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October 16, 2020

World Bank Statement on Omnibus Law - Job Creation

 Jakarta , October 20th. 2020

The Omnibus Law or Job Creation is a major reform to make Indonesia more competitive and support the country's long term aspiration of becoming a prosperous society . 

"Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja adalah upaya reformasi besar untuk menjadikan

Indonesia lebih kompetitif." Ini kata Bank Dunia.

Jakarta, October 16, 2020

Pernyataan World Bank Perihal Omnibus Law  - Job Creation

Omnibus Law atas Cipta Kerja merupakan upaya reformasi besar- untuk menjadikan Indonesia lebih berdaya saing dan mendukung aspirasi jangka panjang bangsa untuk menjadi masyarakat yang sejahtera. Hal ini mampu mendukung pemulihan ekonomi yang tangguh dan pertumbuhan jangka panjang di Indonesia. Dengan menghapus pembatasan yang ketat pada investasi dan menandakan bahwa Indonesia terbuka untuk bisnis, hal ini mampu membantu menarik investor, menciptakan lapangan kerja dan membantu Indonesia memerangi kemiskinan.

Penerapan Undang-Undang secara konsisten akan menjadi penting dan akan membutuhkan peraturan pelaksanaan yang kuat untuk memastikan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang inklusif dan berkelanjutan serta upaya bersama oleh Pemerintah Indonesia  dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya.

The Omnibus Law on Job Creation is a major reform effort to make Indonesia more competitive and support the country’s long-term aspiration of becoming a prosperous society. It can support resilient economic recovery and long-term growth in Indonesia. By removing heavy restrictions on investment and signaling that Indonesia is open for business, it can help attract investors, create jobs and help Indonesia fight poverty.

Consistent implementation of the Law will be critical  and will require strong implementing regulations to ensure inclusive and sustainable economic growth as well as concerted efforts by the Government of Indonesia and other stakeholders.

The World Bank is committed to working with the Government of Indonesia on these reforms, towards economic recovery and a brighter future for all Indonesians.

Bank Dunia berkomitmen untuk bekerja sama dengan Pemerintah Indonesia dalam reformasi ini, sehingga menuju pemulihan ekonomi dan masa depan yang lebih cerah bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia .

 The Omnibus Law on Job Creation is a major reform effort to make Indonesia more competitive and support the country’s long-term aspiration of becoming a prosperous society. It can support resilient economic recovery and long-term growth in Indonesia. By removing heavy restrictions on investment and signaling that Indonesia is open for business, it can help attract investors, create jobs and help Indonesia fight poverty. Consistent implementation of the Law will be critical  and will require strong implementing regulations to ensure inclusive and sustainable economic growth as well as concerted efforts by the Government of Indonesia and other stakeholders.

The World Bank is committed to working with the Government of Indonesia on these reforms, towards economic recovery and a brighter future for all Indonesians. 

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