Message from Prime Minister Naoto Kan
Regarding Assistance Received from Overseas
I would like to express my most sincere appreciation for the condolences and assistance Japan has received from approximately 130 countries, more than 30 international organizations, and people all around the world in response to the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake.
The rescue workers, search dogs, and nuclear power experts from various countries, as well as the human resources support from the U.S. Forces in Japan and others, assistance with food, medical supplies, blankets, and other supplies, and offers of assistance from over 670 NGOs and other organizations have all been profoundly uplifting to the Japanese people, who have come to realize acutely that "a friend in need is a friend indeed."
Japan faces an unprecedented crisis, in which an incident at a nuclear power plant has transpired in addition to the enormous earthquake and tsunamis. I firmly believe that, receiving such cooperation from the members of the international community, the Japanese people will mobilize their wisdom to recover from these challenging circumstances through their collective efforts and thereby successfully overcome this trying time.
On behalf of the Japanese people, I would like once again to express my deepest appreciation upon having received this truly tremendous outpouring of cordial assistance from around the world.
Naoto Kan
Prime Minister of Japan
諸外国からの 支援に対する総理メッセージ
東北地方太平洋沖大地震に際して我が国に寄せられた約130の国々、30以上の国際機関、さらには世界中の方々からのお見舞いと支援に心より感謝申し上 げます。
各国の救助隊員、救助犬、原子力関係専門家、さらには在日米軍などの人的支援、食糧・医薬品・毛布等の物資支援、670以上のNGO等からの支援の申し 出は、「まさかの友は真の友」ということを実感させ、日本国民を大いに励ましています。
我が国は、巨大な地震、津波に加えて原子力発電所の事故が重なるという未曽有の危機に直面しております。国際社会の皆様のこのような御協力を得ながら、 日本国民が英知を結集し、総力を挙げて事態打開に取り組むことで、この試練を乗り越えていくことができるものと私は確信しております。
菅 直 人
菅 直 人
Source :
Doakan Pemulihan Jepang Bali Gelar ''Pray for Japan''Denpasar (Bali Post) -
Bencana alam yang meluluhlantakkan hampir sepertiga wilayah Jepang dan kerusakan yang ditimbulkan tidak hanya kerusakan material tetapi juga ribuan korban jiwa. Pemerintah menggandeng pelaku pariwisata Bali bersama tokoh-tokoh masyarakat dan lintas agama menggelar acara Pray for Japan dan Love and Friendship for Japan dalam rangka mendoakan percepatan pemulihan Jepang pascatsunami.
Ketua Panitia Dr. Ir. Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati, M.Si. mengatakan, acara tersebut merupakan inisiatif bersama Gubernur Bali dengan menggandeng Bali Tourism Board (BTB). Pray for Japan adalah acara spiritual persembahyangan bersama yang akan dihadiri oleh jajaran Pemprov Bali, tokoh-tokoh kalangan industri pariwisata yang dipimpin oleh sulinggih. Acara ini adalah upaya masyarakat Bali dalam mendoakan pemulihan Jepang secara spiritual. Peserta acara ini menggunakan pakaian adat Bali untuk melakukan kegiatan persembahyangan bersama. Acara akan dilaksanakan Sabtu (2/4) di Pura Uluwatu. Kegiatan ini setidaknya bisa mendukung masyarakat Jepang dalam masa pemulihan pascatsunami. ''Jepang banyak membantu Bali dari segala aspek terutama ketika Bali terkena musibah bencana bom Bali. Sudah saatnya masyarakat Bali menunjukkan kepedulian atas bencana tsunami di Jepang,'' ungkap pria yang akrab disapa Cok Ace ini di hadapan sejumlah media di Denpasar, Kamis (31/3) kemarin.
Sementara Love and Friendship for Japan adalah acara spiritual yang dipadukan oleh acara kesenian yang melibatkan masyarakat, seniman dari Bali dan Jepang. Acara akan dihadiri oleh Gubernur Bali, Bupati dan Wali Kota se-Bali, Bali Tourism Board, Japanese Club, tokoh-tokoh spiritual lintas agama, dan masyarakat. Acara dilaksanakan Selasa (5/4) mendatang pada pukul 17.00 wita di Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Bali, Bajra Sandhi, Renon, Denpasar. ''Saya menyambut gembira pelaksanaan acara ini. Kegiatan ini untuk menunjukkan kepedulian dan rasa prihatin masyarakat Bali dan pelaku pariwisata atas bencana tsunami yang terjadi di Jepang,'' ujarnya.
Menurutnya, acara akan diawali tari penyambutan Selat Segara dari ISI Denpasar, kemudian sambutan dari ketua panitia dan Gubernur Bali. Di sela-sela acara Love and Friendship for Japan ini akan diisi lantunan ''Nyanyian Dharma'' oleh Ayu Laksmi dan dilanjutkan doa bersama yang diwakilkan oleh sulinggih dan shinto (pendeta Jepang) yang diapit oleh tokoh-tokoh spiritual lintas agama.
''Acara tersebut akan diisi dengan kesan dan pesan dari Konsulat Jepang di Bali dan pertunjukan seniman dari komunitas Jepang. Acara akan ditutup dengan penyalaan lilin serta menyanyikan lagu 'Imagine' dan 'Heal the World','' tandasnya.
Ketua Bali Tourism Board (BTB) I.B. Ngurah Wijaya dalam kesempatan tersebut mengatakan, Jepang telah banyak berkontribusi terhadap pariwisata Bali. Banyak wisatawan Jepang yang berlibur ke Bali. Bahkan, Jepang masuk lima besar pemasok terbesar wisatawan mancanegara ke Bali.
''Jepang memerlukan waktu untuk memperbaiki kondisi wilayah mereka yang terkena dampak bencana gempa dan tsunami. Setelah Jepang melalui masa proses pemulihan, barulah warga Jepang akan kembali memikirkan dan menjadwalkan untuk berlibur mereka termasuk ke Bali,'' paparnya. (par)
Japanese tourist waived of cancellation fee
Bali’s hotels have been asked to waive cancellation fees for would-be Japanese tourists affected by the string of natural disasters that have affected Japan. It is meant to be a gesture of compassion to the Japanese people who have experienced a triple disaster.
Tjokorda Oka Artha Sukawati Ardhana, chairman of the Bali Tourist Board (PHRI), said he hoped that hotels would not impose any sanctions on cancelled reservations. The average cancellation fee is usually about 30 percent of the total price in most hotels according to Berita Bali.
He went on further to say that it was a natural disaster and that Bali and Japan had a very close relationship. Tjokorda Sukawati acknowledged that hotels will not lose with the waiving of a reservation cancellation fee.
A closer look at data by PHRI revealed that in Bali, the number of cancellations by Japanese tourists has reached 1200 hotel rooms.
Bebaskan Wisatawan Jepang Dari 'Cancellation Fee', Renon, Hotel-hotel di Bali diminta untuk membebaskan wisatawan Jepang dari Cancellation Fee atau biaya pembatalan pemesanan kamar hotel. Hal ini sebagai bentuk rasa kepedulian bagi wisatawan Jepang yang sedang mengalami bencana tsunami dan ancaman dampak radiasi nuklir.
Ketua PHRI Bali Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati pada keterangannya di Renon, Kamis (31/3) berharap hotel tidak memberikan sanksi apapun dari pembatalan pemesanan kamar, walaupun secara rata-rata biaya pembatalan besarnya berkisar sekitar 30 persen dari harga kamar hotel pada hotel berbintang yang mencapai Rp. 1,5 juta permalam.
“Ini sifatnya himbauan, jadi tidak ada sanksi apapun tetapi saya kira karena kita pengusaha disini mempunyai hubungan emosional yang sangat dekat sekali, saya kira tidak ada masalah. Kalau kita ada sesuatu hal di Bali mereka sangat paham sekali dan inipun kita berikan respon pada mereka,” ujar Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati.
Tjokorda Sukawati mengakui hotel tidak akan terlalu rugi dengan pembebasan biaya pembatalan pemesanan kamar.
Sedangkan berdasarkan data PHRI Bali secara rata-rata jumlah pembatalan yang dilakukan wisatawan Jepang mencapai 1.200 kamar hotel permalam. (mlt)
“Love and Friendship For Japan"
“Love and Friendship for Japan”special event will be held by Bali Tourism component to express their sympathy towards the victims of tsunami in Japan. The show that is formatted in a pray together with people from varied religion background and filled with art exhibition on the next April 5th that will involve 3000 contestants.
Head of PHRI Bali, Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati in his statement in Renon on Thursday (March 31) stated “Love and Friendship for Japan” is purely a sympathy show and the humanity to pray fast healing for Japan. Moreover, during all this time Japan has given many contributions to Bali.
“This is a moral act as our form of empathy to Japan. It is not to gain any benefit. On the second of April, Pray for Japan will emphasize on the pray conducted in Uluwatu, meanwhile love and friendship tend to the praying together,” said Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardana Sukawati.
Tjokorda Sukawati confessed that through love and friendship for Japan the event will also filled with fundraising for tsunami victims in Japan. This event will also involve Japanese Consulate in Bali.
“Love and Friendship For Japan"
Sebuah pagelaran acara ”Love and Friendship For Japan” digelar oleh komponen pariwisata Bali sebagai bagian dari rasa simpati terhadap para korban tsunami Jepang. Acara yang diformat dalam bentuk doa bersama lintas agama dan diisi dengan pagelaran seni akan digelar pada 5 April mendatang dengan melibatkan sekitar 3000 peserta.
Ketua PHRI Bali Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati pada keteranganya di Renon, Kamis (31/3) menyatakan acara ”Love and Friendship For Japan” murni acara simpati dan kemanusiaan untuk mendoakan percepatan pemulihan Jepang. Apalagi selama ini Jepang telah banyak memberikan kontribusi bagi Bali.
”Justru itu yang saya tidak mau, ini bukan memancing, sekali lagi ini adalah gerakan moral sebagai bentuk empati kita kepada Jepang. Bukan mengambil keuntungan. Yang tanggal 2 Pray For Japan yang lebih penekanan pada doa yang dilakukan di Uluwatu, sedangkan love and friendshipnya walaupun ada
doa bersama lebih pada gerakan moral,” papar Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati.
Tjokorda Sukawati mengakui acara love and friensship for Japan ini juga akan diisi dengan cara penggalangan dana bagi korban tsunami Jepang. Acara ini juga akan melibatkan Konsul Jepang di Bali. (mlt)
Tjokorda Sukawati mengakui acara love and friensship for Japan ini juga akan diisi dengan cara penggalangan dana bagi korban tsunami Jepang. Acara ini juga akan melibatkan Konsul Jepang di Bali. (mlt)
Bali Prays for Japan at Uluwatu Temple. Invitation to attend a Solemn 'Love and Friendship for Japan' event on Tuesday, April 5, 2011 in Renon, Denpasar, Bali.
(4/4/2011) Bali officials, tourism workers and representatives from Bali's Japanese community gathered at the sacred Uluwatu Temple on Saturday, April 2, 2011, to pray for Japan's speedy recovery from its recent earthquake and tsunami disaster.
"Pray for Japan" was led by Pedanda Siwa Ida Pedanda Jelatik Giri of Griya Gunung Sari – Ubud, Pedanda Budha Ida Pedanda Gede Putra from Griya Tegal Jingga Sumerta and Honka ka Tanaka a Shinto priest attending from Japan.
Performed at the Uluwatu temples because of its religious significance to the Balinese and it's physical connection to land and the ocean, the prayer ceremony lasted 30 minutes.
Bali's governor Made Mangku Pastika ,who attended the "Pray for Japan" event, said that Bali's relationship with Japan is not limited to only tourism, explaining that following the 2002 and 2005 Bali bombings the Japanese actively assisted the people of Bali.
Explained Pastika: "This activity was purposely held at Uluwatu with represents both the hills and the ocean. We hope that our prayers for the victims of the tsunami in Japan will be heard and receive divine blessing."
The governor went on to say he hoped the Japanese will persevere and have the strength to face this disaster, buoyed by the moral support extended to them by people around the world.
The first time that any foreign nation has been so honored by the people of Bali, the consul-general for Japan in Bali, Shirota Minoru, thanked the people of Bali for their concern and support, saying, "Bali is a true friend of Japan."
Shown on are pictures taken at Pura Uluwatu at the "Pray for Japan" event.
Love and Friendship for Japan
Another community-based program of prayers and support for Japan will be held on Tuesday, April 5, 2011 at the Bajra Sandhi - Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Bali in Renon starting at 5 p.m..
The 2.5 hour long program will include dances presented by the ISI Bali, speeches by Dr. Tjok Oka Aryja Ardhana Sukawati-the regent of Gianyar and chairman of the event, and Made Mangku Pastika - the governor of Bali.
Ayu Laksmi will perform and prayers will be offered by representatives from all the main religious faiths freely practiced. A Shinto priest attending from Japan will also participate in the prayer service.
The evening will end with a candlelight vigil at 7:30 and the singing of "Imagine" and "Heal the World."
Participants are asked to wear traditional dress in the color of white, bring their own candles and arrive at the park by 4:30 pm.
The event organized by the Committee of Love and Friendship for Japan is open to the public without charge.
© Bali Discovery Tours. Articles may be quoted and reproduced if attributed to All images and graphics are copyright protected"Pray for Japan" was led by Pedanda Siwa Ida Pedanda Jelatik Giri of Griya Gunung Sari – Ubud, Pedanda Budha Ida Pedanda Gede Putra from Griya Tegal Jingga Sumerta and Honka ka Tanaka a Shinto priest attending from Japan.
Performed at the Uluwatu temples because of its religious significance to the Balinese and it's physical connection to land and the ocean, the prayer ceremony lasted 30 minutes.
Bali's governor Made Mangku Pastika ,who attended the "Pray for Japan" event, said that Bali's relationship with Japan is not limited to only tourism, explaining that following the 2002 and 2005 Bali bombings the Japanese actively assisted the people of Bali.
Explained Pastika: "This activity was purposely held at Uluwatu with represents both the hills and the ocean. We hope that our prayers for the victims of the tsunami in Japan will be heard and receive divine blessing."
The governor went on to say he hoped the Japanese will persevere and have the strength to face this disaster, buoyed by the moral support extended to them by people around the world.
The first time that any foreign nation has been so honored by the people of Bali, the consul-general for Japan in Bali, Shirota Minoru, thanked the people of Bali for their concern and support, saying, "Bali is a true friend of Japan."
Shown on are pictures taken at Pura Uluwatu at the "Pray for Japan" event.
Love and Friendship for Japan
Another community-based program of prayers and support for Japan will be held on Tuesday, April 5, 2011 at the Bajra Sandhi - Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Bali in Renon starting at 5 p.m..
The 2.5 hour long program will include dances presented by the ISI Bali, speeches by Dr. Tjok Oka Aryja Ardhana Sukawati-the regent of Gianyar and chairman of the event, and Made Mangku Pastika - the governor of Bali.
Ayu Laksmi will perform and prayers will be offered by representatives from all the main religious faiths freely practiced. A Shinto priest attending from Japan will also participate in the prayer service.
The evening will end with a candlelight vigil at 7:30 and the singing of "Imagine" and "Heal the World."
Participants are asked to wear traditional dress in the color of white, bring their own candles and arrive at the park by 4:30 pm.
The event organized by the Committee of Love and Friendship for Japan is open to the public without charge.
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