The grand opening of the first Bali International spa and wellness expo 2011 taking place at Sanur Paradise Convention Center was officially opened by the minister of Health, Mrs Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih today.
1st Bali international Spa & Wellness Expo 2011 opened on march 9th 2011 at 10:55 WITA, started with the welcoming speech from the committee organizer report about the exhibition by Mr Felix Rusli as the chairman committee, as well as the organizer and then followed by the speech from Mr.Nyoman Swijana as the representative of PHRI Bali and Mrs. VF Lulu Widjaja from Bali Spa & Wellsess Association (BSWA). The event will last for 3 days, starting from March 9 - 11 2011 at Sanur Paradise Convention Center, followed by 48 Exhibitors from various local , national and international companies.
The Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Lampung province pavilion presented two beautiful traditional dances during the opening ceremony.
She does hope through this expo, we can be aware of our potential to be a center of health tourism in Asia where we can run medical spa as well. As we know every time people get sick they usually rush to Singapore, China and other countries while here in Indonesia, especially Bali, the patients can enjoy the beauty of tourism objects while having medical spa and wellness for their recovery. She is glad to hear that Sanglah hospital is underway to run medical spa in Bali and will be followed by other hospitals in Indonesia.She also cited during her opening remarks that we had to improve the image or negative connotation about spa itself and focus on herbal medicine . It is time we used traditional medicine instead of western medicine. Especially Indonesia is very rich in its herbs. It doesn't mean western medicine is not good, but we must start cultivating and utilizing our herbal heritage.
Indonesia is poised to become an important center for medical tourism due to its low cost of treatment, highly qualified doctors, and extremely modern hospitals. But,unfortunately it is not ranked among the four top centers of medical tourism in Asia – Thailand, India, Singapore, and Malaysia. Indonesia provides many patients to these medical tourism countries, which can provide cheaper medical care.
She also hoped that there would be a sort of cooperation between hospitals and spas to create a spa facility for an international hospital as an alternative treatment, so that people do not need to take treatment abroad but love Indonesian products instead..
After the opening remarks, the minister escorted by her entourage was conducting site inspection around the exhibition area which was participated by 48 spa and wellness companies and associations such as BSWA, Bali Hotel association, spa factory , Tawada healthcare, Jamu Spa traditional spa, Victus Life Bio company, etc
At the expo area, we could see a lipomassage demo provided by Tawada healthcare. According to Shanti Sarawati, the product manager,since 1999, Tawada Healthcare has been in the forefront of Indonesia healthcare technology provider. With excellent service and focused teams, companies from all around the world have chosen us as their distributing partner for the Indonesian market.
On Thursday the 10th of March 2011 lots of exciting programs were offered to the visitors of the Bali International Spa & Wellness Expo. In addition to 48 exhibition booths, visitors could attend seminars, workshop and presentations. All these programs were started at 9 AM. There were six sessions altogether offered to the visitors of the expo. The first one was a seminar conducted by Maura Linda Sitanggang about registering products in Indonesia. Then it was continued with another session on trends in medical spa and anti-aging spa presented by Windiyati Nogroho. Erika Dewi Garrigues presented a seminar called ‘Awakening our inner self’. The fourth seminar was about wellness with acupressure and was given by Hong Chua. After that, the visitors went to attend the seminar on ‘Infinity Qi Gong’. The last seminar of the day was Wakanspa presented by Maria Epple and Meritxell Salvador.
Also public presentations were given at the Pacific Hall of the Sanur Paradise Convention Centre. The first presentation was given by Sentosa P. Tjandra about scientifically-based anti-aging and longevity program. Maria Epple and Meritxell Salvador gave a presentation about TimexpertRiders X. Cell. After that Penny Ellis gave a presentation called ‘The high cost of not training’. The last presentation was delivered by the Sanur Paradise Fitness Center. The events were filled with lots of most interesting varied activities.
On Friday, March 11, 2011 there will be neither any workshops nor seminars that the visitors can attend. There will be only four presentations in the Pacific Hall. The Gala Dinner which will be served for the participants will be held at 7 PM in the Denpasar Room of the Sanur Paradise Convention Centre and it will be closing of this three day international spa and wellness expo 2011.
During the 5 minute interview with Andrea Pastore, the Sales Head for Asia Pacific, he explains Biocompany sells a range of cosmetic products based on the concept of "natural composition, high effect." That means it uses only natural ingredients (most of plant origin, except for some mineral) in its products.
Within the three-day event, educational seminars and workshops have been tailored to the needs of managers, owners and therapist are scheduled. Lessons will be shared on management techniques and the standardization of therapy practice, and tips on how to register spa products with the Indonesian regulatory agencies to better prepare for the coming era of free trade in the region.
The seminars and workshops were at least followed by more than 250 participants today
The seminar & workshop started at 09:00 At the spa therapist session on standardization & qualification of spa and therapists nowadays, it was comdcucted by Ir Mayasari Tjahjono S.Pd. The seminar was all about how therapists to make sure that their spa or salon is up to date according to the latest rules and regulations. After this seminar, it was followed by another speaker from Ecolab talking about hygiene and sanitation in spa & fitness area . With this information the attendees of the seminar were able to learn what the standards of hygiene are for their spa & fitness facility. Being in the spa and wellness business is not only about hygiene and spa therapy , it is also about business. Therefore, the third seminar that was presented Yena talked about time management. After the lunch break ,a massage competition started. Some massage therapists were judged on their performances as a therapist.
Various exciting programs were also held on the main stage in the Exhibition hall area, such as live demo and presentation by the exhibitors to introduce their products. Not only the presentation and live demo, but in the main stage the expo also featured a fashion show by Yenli . Until in the late afternoon, the committee noted the number of visitors reached 793 visitors.
The Bali International Spa & Wellness Expo 2011 is supported by the Indonesian Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Indonesian Department of Trade, the Agency for the Supervision of Food and Medicine (POM), the Provincial Government of Bali, the municipality of Denpasar, the Bali Spa Wellness Association, Bali Tourism Board and the Bali chapter of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI).
Seminar & Workshop
Wednesday, 09 March 2011
Therapists Session
09.00 - 09.45 Human Anatomy (muscles or bones or skin) Cibtac Holder Trainers
09.45 - 10.30 Hygiene and Sanitation in Spa & Fitness Area Ecolab
10.30 - 11.00 Coffee Break
11.00 - 11.45 Time Management Yena
12.00 - 13.00 Lunch
13.00 - 16.00 Games and Competition PIBI School
Spa Manager/ Owners Sessions
Wednesday, 09 March 2011 | |||||||
09.00 | - | 10.15 | Planning for new creative spa experience; linking products and services to your markets by Maria Hyde Smith and John S Hull | ||||
10.15 | - | 10.45 | Coffee Break | ||||
10.45 | - | 12.00 | Rasayana – The Path of Total Well being
| ||||
13.00 | Lunch | ||||||
13.00 | - | 14.15 | Spa Revenue Maximization by | ||||
| |||||||
14.15 | - | 14.45 | Coffee Break | ||||
14.45 | - | 16.00 | Retail – What does it mean to your spa business Maria Prosperi – Porta | ||||
16.15 | - | 17.00 | Yoga Special by Meghan - Bali Spirit |
the Second day event schedule
10 March 2011 at Pacific Inter Beauty Hall
11:00 pm – 12:00 : Presentation Scientifically-Based Anti Aging & Longevity Program by : Sentosa P Tjandra from Victus Life
12:00 pm – 13.00 : Break Time
13:00 pm – 14.00 : Answer & question with Victus Life
14:00 pm – 16:00 : Time expert Riders X.Cel, to correct deep wrinkles. Based on skin stem cells by Ms Meritxell Salvador & Maria Epple
16:00 pm – 18.00 : Presentation The High Cost of Not Training by Mrs Penny Ellis
19:00 pm – 19.30 : Presentation Fitness ( Body Language ) by Fitness Center Sanur Paradise
A4M-World Asia <> - USA, American Aging
Assocation <> - USA, Asia Spa Magazine
<> - Hongkong, Aquazzi Spa - France, Api Tour -
Japan,Agility Fright Forwarder, Bali Bisa Spa School
<> , Bali Elshadai tour <>
, Bali Hotels Association <> , Bali
Soap <> , Bali Spa
<> & Wellness Association -
Indonesia, Bali Spa Training Center, Bali Tourism Board
<> - Indonesia, Bali
<> Wellness Journey, Badan
Pengelelolaan Obat <> Makanan Indonesia (BPOM) -
Indonesia, Bio Company <> -
Italy, Chyntia Grafika, Cocona Virgin Oil, Earth Star
<> - Singapore,
EMVEE - Indonesia, Flying Tour & Travel, Germaine de
<> Cappucine, GRT Printing, Indo
<> Multimedia, Indonesia Food Hotel
Restaurant Association (PHRI), Jamu
<> Traditional Spa,
Jamu Spa School <> -
Indonesia, Kaimana Spa - Indonesia, Mum Florist & Decoration " Asia Beauty"
- Indonesia, Muse Japan <> , Minister of Tourism
<> & Culture Indonesia - Indonesia,
Minister <> Trade Indonesia - Indonesia, Mandara
Spa <> - Indonesia, Marine
Tour & Travel - Indonesia, The Oasis Hotel Benoa - Bali, Pacific Beauty
Indonesia, The Patra Resort & Hotel - Indonesia, Professional Beauty -
Australia, Pak Oles - Indonesia, Planet Hollywood Restaurant, ROLE
FOUNDATION, Sanur Paradise Spa & Fitness Center, Sinar Photo, Sayan
Aesthetic <> Institute -
Bali, Spa <> Factory Bali Pte
Ltd - Indonesia, Spa Australasia Magazine (Aus), Sorisa Sormedic,
S'Ayurverda Spa Clinic, Tawada Health Care - Japan, Victus Life
<> - USA, Westin
Hotel & Resort, Yonka <>
Denpasar, Rumah sakit merupakan tempat pengobatan kesehatan. Namun, tak lama lagi, pasien bisa mendapatkan pengobatan sekaligus menikmati layanan spa di rumah sakit.
Salah satu rumah sakit yang akan membangun layanan spa adalah Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat (RSUP) Sanglah, Denpasar, Bali.
"RSUP Sanglah, ada rencana membuka layanan spa," kata Menteri Kesehatan dr Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih usai membuka acara Bali International Spa and Wellness Expo di Hotel Sanur Paradise, Jl By Pass Sanur, Denpasar, Rabu (9/3/2011).
Ia berjanji akan segera membuat regulasi perizinan bagi rumah sakit yang tertarik membuka layanan spa kepada para pasiennya. "Pemerintah akan membuatkan regulasinya agar izinnya jelas," katanya.
Endang pun membuka pintu bagi rumah sakit yang ingin memberikan layanan spa. "Bagi rumah sakit yang akan membuka itu, kita silakan karena bisa memakai izin rumah sakit. Tapi yang mau buka sendiri harus nunggu izin," jelasnya.
Sebagai salah satu bentuk layanan kesehatan, spa tidak hanya menawarkan perawatan tubuh tetapi juga sering dimanfaatkan untuk relaksasi atau meredakan stres dan rasa letih. , layanan yang diberikan di spa sangat beragam mulai dari pijat refleksi, facial hingga sauna.
Tidak semua orang menganggap spa sebagai kebutuhan hidup sehat karena bagi sebagian , spa hanya dipandang sebagai tuntutan gaya hidup. Oleh karena itu tak heran jika ada yang memandang spa identik dengan kemewahan karena tarif layanannya memang relatif mahal.
RSUP Sanglah saat ini telah memiliki klinik herbal dan akupuntur. Rumah sakit terbesar di Bali ini akan membuka klinik spa di tahun 2011. "Pengobatan tradisional jadi pelengkap. Kalau pasien membutuhkannya, tentu kami layani . Saat ini sudah ada klinik herbal dan akupuntur. Klinik spa akan dibuka akhir Desember 2011," kata Direktur Medik dan Keperawatan Anak Agung Ngurah Jaya Kusuma.
London , Antara
Because of Spa ingredients such as frangipani flowers and Turmeric, Indonesian spa became the limelight in Nuremberg, Germany at the Freizeit exhibition which took place in Nuremberg, Bavaria State.
Consul General in Frankfurt, Damos Dumoli Agusman, in his statement received from London, on Wednesday said many visitors admired the Indonesian spa products such as scented frangipani flowers and Turmeric.
Many visitors asked about the ingredients contained in the Indonesian spa products such as turmeric, lemon grass, flowers and frangipani is something new, he said.
Consulate General Frankfurt officially opened pavilion spa products and tourism during the five-day operation of the exhibition which was held earlier this month in Nuremberg.
In the exhibition, Frankfurt Consulate General in cooperation with local travel agency owned by citizens of Indonesia offered tour packages to visit Bali, Sumatra and Medan, Toraja, Surabaya, Komodo Island, and Sumba.
Bali remains a favorite destination for potential tourists in Nuremberg and the surrounding city. Indonesian spa product has not been well known by the public in Nuremberg and the surrounding city.
Therefore,we need to actively promote such products either through the exhibition of tourism and other related trade shows.
Meanwhile Erlina Omar, owner of "Bali Beauty Spa" which was invited to be a partner by Consulate General in Frankfurt said communities in Nuremberg and its surrounding cities do not know much about and other spas.
They generally still use local products containing mud and local plants, he said.
Promotional activities to introduce the spa products of Indonesia should be done continuously in Germany, especially at the city like Nuremberg.
With four potential buyers , the two German spa owners and two owners of spas and hotels Austria, Erlina said she was quite satisfied with the results of promotions at the fair.
Freizeit Nuremberg Exhibition 2011 is an annual exhibition that offers a wide range of products and services related to travel and tourism, camping and caravans, outdoor and sports, gardening, and car and bicycle held since 1968 and Indonesia's first time participating in this exhibition was visited by more than 90,000 people from Nuremberg and the surrounding city. (ANTARA)
London (ANTARA) - Produk Spa Bunga Kemboja dan Kunyit Indonesia menjadi perhatian masyarakat Nurnberg, Jerman dalam pameran "Freizeit" yang berlangsung di Nurnberg, Negara Bagian Bayern.
Konjen RI di Frankfurt, Damos Dumoli Agusman, dalam keterangannya yang diterima Antara London, Rabu menyebutkan pengunjung sanjungan Indonesia banyak yang mengagumi produk spa Indonesia beraroma bunga Kemboja dan Kunyit.
Banyak pengunjung bertanya mengenai bahan-bahan yang terkandung dalam produk spa Indonesia yang menurut mereka bahan-bahan seperti kunyit, sereh, bunga-bungaan seperti Kemboja merupakan sesuatu yang baru, ujarnya.
KJRI Frankfurt membuka anjungan produk spa dan pariwisata selama lima hari penyelenggaraan pameran yang diselenggarakan awal bulan di Nurnberg.
Dalam pameran tersebut, KJRI Frankfurt bekerja sama dengan biro perjalanan setempat milik warga Indonesia menawarkan paket-paket wisata kunjungan ke Bali, Sumatra dan Medan, Toraja, Surabaya, Pulau Komodo, dan Sumba.
Bali masih merupakan destinasi favorit bagi calon wisatawan Nurnberg dan kota sekitarnya. Produk spa Indonesia belum banyak dikenal masyarakat Nurnberg dan kota sekitarnya.
Untuk itu, perlu mempromosikan secara aktif produk-produk tersebut baik melalui pameran pariwisata maupun pameran dagang terkait lainnya.
Sementara itu Erlina Umar, pemilik spa "Bali Beauty Spa" yang digandeng KJRI Frankfurt, masyarakat Nurnberg dan kota sekitarnya belum banyak mengenal dan mengetahui produk spa lainnya.
Mereka pada umumnya masih menggunakan produk lokal yang mengandung lumpur dan tumbuhan lokal, ujarnya.
Kegiatan promosi untuk memperkenalkan produk-produk spa Indonesia perlu terus menerus dilakukan di Jerman khususnya kota-kota seperti Nurnberg.
Dengan empat pembeli potensial masing-masing dua dari pemilik spa Jerman dan dua pemilik spa dan hotel Austria, Erlina menyatakan cukup puas dengan hasil promosi pada pameran tersebut.
Pameran Freizeit Nurnberg 2011 adalah pameran tahunan yang menawarkan berbagai ragam produk dan jasa terkait perjalanan dan pariwisata, berkemah dan karavan, outdoor and sports, berkebun, serta mobil dan sepeda diselenggarakan sejak 1968 dan Indonesia pertama kali ikut berpartisipasi pada pameran ini yang dikunjungi lebih dari 90.000 orang yang berasal dari kota Nurnberg dan sekitarnya.
Konjen RI di Frankfurt, Damos Dumoli Agusman, dalam keterangannya yang diterima Antara London, Rabu menyebutkan pengunjung sanjungan Indonesia banyak yang mengagumi produk spa Indonesia beraroma bunga Kemboja dan Kunyit.
Banyak pengunjung bertanya mengenai bahan-bahan yang terkandung dalam produk spa Indonesia yang menurut mereka bahan-bahan seperti kunyit, sereh, bunga-bungaan seperti Kemboja merupakan sesuatu yang baru, ujarnya.
KJRI Frankfurt membuka anjungan produk spa dan pariwisata selama lima hari penyelenggaraan pameran yang diselenggarakan awal bulan di Nurnberg.
Dalam pameran tersebut, KJRI Frankfurt bekerja sama dengan biro perjalanan setempat milik warga Indonesia menawarkan paket-paket wisata kunjungan ke Bali, Sumatra dan Medan, Toraja, Surabaya, Pulau Komodo, dan Sumba.
Bali masih merupakan destinasi favorit bagi calon wisatawan Nurnberg dan kota sekitarnya. Produk spa Indonesia belum banyak dikenal masyarakat Nurnberg dan kota sekitarnya.
Untuk itu, perlu mempromosikan secara aktif produk-produk tersebut baik melalui pameran pariwisata maupun pameran dagang terkait lainnya.
Sementara itu Erlina Umar, pemilik spa "Bali Beauty Spa" yang digandeng KJRI Frankfurt, masyarakat Nurnberg dan kota sekitarnya belum banyak mengenal dan mengetahui produk spa lainnya.
Mereka pada umumnya masih menggunakan produk lokal yang mengandung lumpur dan tumbuhan lokal, ujarnya.
Kegiatan promosi untuk memperkenalkan produk-produk spa Indonesia perlu terus menerus dilakukan di Jerman khususnya kota-kota seperti Nurnberg.
Dengan empat pembeli potensial masing-masing dua dari pemilik spa Jerman dan dua pemilik spa dan hotel Austria, Erlina menyatakan cukup puas dengan hasil promosi pada pameran tersebut.
Pameran Freizeit Nurnberg 2011 adalah pameran tahunan yang menawarkan berbagai ragam produk dan jasa terkait perjalanan dan pariwisata, berkemah dan karavan, outdoor and sports, berkebun, serta mobil dan sepeda diselenggarakan sejak 1968 dan Indonesia pertama kali ikut berpartisipasi pada pameran ini yang dikunjungi lebih dari 90.000 orang yang berasal dari kota Nurnberg dan sekitarnya.

Happy New year 2011
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