Prabowo: mandat harus sah dan bersih
Prabowo : the Mandate must be legitimate and clean
Prabowo Subianto on BBC
In the immediate aftermath of Indonesia’s presidential election, there has been intense scrutiny of not only a rack of quick count results, but the institutions conducting these and the media promoting their findings. In what was already a tight race between Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Prabowo Subianto, eight quick counts have Jokowi ahead while four show Prabowo leading.
#Realcount2kubucapres #kawalpemiluorg incoming data 99.39 #prabowohatta 47.17 #JokowiJk 52.82 @indonesia
— BaliPromotionCenter (@translatorbali) July 16, 2014
The 8 survey institutions whose quick count outcome have had Jokowi-JK ahead, namely SMRC, LSI Denny JA, CSIS-Cyrus Network, Litbang Kompas,
Indikator Politik, RRI, Populi Center, and Poltracking. While 4 survey institutions have shown Prabowo-Hatta leading ,Puskaptis,
Jaringan Suara Indonesia (JSI), LSN, and IRC.
— BaliPromotionCenter (@translatorbali) July 16, 2014
Television provides the most stark example. On election day, RCTI used the Indonesia Research Centre (IRC) count that had Prabowo ahead. MNC and TV One only cited three quick counts—from JSI, Puskaptis and LSN—all of which had Prabowo ahead. Metro TV, meanwhile, cited several surveys—including Kompas, RRI and the Saiful Mujani Research Center (SMRC)—each of which had Jokowi ahead . MNC, RCTI and IRC are owned by Hary Tanoesoedibjo, who has openly backed Prabowo’s campaign. Aburizal Bakrie, the Chairman of Golkar and whose family owns TV One, has also backed Prabowo. Metro TV, meanwhile, is owned by Surya Paloh, the founding Chairman of Nasdem—which is part of Jokowi’s coalition. And so each side is able to promote their own version of the truth, as told, and sold, through quick counts
Updated news on July 16th. 2014
Hamdi Moloek, a member of the ethics council at the Public Opinion
Survey Association (Persepi), told the Jakarta Globe that two of these
providers — Puskaptis and JSI — were no longer part of the organization
because they had refused to be audited.
“Puskaptis’s membership has been terminated,” Hamdi said.
“Regarding JSI, it withdrew before we decided to oust it from the
Hamdi said JSI’s membership would have been terminated had it not left on its own initiative.
The two other pollsters that showed Prabowo and his running mate
Hatta Rajasa were victorious, the National Survey Institute (LSI) and
the Indonesia Research Center (IRC), were not members of Persepi.
Eight of Indonesia’s most respected survey companies showed that Joko
Widodo and Jusuf Kalla won the election by a margin of between three
and five percentage points.
However, Prabowo, citing the four quick count results that showed him
ahead, has said he was confident the formal electoral count would show
he was the victor.
In addition to terminating the membership of Puskaptis and JSI, Hamdi
said that Persepi would recommend that the General Election Commission
(KPU) prohibit the pollsters from conducting quick counts again.
“We have sent a letter to the KPU not to allow them to undertake quick counts in forthcoming elections,” Hamdi said.
Persepi has asked all its members to be audited, including those whose quick counts showed Joko won.
Seven out of the eight organizations that said Joko won the election have already been audited.
They included the Center for Strategic and International Studies
(CSIS), Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC), Cyrus, Indonesian
Survey Circle (LSI), Polltracking Institute, Populi Center and Indikator
Politik Indonesia.
The other company which showed the Joko-Kalla ticket to have won was state-broadcaster RRI.
Persepi concluded that the sampling method of the seven pollsters was
correct and the quick counts were conducted with sound procedures.
“The pollsters that have been audited have explained the process and
the calculation method of the quick count,” said Hari Wijayanto, head of
the ethics council.
Eight of these 12 quick counts declared Joko Widodo the winner by a margin of between 4% to 6.88%, with an error margin of ±1% (SMRC’s margin of error is ±0.68%, because of their larger sample). Another quick count, by Populi Center, also shows a Jokowi victory, but by a margin of just under 1.9%, less than the count’s ±1% margin of error.
On Impact at 14GMT
@BBCWorld we speak to Prabowo #Subianto who's claiming victory in #Indonesia elections. What would you like to ask him?
— Babita Sharma (@BabitaBBC) July 11, 2014
How to read a quick count
Following the election on 9 July, Indonesian presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto appeared on a BBC World News Impact interview on 11 July 2014.
Following the election on 9 July, Indonesian presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto appeared on a BBC World News Impact interview on 11 July 2014.
Prabowo : Good
evening thank you for having me , thank
Well All of the real count that ‘s coming in shows that I am
leading so I think I am very confident that I have gotten the mandate of the
Indonesian people
No no no I think it’s completely the other way around >
those institutions that you mentioned they are all very partisan , they are
openly , they have openly supported
Jokowi , may be , for the last one year
and they are actually part of Jokowi’s supporters so they are not objective , they are completely
not objective and I think they are part of grand design to manipulate perception
So let us rely on the legal institution of Indonesia ,
there is General Election Commission , there is a process of counting ,
real counting coming in. We have witnesses in every voting station and we have voting certificates of the witnesses
which have all the required signatures so let’s go through the due process of
counting verification and let the General Election Commission decide
Election watch
Simak wawancara ekslusif BBC dengan capres Prabowo Subianto.#PrabowodiBBC
— BBC Indonesia (@BBCIndonesia) July 11, 2014
Calon presiden Prabowo Subianto dalam wawancara
ekslusif dengan BBC mengatakan yakin menang di pemilihan presiden dan
mendapat mandat dari rakyat Indonesia.
Saat menjawab pertanyaan bahwa berbagai hasil
hitung cepat menunjukkan Joko Widodo lebih unggul, calon urut nomor satu
ini mengatakan, "Semua survei menunjukkan saya unggul dan saya yakin
akan mendapat mandat dari rakyat Indonesia."
Prabowo:'' I'm confident to win and get the people's
Presidential candidate Prabowo in an exclusive interview
with the BBC says confident of victory in the presidential election and have a
mandate from the people of Indonesia.
When answering a question that a variety of quick count
results show Joko Widodo leading, the no 1 of the candidate pair is
saying, "All the surveys show that I excel and I am sure I will get a mandate
from the people of Indonesia."
However, when asked Babita Sharma from BBC TV World, what
would be done if not win, Prabowo answered, "I have to live a calm and
pleasant, a peaceful life."
"Saya akan kembali ke kehidupan saya. Saya bersyukur atas hidup saya. Saya melakukan semua ini hanya untuk bangsa saya."
Pada hari pemilihan presiden Rabu lalu (09/07), baik Klik Prabowo dan Jokowi sama-sama mengklaim menang.
Namun hasil resmi baru akan diumumkan oleh Komisi Pemilihan Umum pada tanggal 22 Juli mendatang.
"I'm going back to my life. I am grateful for my life.
I do all this just for my nation."
On the day of the presidential election last Wednesday
(09/07), both Prabowo and Jokowi both claimed victory.
However, the official results will be announced by the General
Election Commission on 22 July.
Bukan orang yang rendah hati
He is not humble
Terkait dengan hasil pemilihan presiden, Prabowo mengatakan, "Jika KPU sudah memutuskan kehendak rakyat, saya akan menghormati, tapi tidak pernah sekali pun mereka (kubu Jokowi) mengatakan hal itu."
"Yang ada justru pengumuman kalau Prabowo menang berarti dia curang," tambah Prabowo yang diwawancara secara langsung dari London melalui kantor BBC di Jakarta.
"Saya yakin saya akan menang tapi kalau rakyat Indonesia tidak membutuhkan saya, saya baik-baik saja."
Ia juga mengatakan selalu minta para pendukungnya "untuk tetap tenang, saingan kita adalah saudara kita, mereka bukan musuh. Tetapi tidak sekali pun saingan saya mengatakan hal yang sama."
Saat ditanya tentang gaya berpolitik yang berbeda dengan Jokowi, Prabowo mengatakan "persepsi tentang Joko Widodo diciptakan oleh tim PR (Humas) dan bahwa Jokowi adalah alat oligarki."
"Ia bukan orang yang merakyat, ia mengklaim sebagai orang yang rendah hati tapi saya rasa itu cuma akting."
In regard to the results of the presidential election,
Prabowo said, "If the Commission has decided will of the people, I will
honor it, but never once did they (camp
Jokowi) said it
"That there is an announcement that Prabowo's win means
he's cheating," added Prabowo interviewed directly from London
via the BBC office in Jakarta.
"I am sure I will win but if the people of Indonesia do
not need me, I'm fine."
He also said he always asked his supporters "to remain calm,
our competitors are our brothers, they are not the enemy. , but not once
did my rival saythe same thing."
When asked about the different political style with Jokowi,
Prabowo says "the perception of Joko Widodo has been created by a team of PR
(Public Relations) and Jokowi is a tool of oligarchy."
"He was not a populist, he claims to be a humble person
but I think it's all an act."
Prabowo Subianto on BBC on July 11th. 2014
wawancara ekslusif BBC dengan capres Prabowo Subianto.
Ia mengatakan hasil akhir tetap akan ditentukan oleh perhitungan yang dilakukan oleh Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU).
Sehingga mantan Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) ini meminta pendukung Prabowo-Hatta untuk mengawal perolehan suara di tiap-tiap tempat pemungutan suara (TPS).
Sama seperti di Pileg 2014, Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) menyetujui kehadiran 56 lembaga survei yang mungkin juga melakukan dan melansir hasil quick count Pilpres 2014.
Adapun 56 lembaga survei dan lembaga quick count berdasar data dari KPU adalah:
- 1. PT Lingkaran Survei Kebijakan Publik
- 2. PT Citra Komunikasi LSI
- 3. PT Konsultan Citra Indonesia
- 4. Media Survei Nasional
- 5. PT Citra Publik Indonesia
- 6. PT Indikator Politik Indonesia
- 7PT Data Lembaga Survei Indonesia (LSI)
- 8. PT Lingkaran Survei Indonesia (LSI)
- 9. PT Roy Morgan Research
- 10. Lembaga Jaringan Isu Publik
- 11. PT Cyrus Nusantara
- 12. PT Citra Publik
- 13. PT Media Survei Indonesia
- 14. Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting
- 15. CIRUS Surveyors Group
- 16. Lembaga Survei Nasional
- 17. Pusat Data Bersatu
- 18. Lembaga Survei Jakarta
- 19. Pol-Tracking Indonesia
- 20. Indopoling Network Research, Strategy and Consulting
- 21. Political Communication Institute
- 22. Markplus Insight
- 23. Indonesia Research Centre (PT Pusat Riset Indonesia)
- 24. Pusat Kajian Kebijakan dan Pembangunan Strategis (Puskaptis)
- 25. PT Indo Barometer
- 26. Charta Politika Indonesia
- 27. Polmark Indonesia
- 28. Jaringan Suara Indonesia (JSI)
- 29. Studi Suara Rakyat (SSR)
- 30. Lentera Data Riset
- 31. Lembaga Polling Indonesia (LPI)
- 32. Political Weather Station
- 33. Lembaga Klimatologi Politik
- 34. New Indonesia (Yayasan Lembaga Survei Publik Bekasi)
- 35. Puslitbang Diklat LPP RRI
- 36. PT Kompas Media Nusantara
- 37. Institute for Strategic and Development Studies
- 38. PT Alvara Strategi Indonesia
- 39. (PT Tridaya Nusantara Internasional)
- 40. Lembaga Survei Independen Nusantara (LSIN)
- 41. PT Premiere Epsilon Indonesia
- 42. Soegeng Sarjadi School of Government (Yayasan Indonesia Cerdas Soegeng Sarjadi)
- 43. Indonesia Research and Survey (IRES)
- 44. Citra Survei Indonesia (CSI)
- 45. PT Indo Survey dan Data Strategy (ISS)
- 46. PT Tylor Nelson Sofres Indonesia
- 47. Populi Center
- 48. Lembaga Real Count Nusantara
- 49. Nurjaman Center For Indonesian Democrazy (NCID)
- 50. Lembaga Pemilih Indonesia
- 51. Survei dan Polling Indonesia (SPIN)
- 52. Indonesia Survey Center (JSC)
- 53. Founding Father House (Graha Bapak Pendiri Bangsa)
- 54. Litbang Koran SINDO (PT. Media Nusantara Indonesia)
- 55. Riset Kebijakan dan Otonomi Daerah (Rekode)
- 56. Losta Institute
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Prabowo Subianto has declared himself the winner of the presidential election. Photo: Bloomberg |
Mr Prabowo’s brother and campaign manager, billionaire businessman
Hashim Djojohadikusumo, insisted his team had access to their own “real
count” of votes showing that by 5pm on Thursday the former army
strongman was winning 51.67 per cent of the vote.
Mr Hashim said the latest figures sent by his coalition’s operatives
in the field to the “Prabowo-Hatta National Tabulation Centre” showed
his brother with 43.9 million votes and Mr Joko with 40.1 million votes.
As counting continues in the election and Joko Widodo firms as the
likely victor over Prabowo Subianto, a cautious Mr Abbott praised both
men as ''competent, credible individuals who will do their best to build
a better and stronger nation''.
The Prime Minister steered clear of the controversial hardline asylum seeker policies enacted by his government.
''Both of them [Mr Joko and Mr Subianto] are on the record as wanting
to maintain good and strong relations with Australia. I'm confident we
will always be able to work well with the Indonesian president,'' he
''Whoever ultimately emerges, we will be able to work with them.''
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