governor); Aulia Pohan (Deputy Governor). Printer: Perum Percetakan Uang Ri Imp.
Indonesia 50000 Rupiah 2005-2009uniform and Dr. H. Mohammad Hatta (1902–1980), the first Vice President of Indonesia; Document of the Proclamation
of Independence; Modern house; Garuda Pancasila, the National Emblem of Indonesia; Logo of Bank Indonesia. Back: Indonesian Parliament building in Jakarta; Outline map of Indonesia. Watermark: Portrait of Wage Rudolf Soepratman (Supratman) - an Indonesian songwriter. Date of Issue: 29 December 2004. Signatures: Burhanuddin Abdullah (Governor); Aulia Pohan (Deputy Governor). Printer: Perum Percetakan Uang Ri Imp.
Front: Lieutenant Colonel I Gusti Ngurah Rai (1917–1946); Garuda Pancasila, the National Emblem of Indonesia.
Back: Beratan Lake in Bedugul, Bali. Watermark: Portrait of I Gusti Ngurah Rai. Date of Issue: 18 October 2005.
Signatures: Burhanuddin Abdullah (Governor); Maman H. Soemantri (Deputy Governor). Printer: Perum
Percetakan Uang Ri Imp.
Front: Oto Iskandar Di Nata (1897–1945); Garuda Pancasila, the National Emblem of Indonesia.
Back: Cotton pickers in a tea plantation in West Java. Watermark: Portrait of Oto Iskandar Di Nata.
Date of Issue: 29 December 2004. Signatures: Burhanuddin Abdullah (Governor); R. Maulana Ibrahim
(Deputy Governor). Printer: Perum Percetakan Uang Ri Imp.
Front: Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II (1767-1862); Garuda Pancasila, the National Emblem of Indonesia; Logo
of Bank Indonesia. Back: Rumah Limas - traditional pyramid-shaped houses in Palembang, South Sumatra.
Watermark: Portrait of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II. Date of Issue: 20 July 2010. Signatures: Darmin Nasution
(Acting Governor); Miranda S. Goeltom (Deputy Governor). Printer: Perum Percetakan Uang Ri Imp. 2005.
Indonesia 5000 Rupiah 2008of Bank Indonesia. Back: Rumah Limas - traditional pyramid-shaped houses in Palembang, South Sumatra.
Watermark: Portrait of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II. Date of Issue: 20 July 2010. Signatures: Darmin Nasution
(Acting Governor); Miranda S. Goeltom (Deputy Governor). Printer: Perum Percetakan Uang Ri Imp. 2005.
Front: Tuanku Imam Bondjol (1772 - 1864) - Minangkabau religious leader (also called Muhammad Sahab,
Peto Sjarif, Malim Basa, Tuanku (Master) Muda, Tuanku Imam). Back: Songket (kain balapak) weaver, Pandai
Sikek (Pandai Sikat) village, in Tanah Datar regency on Sumatra island. Watermark: Cut Nyak Meutia (National
heroine from Aceh); Signatories Syahril Sabirin (Governor), Miranda S. Goeltom (Deputy Governor).
Printer: Perum Percetakan Uang Ri Imp.
Indonesia 2000 Rupiah 2009
Front: Antasari, Prince of Banjar (1809–1862); Garuda Pancasila, the National Emblem of Indonesia.
Back: Dayak traditional dance (Borneo). Watermark: Portrait of Prince Antasari. Date of Issue: 29 December 2004.
Signatures: Miranda Goeltom (Senior Deputy Governor); Darmin Nasution (Deputy Governor). Printer: Perum
Percetakan Uang Ri Imp.
Indonesia 1000 Rupiah 2004
Obverse: Captain Pattimura (real name - Thomas Matulesi).
Reverse: Maitara and Tidore islands in Maluku (Moluccas); fishing scene.
DENPASAR, KOMPAS.com — Peredaran uang palsu di Pulau Bali dalam kurun waktu lima tahun terakhir kian mengkhawatirkan. Bank Indonesia (BI) Denpasar mencatat dari tahun 2005 sampai 2010, terjadi lonjakan hampir 100 persen, dari 1.800 lembar menjadi 2.800 lembar.
Diprediksi tahun ini akan semakin meningkat karena beberapa waktu lalu Polda Bali membongkar sindikat perdagangan uang palsu dengan barang bukti mencapai Rp 50 juta uang palsu pecahan Rp 100.000.
Bahkan dalam kasus terakhir uang palsu yang diedarkan di pasar-pasar tradisional ini kualitasnya nyaris sempurna. Kertas, watermark, garis pengaman hampir mirip dengan uang asli. Yang membedakan hanyalah nomor seri yang seluruhnya sama.
"Pemalsuan uang di Bali mengalami kecenderungan meningkat. Bila tidak dikendalikan, akan meningkatkan publikasi negatif dan kemerosotan kepercayaan internasional terhadap mata uang rupiah," kata pimpinan BI Denpasar Jeffrey Kahuripan, Rabu (20/4/2011) di Denpasar.
Tak hanya mengandalkan polisi sebagai penegak hukum untuk memberantas peredaran uang palsu ini, BI juga telah membentuk satuan kerja (satker) yang berfungsi sebagai pengawas dan sosialisasi. "Tahun ini, kami harapkan data dari satker mulai bisa diakses oleh publik sehingga bisa membantu memberantas jaringan pengedar uang palsu lintas daerah," jelas Jeffrey.
BI juga akan berkoordinasi dengan Polri dan aparat terkait untuk memberi efek jera bagi para pengedar uang palsu dengan menerapkan hukuman maksimal. "Dalam catatan kami, pelaku tindak pidana uang palsu hanya dijatuhi hukuman beberapa bulan. Kami ingin ada persamaan persepsi, sehingga dapat dioptimalisasi dan menjadi peringatan di masyarakat untuk tidak memalsukan uang," tutur Jeffrey.
Menurut Lucky Fathul A.H (Direktur direktorat peredaran uang) sedikitnya ada 9 cara mudah mengenali tanda-tanda uang kertas rupiah asli yaitu:
1. Tanda Air - Pada kertas uang terdapat tanda air berupa gambar yang dapat dilihat bila diterawang ke arah cahaya.
2. Benang Pengaman - Ditanam pada ketebalan kertas sehingga tampak sebagai garis melintang dari atas ke bawah, dapat dibuat tidak memendar maupun memendar dibawah sinar ultra violet dengan satu warna ataupun beberapa warna.
3. Cetak Intaglio - Cetakan yang timbul dan akan tampak jika diraba.
4. Rectoverso - Pencetakan suatu ragam bentuk yang menghasilkan cetakan pada bagian muka dan belakang beradu tepat (saling mengisi).
5. Optical Variable Ink - Hasil cetak mengkilap (glittering) yang berubah-ubah warnanya bila dilihat dari sudut pandang berbeda.
6. Huruf Mikro - Pencetakan tulisan dalam ukuran mikro dan hanya dapat dilihat dengan kaca pembesar.
7. Invisible Ink - Hasil cetak tidak kasat mata tetapi tampak lebih jelas memendar di bawah sinar ultra violet.
8. Multilayer latent image/metal layer - Teknik cetak dimana dalam satu bidang cetakan terlihat; lebih dari datu obyek gambar bila dilihat dari sudut pandang berbeda.
9. Color Window/Clear window - Pada uang kertas terdapa bagian yang terbuat dari plastik transparan berwarna/tidak berwarna.
Disadur dari: Business News 7091 tgl 28-07-2004
1. Tanda Air - Pada kertas uang terdapat tanda air berupa gambar yang dapat dilihat bila diterawang ke arah cahaya.
2. Benang Pengaman - Ditanam pada ketebalan kertas sehingga tampak sebagai garis melintang dari atas ke bawah, dapat dibuat tidak memendar maupun memendar dibawah sinar ultra violet dengan satu warna ataupun beberapa warna.
3. Cetak Intaglio - Cetakan yang timbul dan akan tampak jika diraba.
4. Rectoverso - Pencetakan suatu ragam bentuk yang menghasilkan cetakan pada bagian muka dan belakang beradu tepat (saling mengisi).
5. Optical Variable Ink - Hasil cetak mengkilap (glittering) yang berubah-ubah warnanya bila dilihat dari sudut pandang berbeda.
6. Huruf Mikro - Pencetakan tulisan dalam ukuran mikro dan hanya dapat dilihat dengan kaca pembesar.
7. Invisible Ink - Hasil cetak tidak kasat mata tetapi tampak lebih jelas memendar di bawah sinar ultra violet.
8. Multilayer latent image/metal layer - Teknik cetak dimana dalam satu bidang cetakan terlihat; lebih dari datu obyek gambar bila dilihat dari sudut pandang berbeda.
9. Color Window/Clear window - Pada uang kertas terdapa bagian yang terbuat dari plastik transparan berwarna/tidak berwarna.
Disadur dari: Business News 7091 tgl 28-07-2004
Mengetes uang Rp 100.000; Rp 50.000 dan Rp 20.0001. Lipat menjadi 4 bagian secara simetris memanjang
2. Tekan uang tersebut dengan perasaan secukupnya
3. Buka perlahan-lahan lipatan uang tsb
4. Bila kacamata Bung Hatta, WR Supratman atau Ki Hajar pecah berarti palsu
5. Khusus 50.000-an, periksa teks lagunya, kalau bukan Indonesia Raya pasti palsu
Mengetes uang Rp 10.000
1. Lipat menjadi 4 bagian secara memanjang
2. Tekan uang tersebut dengan tekanan secukupnya
3. Kalau uangnya jadi basah karena kawahnya tumpah; atau kalau konde Cut Nyak Dien lepas berarti palsu
Untuk uang Rp 5.000
1. Ambil sisir rambut di rumah, kemudian gesekkan pada uang tersebut.
2. Apabila jenggot Imam Bonjol rontok berarti palsu. Apabila tambah panjang berarti palsu juga!!
Untuk ngetes palsu tidaknya uang 1.000-an
Cari SD Negeri terdekat, cukup taruh di trotoar depan sekolah, kalau hilang berarti asli....
Uang 500 an kertas agak susah dites, karena anak-anak SD aja sudah nyuekin, satu-satunya cara adalah remes kenceng2, kalau monyetnya teriak berarti palsu.
source : http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Indonesian_Rupiah_%28IDR%29_banknotes.jpg
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