Sara Bareilles: Memimpikan Grammy dan Kuda
I'm home alone tonight
Full moon illuminates my room and sends my mind aflight
I think I was dreaming up some thoughts that were seemingly
Possible with you
And so I call you on the tin can phone
We rendezvous at a quarter-two and make sure we're alone
I think I've found a way for you and I to finally fly free
When we get there, we're gonna fly so far away
Making sure to laugh, while we experience anti-gravity
Anti-gravity, anti-gravity
For years, I kept it to myself
Now potentialities are bound are living under my shelf
Simply choose your destination from the diamond canopy
And we'll be there
And so I call you on the tin can phone
We rendezvous at a quarter-two and make sure we're alone
I think I've found the way for you and I to finally be free
When we get there, we're gonna fly so far away
Making sure to laugh, while we experience anti-gravity
Anti-gravity, anti-gravity
Anti-gravity, anti-gravity, oh yeah
Full moon illuminates my room and sends my mind aflight
I think I was dreaming up some thoughts that were seemingly
Possible with you
And so I call you on the tin can phone
We rendezvous at a quarter-two and make sure we're alone
I think I've found a way for you and I to finally fly free
When we get there, we're gonna fly so far away
Making sure to laugh, while we experience anti-gravity
Anti-gravity, anti-gravity
For years, I kept it to myself
Now potentialities are bound are living under my shelf
Simply choose your destination from the diamond canopy
And we'll be there
And so I call you on the tin can phone
We rendezvous at a quarter-two and make sure we're alone
I think I've found the way for you and I to finally be free
When we get there, we're gonna fly so far away
Making sure to laugh, while we experience anti-gravity
Anti-gravity, anti-gravity
Anti-gravity, anti-gravity, oh yeah
Sara Bareilles: King Of Anything Lyrics
Songwriters: Sara Beth Bareilles
Keep drinking coffee, stare me down across the table
While I look outside
So many things I’d say if only I were able
But I just keep quiet and count the cars that pass by
You’ve got opinions, man
We’re all entitled to ‘em, but I never asked
So let me thank you for your time, and try not to waste anymore of mine
And get out of here fast
I hate to break it to you babe, but I’m not drowning
There’s no one here to save
Who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?
You sound so innocent, all full of good intent
Swear you know best
But you expect me to jump up on board with you
And ride off into your delusional sunset
I’m not the one who’s lost with no direction
But you’ll never see
You’re so busy making maps with my name on them in all caps
You got the talking down, just not the listening
And who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?
All my life I’ve tried to make everybody happy
While I just hurt and hide
Waiting for someone to tell me it’s my turn to decide
Who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?
Who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?
Let me hold your crown, babe.
While I look outside
So many things I’d say if only I were able
But I just keep quiet and count the cars that pass by
You’ve got opinions, man
We’re all entitled to ‘em, but I never asked
So let me thank you for your time, and try not to waste anymore of mine
And get out of here fast
I hate to break it to you babe, but I’m not drowning
There’s no one here to save
Who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?
You sound so innocent, all full of good intent
Swear you know best
But you expect me to jump up on board with you
And ride off into your delusional sunset
I’m not the one who’s lost with no direction
But you’ll never see
You’re so busy making maps with my name on them in all caps
You got the talking down, just not the listening
And who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?
All my life I’ve tried to make everybody happy
While I just hurt and hide
Waiting for someone to tell me it’s my turn to decide
Who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?
Who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?
Let me hold your crown, babe.
Sara Barreiles Foto: Bernard Chaniago/Yahoo!
Sara Bareilles, musisi Amerika Serikat yang populer dengan lagu "Love Song", mengadakan konser Kaleidoscope Heart Tour 2011 di Jakarta pada Jumat, 12 Mei, malam. Yahoo! Indonesia mewawancarai Sara kurang dari dua jam setelah ia mendarat di Jakarta — dan semua pertanyaan dijawab dengan sangat ramah dan antusias.Lagu adalah buku harian saya. Lagu membantu saya untuk lebih baik memahami hidup.”
Penyanyi berusia 31 tahun ini mengungkapkan impian dan ketakutannya dalam memulai karya. Simak kutipan wawancaranya berikut ini:
Bagaimana kamu mendeskripsikan album terakhirmu, Kaleidoscope Heart?
Saya rasa album ini adalah tentang keberanian dan menghadapi ketakutan. Memulai karya ini sangat berat untuk saya. Saya gugup dan takut membayangkan bagaimana wujud album saya yang berikutnya. Saya banyak menyemangati diri sendiri dengan kalimat seperti “Ayo, kamu bisa!”. Akibatnya di album ini banyak lagu yang memberi semangat. Selain itu, juga ada beberapa lagu mengenai kisah sedih dalam hidup saya. Cakupannya lebih luas dari album sebelumnya.
Jadi lagu itu berasal dari pengalaman pribadimu?
Ya, pastinya. Lagu adalah buku harian saya. Lagu membantu saya untuk lebih baik memahami hidup. Saat ada peristiwa yang sangat emosional, saya selalu mengadu pada piano. Saya menghibur diri saya sendiri melalui musik, dan itu menghasilkan karya. Cara ini memang sudah saya lakukan sejak kecil.
Sara Barreiles Foto: Bernard Chaniago/ Yahoo!
Single pertama, “King of Anything”, disebut-sebut sangat berperspektif perempuan. Apakah benar begitu?
Sekarang ini orang cenderung banyak mengkritik melalui Internet, karena mereka mengira identitasnya tersembunyi.”
Lagu itu bercerita mengenai semacam pemahaman bahwa semua orang memang bisa berpendapat mengenai hidupmu. Tapi semuanya terserah kamu, mau mendengarkan orang lain atau tidak. Pada akhirnya, itu tentang berkata "Siapa peduli? Apa yang saya lakukan bukan urusanmu." Ya, ini tentang girl power.
Bagaimana kamu menyikapi kritik?
Saya hanya menyiapkan senjata dan bersiap-siap. Dalam pekerjaan ini, saya harus membuka diri terhadap kritik. Beberapa orang memang suka karya saya dan beberapa tak suka, dan semuanya sangat berminat menyatakannya pada saya.
Saya menggunakan lagu untuk menanamkan mantra di kepala. Apa pun yang mereka pikir, terserah. Saya lakukan apa yang saya suka. Saya berusaha tidak terlalu sering membaca ulasan mengenai musik saya. Karena pujian hanya akan membuat saya besar kepala sedangkan kritik membuat saya merasa terpuruk.
Saya menulis lagu berjudul “Machine Gun” di album terbaru yang bercerita tentang kritik yang jahat. Sekarang ini orang cenderung banyak mengkritik melalui Internet, karena mereka mengira identitasnya tersembunyi. Mereka bersembunyi, sehingga bisa menjadi jahat pada orang lain. Saya pikir orang-orang semacam itu tak punya integritas.
Kalau begitu apakah kamu mendengar saran dan kritik dari fans, terutama melalui Twitter?
Kadang orang memang memberi kritik yang menyakitkan di sana, tapi sebagian besar memberi respons yang positif dan membangun. Sepertinya lebih menyenangkan bagi orang-orang untuk menyapa, seperti "Hai Sara," dan meminta lagu yang akan dimainkan di konser.
Kemarin di Twitter, saya meminta orang menyarankan lagu apa yang harus jadi single selanjutnya. Ada banyak sekali saran yang berbeda-beda. Saya harus menyortir lagi, karena banyak sekali pendapat yang berbeda. Ini di luar dugaan. Ada banyak yang suka “Let the Rain”, tapi banyak juga yang suka “Hold My Heart”, “Gonna Get That Over You” dan “Machine Gun”. Jadi saya harus merenung dulu untuk memutuskan, mungkin harus meditasi dulu (tertawa).
Bagaimana rasanya jadi bintang?
Saya tak merasa jadi bintang. Banyak orang bertanya, bagaimana rasanya jadi terkenal padahal saya tak merasa terkenal. Saya hanya mengalami petualangan yang menyenangkan saat bermain musik di seluruh dunia untuk orang-orang.
Saya merasa seperti mendapat lotere. Saya bisa melakukan hal yang menyenangkan, keliling dunia, bisa berbincang hal yang menyenangkan dan bicara tentang diri saya sepanjang waktu. Sungguh, saya merasa sangat diberkati. Saya bekerja keras dan saya tahu saya beruntung.
Ada target spesifik setiap kali merilis album?
Tujuan utama saya saat membuat lagu adalah memastikan bahwa saya sangat bangga terhadap karya saya. Industri musik tidak bisa diprediksi — saya tak pernah bisa menebak bagaimana cara kerjanya. Hal yang bisa saya pastikan hanyalah, saya mencintai apa yang saya lakukan. Saya ingin memberikan musik yang membuat orang bisa merasa terhubung dengan musik saya, supaya orang merasa nyaman, senang dan membuat mereka tertawa. Musik saya adalah untuk penggemar saya.
Kamu dinominasikan Grammy tiga kali. Apakah Grammy akan menjadi impian terbesar kamu sebagai musisi?
Ya, saya mendapat nominasi tiga kali tapi gagal menang. Terima kasih sudah mengingatkan (tertawa).
Saya akan senang sekali mendapatkan Grammy. Adalah kehormatan besar telah dinominasikan, tapi tentu berbeda jika saya bisa pulang membawa satu piala.
Kalau memang ada satu hal yang bisa saya impikan sebagai puncak karir, itulah Grammy. Sejak kecil saya sudah melihat Grammy melalui televisi. Saat itu saya memimpikan untuk mendapat Grammy. Pasti akan menyenangkan. Selain itu, saya juga ingin punya kuda.
Sara Beth Bareilles (
2009–present: Kaleidoscope Heart
Bareilles began work on the follow-up to her major label debut in the summer of 2009, collaborating with the likes of Amir "Questlove" Thompson, members of Weezer, and Pharrel Williams. As the songs began to take their final shape, Neal Avron was assigned to produce, record, and mix the entire album. The album was recorded at The Village Recorder and Sunset Sound in Los Angeles.The first single from her second album, "King of Anything," began receiving radio airplay in the US in May 2010, and was released for sale in June. "King of Anything" had its first play on the UK radio airwaves on Paul Kay's "Album Download" show on Mid-Wales commercial radio station "Radio Maldwyn - The Magic 756" in August 2010. King of Anything has since been certified Gold by the RIAA.
In anticipation of the new album, Bareilles released a series of webisodes, featuring the making of select songs from "Kaleidoscope Heart," including "King of Anything," "Uncharted," "Gonna Get Over You," "Bluebird," and a strings only version of "King of Anything." The first webisode also contains Sara writing the chorus for "Hold My Heart". She was selected as VH1's Posted Artist of the Month for July 2010 chronicling her life leading up to the album's release.
Kaleidoscope Heart was released on September 7, 2010 and debuted at number 1 in the United States, selling 90,000 copies. Interestingly, her previous album Little Voice re-entered the charts at number 200 in the same week, bookending the charts.
She toured in support of Kaleidoscope Heart from September to December 2010, with most of the shows being sold out. Bareilles toured Europe and parts of Asia and Australia with Maroon 5 throughout spring 2011. She embarked on a small headline "Uncharted" tour in April 2011 with openers Elizabeth & the Catapult and Ximena Sariñana in support of the second single from Kaleidoscope Heart "Uncharted", which concluded April 23, 2011 in Memphis, TN. She will also be opening select shows for country music duo Sugarland on their Summer 2011 Incredible Machine Tour.
Collaborations with other artists
In December 2008, a single with Ingrid Michaelson titled "Winter Song" was released off the compilation The Hotel Cafe Presents Winter Songs. The two performed it on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and an animated video was released. She also recorded a song "Come Home," a duet with OneRepublic, which was released on iTunes on July 14, 2009.Bareilles performed with many other singers on the season 3 finale of 30 Rock, alongside Mary J. Blige, Rachael Yamagata, Sheryl Crow, Norah Jones and Elvis Costello. She also appeared with Weezer on Jimmy Kimmel Live and AOL Sessions guest performing "(If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To" as well for a special performance on YouTube.
She has performed for the First Family numerous times. Bareilles was first invited by First Lady Michelle Obama to play at the G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh in September 2009. Here she performed songs for the First Ladies of 20 nations and afterward dined with Michelle Obama. The Obamas again invited her to perform at the Easter Egg Roll in 2010. On October 20, it was announced that Bareilles would open for President Obama at a Las Vegas rally for the Democratic midterm elections. In December, Bareilles and fellow singer Ingrid Michaelson performed "Winter Song" for the Obamas and many spectators at the National Christmas Tree Lighting.
In December 2010, Bareilles appeared with The Backbeats on the season finale of The Sing-Off. She will perform a duet "Love Won't Let You Get Away" at Club Nokia with Seth MacFarlane on March 26, 2011.
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